Saturday, November 30, 2013
annoucement-- FB page is born
FB address:-
As mentioned in the title, this Blog has now on FB, mainly to provide another channel where people could find out about this blog, a well as meeting more people who also like craft beers,,,,
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Check first? or bloody Drink first?
There are essentially & that one could check for information and ratings of most beers.
Not sure since when but think i have developed a almost habitual ritual of checking on before, during or after drinking a beer, especially with beers i have not tried before.
Is that necessary? i do ask myself at times.
Beer drinking is essentially about DRINKING & TASTING beers rather than check on technical aspects, comments, or ratings, then only drink(or not drink) a particular beer.
Don't get me wrong, checking for information of a certain beer before deciding to part with your money is nothing wrong, but if one always only check to see if the beer is rated 100/100 then only consumed, i say this is not true craft beer drinking but more of a vanity drinker( showing those 100/100 on FB, Tweet, Blog do look good...)
Beer drinking, is a bit like travelling, if you follow 100% of what the guide books says about what to eat, where to visit and what to do during your travel, you would somehow found out that following 100% what the guide books says can be tiring, boring, or at times misleading, it could spoil your holidays because following squarely would make it very rigid, as if you have a working schedule/time table to catch up, its highly likely that you would miss the fun of unexpected discoveries along the way.
Same goes for, no doubt it is a good thing that we all can check on what other drinkers have to say about a certain beer, but on hind sight, isn't beer drinking is all about what YOU have tasted rather than what others have?
As we read on comments, opinions about a certain beer on ratebeer, very often we can find very contradicting ideas, opinions about a certain beer, because everyone has got different liking about the character/s of a certain beer.
Its like eating Durians(the king of fruits), some people love it to dead, some can't even stand near it. Some love the ever popular D24, but for me D24 is like a a very fat sweet potato, it would not be on my list of favorite Durians.
I have found out from my own as well as others tasting experiences that we do not love certain 100/100 rated beers. On the contrary, some lower ratings beers would easily make the top 20 beers list, In the end, a guide should only be a guide, NOT deciding what we drink or not drink.
Just like those who do not eat durians, or do not eat because they are told how "bad' the fruit taste or smell, if we decide not to drink a particular beer because of no ratings, low ratings or what others say on ratebeer or beeradvocate, then we will never know how it would actually taste or smell like....
That could mean missing out on a nice beer.
Next time when faced with a new beer, what do you do? check or drink first?
I will do both, not necessarily check first.
After all, beers are created for drinking, not for "checking out"....
Saturday, November 23, 2013
DARK LORD....and more
这是在东京的最后一个傍晚,也一早就订了·2009年的DARK LORD。一起赏味的英国人朋友NEIL说,这瓶应该是亮点。
在开始喝“摇滚级”瓶子之前,三个人分别各自叫了一杯ON TAPS的啤酒。
我选了日本当地JOHANNA酿酒厂的EARL GREY beer,是的,就是茶种,非常清新容易喝的一小杯。
第一瓶是NEIL选的OLD VISCOSITY (美国的Port Brewing酿),这是旧式威士忌口味的啤酒,也有咖啡黑巧克力味,非常有层次感。
好吧,那就“DARK LORD" 呗。
一拿出来,感觉就是瓶子很引人注目,因为包装是用不同颜色的蜡纸代表不同年份。2009 年的是白色。
花了点时间拍开瓶前后的照片后,终于酒在杯里了。第一口喝下感觉是“酱油味!”。。然后开始变化,综合那天晚上我和伙伴们的口感,变化之多,可以说是几乎每一口都会有不一样感觉。。有醋,豆,巧克力,麦芽,薏米,咖啡,威士忌, 焦糖等等不同味道。。虽然感觉五味杂陈,不是很能够掌握,不过可以肯定的是,黑魔王,盛名在外是有道理的。我的品酒伙伴们基本是喝一口赞一下,非常认同黑王的魔力!
喝完黑魔王之后,肯定需要一瓶可以让口味稍微“下来”的啤酒,我的直接反应是“开ADAM吧”, 觉得应该可以把魔王拉下来,结果,黑魔王很霸道,一直在霸占味觉。一直小口喝了第六口左右,ADAM的应有味道才算全跑出来(Adam之前有介绍,现在不重复了)
因为ADAM是很小瓶装的,三个人分享其实也就一小杯,所以提议再来最后一瓶,由NEIL选,他选了我没有想到的THE LOST ABBEY CARNEVALE SAISON.
这其实是一瓶我没有想过会那么恰到好处的SAISON,口感复杂,清爽。可以说是完美的“结束酒”。当然,可能之前喝的三瓶都起了铺排口感味觉的作用,让CARNEVALE在最后喝的时候很恰当的缓和,满足了需要“下来一点点”的心理和口感。(之前BLOG文也写过SAISON 和CARNEVALE,有兴趣可以看看旧文)
总结这几晚去Craftheads寻宝的感觉,有点像去了一个很厉害的摇滚音乐节,每天看到听到的都是非常高水准的乐队/歌手,有时候会觉得不够, WANT MORE, 可是同时也很清楚一下子太多好东西挤在一起也不是件好事,还是应该分开时间段,慢慢赏味才对得起这些好酒, 对得起自己的味蕾。
对我来说,Craftheads就是藏宝箱,虽然要飞6个小时,只要有机会,肯定要再去。至于曼谷12月就要开的Mikeller Bar, 虽然应该也会很精彩,直觉是两家会很不同风格藏酒,所以,曼谷要去,可是东京更加要去,因为,Mikeller的创办人之一,酿酒界的ROCK STAR Mikkel先生上次在吉隆坡的时候说过,他在东京的时候,去Craftheads喝到凌晨三点钟!
Prior arrangements been made to meet up with Neil & his wife for the 4th and last visit to Craftheads. Neil is an Englishman in Tokyo and write a lot about beers while his Japanese wife is in no way lesser an experience craft beer lover.
Unlike my 3 previous visit, the place was jam packed very early on( no wonder the bar tender was kind enough to reserve a table for us when told the date and time we are coming during my previous visit)
the three of us started with each having something from the taps, I had a very light and pleasing Earl Grey beer by Johanna, a Japanese brew, nice glass to start with.
and then the bottles game started...
Old Viscosity by Port Brewing was the first chosen one by Neil.
For me the taste was coffee,dark chocolate,malty..smooth one to go one half or two notch up the palate...
And then it's time for a second bottle, i pop the question"what's next?"...and almost immediately and unanimously the answer was" bring on the DARK LORD!"
And so entered the Dark Lord 2009, well, it was almost like waiting for a rock star to go on stage, all three of us were like waiting with bated breath...:)
After a good few minutes spend on taking the "souvenir photos" of "before and after" opened bottle, there it was, sitting pure dark, no head whatsoever in the glasses.
The next very long minutes were basically spend on savouring, trying to figure out what is the next taste, aroma that comes out from the glass of dark monster...I remember I said "soy sauce, vinegar, whisky..." and both Mr & Mrs Neil were saying a whole host of other taste and thing was certain, for every sip the dark forces changes it's character almost every time!
Personally, i have to admit that very heavy Russian imperial stout is probably a bit too heavy/complex for my palate, especially one that bend more towards the wine and spirits direction. But I have to say this one is worth the hype(and price :)
looking for something to change the palate, i suggested the tried and cherished Adam by Hair of the Dog, a small bottle just to try and change the mouth feel.
Well, the dark forces is never easily beaten, that's exactly what Adam must have felt! for the first 5-6 sip, the Dark Lord was still very much in control of the palate, Adam was fighting hard. It was only after the 6th sip that the full flavor of Adam came out in full.
Because Adam was such a small bottle, we decided to have the customary" one for the road"( well for some this could mean no end and no sight of the road until perhaps after another 4 or 5 or 6..?:)
Neil did the honor of choosing and what a gem it was!
Carnevale Saison by The Lost Abbey was the chosen one and i must say it was actually a perfect fit for the palate, one i suspect might have "benefited" from the earlier "build up process" with heavier beers, but whatever it might be, for a Saison it really taste very complex and pleasant,
It was a perfect bottle to end the 4 very pleasing yet at times "difficult"( due to selection issue, which one to drink, which one to skip for now..) visits to Craftheads.
The 4 visit is almost like attending a rock music festivals with all the big name, hard hitting bands playing in front of you non-stop, it was so good, yet, at times you felt surreal that this is the treasure place you have found but can only have so many(or so much) while you there....
For now( and i suspect for a long long while too), Craftheads is my definitive place to be whenever i have the chance to visit Tokyo. Yes, Mikeller bar is opening soon with shorter flying time to Bangkok, that is a must visit too but i do think the two bars is not only far apart in terms of flying distances, but would also be in terms of beers served/stored.
The rock star of craft brews, Mikkel of Mikkeller himself said when he was in KL recently, that Craftheads was the place he went to while in Tokyo, "drinking until 3am ..."
I shall be back( missed out totally on The Bruery's beer which Craftheads carry...and lots more....)
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Treasure hunt---the search continues
在涉谷找到Craftheads对很喜欢CRAFT BEER的人来说会是一件很开心的事。
1) In the name of suffering( black IPA by Three Floyd)
个人感觉:- 没有想象中好,跟喝过的其他瓶子比较觉得有一点单调。很苦,不过口感不太复杂。
2) Wee Heavy( scotch ale by Alesmith)
个人感觉:- 太好喝了。香滑顺口之后的口感是威士忌辣味。
3) Speedway Stout ( by Alesmith)
个人感觉:-咖啡,可可, 香料的复杂,非常圆润口感。
4) Dreadnaught( imperial IPA by Three Floyd)
5) Cherry Adam( strong ale by Hair of the Dog)
个人感觉:- 樱桃果香带一点点果酸,带有木桶成熟啤酒独特酒香。
第二和第三晚都是很开心的品酒经历。当然,还有第四晚的文字很快会再写。第四晚也是在CRAFTHEADS“朝拜”的最后一晚,当天的其中一瓶是大名鼎鼎的DARK LORD 2009年版。
It was only after a few days only did i pop my head into Craftheads for more treasure hunt.
On the 2nd Visit I did 2 bottles:-
1) In the name of suffering( black IPA by Three Floyd)
personal note:- a little disappointed as i was comparing this bottle to some of other black IPA i have tasted, it's very hoppy but probably it.
2) Wee Heavy( scotch ale by Alesmith)
personal note:- this bottle light up the taste bud, Im not a big fan of scotch ale but this is one hell of a bottle, really nice...and as the name suggest...a wee bit heavy too...
on the 3rd Visit, started with another of Alesmith bottles:-
1) Speedway Stout ( by Alesmith)
personal note:- for a stout, this one is creamy, smooth. taste coffee/mocha-ish....with whisky and spices after taste. Damn good.
2) Dreadnaught( imperial IPA by Three Floyd)
personal note:- full of fruity freshness, and hoppy after taste..Nice one.
3) Cherry Adam( strong ale by Hair of the Dog)
personal note:-last beer of the evening, wanted a beer to come down but this is a beer too good to "come down" at all...LOL...
Both 2nd & 3rd Visit were basically a beer geek's most simple pleasure, i.e. to have found a place stocked with awesome collections. Only problem is i could only drink so much(or little?) on each visit.
Will write about the 4th and last visit of the trip to Craftheads soon. It was to be the highlight of the visit as a bottle of 2009 Dark Lord by Three Floyd was booked and waiting to be savoured.
to be continued....
Monday, November 18, 2013
Meeting Adam---First visit to Craftheads
寻寻觅觅终于找到心目中第一家必须探索的东京CRAFT BEER BAR---Craftheads之后,踏入酒吧的时候有点像小孩子进到糖果店,虽然这家店的藏酒只是安静的在有点暗的吧台角落冰箱收着。不过,对于知道这些都是怎样的佳酿的有心人来说,这其实就是CRAFT BEER 爱好者的小小天堂。
第一次到访藏在繁忙涉谷中很安静的神南小区Craftheads, 我简直有点像到了图书馆那样,开始认真的查看当天的LIST,大概5分钟过后才决定喝什么。。
1)1) Stone's Sublimely Self Righteous Ale(Black IPA)
Ratebeer :-
(这是ON TAPS的。。接下来2,3,4才是瓶子)
2) Adam--- by Hair of the Dog(Traditional Ale)
3) Toxic Revolution---by Three Flyod(Stout)
4) Fred----by Hair of the Dog(Barley Wine)
能在Craftheads这样并不太大的BAR找到这么多美国“摇滚级” 的佳酿是有点难以置信的事情。当然最大的问题还是佳酿太多,几天时间肯定喝不完。不过,贪多嚼不烂,也不符合赏味佳酿的精神。
ABOUT Craftheads shibuya:-
I found Adam in Tokyo.
Adam is from Oregon, USA.( of course Adam is a bottle!)
Brewed by Hair of the Dog( what a name..), Adam is the first bottle(but second drink of the evening) on my first ever visit to Craftheads recently.
Stumbling my way to find Craftheads unassumingly tucked in a quite corner in Jinnan area within busy and bustling Shibuya shopping district, i was both relieved and excited to have found this little craft heaven in big Tokyo.
First 5 minutes at the bar was indeed a little bit "overwhelming" with all the magic potions in sight, chilled in two cold box just near the bar, waiting for those in the know to single them out....(what with some very good craft on taps too....)
For the record, that evening started with :-
1) Stone's Sublimely Self Righteous Ale(Black IPA)
Ratebeer :-
personal note:- dark,malty,floral yet hoppy after taste.
AND then comes the bottles:-
2) Adam--- by Hair of the Dog(Traditional Ale)
personal note:- this is what i've written down about Adam right after drinking--" fxxkxxx good! beat the hell out of any hoppy after taste left from previous beer, a very pleasing beer".
3) Toxic Revolution---by Three Flyod(Stout)
personal note:--also written on the spot--"nice one--stand it's ground despite Adam lingers on"
The evening Ended with :-
4) Fred----by Hair of the Dog(Barley Wine)
personal note:- written as " probably not doing justice to the beer because by now the taste bud and senses are not as fresh due to the 3 very good beers prior to this one" ( yes, in between the different beers a lot of cold water was consumed to freshen up the taste bud as much possible---however, by the 4th drink I supposed the body system kind of already surpassed optimum tasting point)
Looking back at the list above, it was indeed an awesome line up of beers to be consumed within one evening, to think that all these beers were all found in a not so big bar somewhere in Tokyo was both mind blowing as well as pleasing.( a hot bowl of delicious Ramen anyone..?)
But then, it was only the beginning of a few more evening with some more good ones along the way....
Will be writing some more about this very pleasant exploring trip in Tokyo craft jungle in the next few post....
Sunday, November 17, 2013
little trouble in Big Tokyo
去东京之前做了点功课,也谢谢TOKYO BEER DRINKER的BLOG,帮了不少忙。(有兴趣的请上去看看,已经在我的BLOG LIST)
简单的总结,东京的CRAFT BEER选择比这里多很多,单单只是我很喜欢的第一家BAR的冰箱就有很多非常厉害的藏酒(大多数是美国大师级作品),而且这家还有很不错的啤酒是已经上了TAPS的。
I was in Tokyo recently and faced with a little trouble.
Nope, not of the unpleasant or any Yakuza related kind, just craft beer related.
you see, I did a bit of home work prior to the trip to Tokyo looking for craft beer places.
and yes, thanks to the smaller world on the net, I found a very helpful blog Tokyo Beer Drinker which is listed now for everyone's reading pleasure.
so what was the little trouble i faced in Tokyo?
well, it was SELECTION problem.
imagined you are the manager of a football club and you walk into a dressing room full of players like Messi, Ronaldo, van Persie, Rooney, Falcao, Edison Cavani for a slot of two strike partnership...who do you choose? who to leave out?
there are many craft beer places in Tokyo, apart from those which concentrate on Japanese craft brews, I've basically singled out about 5 craft beer places in my "go visit" list.
But, right after my visit to the first bar, little trouble seem to have gotten much bigger----the reason? because the fridge that housed all the bottles in that particular bar is already way more than I could drink during my stay even if i go Everyday, and I would love to try most of them if not all...!!
I shall be writing in more details about beers tasted during the trip in following articles, for now, in summary, the 5 places i have listed as go visit were
2.Goodbeer Faucets
4.Brasserie St.Bernardus
5.Popeye (as well thought of going to Delirium cafe Tokyo)
In the end, I only went to 3 places, which are Craftheads, Goodbeer Faucets & Brasserie St.Bernardus.
Out of the 3 places, i ended up going 4 times to Craftheads,the reason? all the awesome bottles in that magic fridge! never mind they still have good ones on those taps.....
It really was a beautiful little trouble, which on hind sight, would never be solved with just a week or so time, in the end, the trouble was only partially solved...
More visit is needed.....
to be continued......
Saturday, November 16, 2013
meet the Giant
10月31号晚上他在TAPS BAR KL出现的时候,我还在4万米高空上。
所以就有现在这个有点奇怪的“剪报”照片。(这里要谢谢THE STAR的Michael同意转载)。
“巨人”Kjetil Jikiun虽然现在已经是CRAFT BEER界很成功的酿酒师,Nogne也已经是受推崇和欢迎的品牌,可是看完他的访谈会觉得,基本心态上,他和我们这些喜欢喝CRAFT BEER的人没有什么分别,大家就是喜欢分享,喜欢寻找新的口味。
现阶段,吉隆坡喜欢喝CRAFT BEER的本地朋友还不是很多,关于这个现象,听听“巨人”说的就会了解,以他本身在挪威的经验,刚开始时候,他们酿的酒被喝惯“工厂啤酒”的人们说“这不是啤酒!!”
他也觉得喝惯“工厂啤酒”的人需要一段时间,一个转折点来进入CRAFT BEER的世界,比如说从转喝德国麦啤酒开始。关于这点,个人觉得是认同的,因为自己也是从德国啤酒开始,转向比利时啤酒,然后才慢慢开始会欣赏CRAFT BEER。
在吉隆坡这个CRAFT BEER沙漠,有点幸运的,我们有机会时不时喝到北欧酿酒师的好酒,除了大名鼎鼎的Mikeller, 同样来自丹麦的TO OL, 当然也有Nogne。
个人喝过的Nogne有IPA, Porter, Imperial Stout, Saison, Tripel, Imperial Brown Ale。。。
下一目标是特酿的100号 barley wine和500号imperial ipa. 当然还有很受推崇的dark horizon 系列。
SPECIAL Thanks to The Star & Michael Chang, below the full text of the write up:-
About NOGNE;-
Nope. meet the Giant, i did not.
When Kjetil Jikiun, the master brewer & co-founder of Nogne O was mingling with drinkers alike at Taps Bar KL on 31 October recently, I was mid air going somewhere else.
Hence the "weird" photo of "newspaper snap".
In a craft beer desert like KL, we are in deed lucky to have on taps, as well as bottles from Scandinavians brewers like Mikkeller, To OL and of course Nogne.
Having read the interview by Michael, I thought the Giant that he is in today's craft beer world, Mr Kjetil is not much different from all of us beer geek in that we all just love to share good beers. as well like to find out more about any new taste/bottles available.
I totally agree with what he said about going into the world of craft beer,for anyone drinking the "usual factory beers" to appreciate craft beer, it would surely take a transition period or a turning point.
For one, my own transition took place about 5 years ago, from "whatever beers" to weissbier to Belgium beers, and eventually "crafted".
I have had the chance to try out some of Nogne brews, including IPA, Porter, Imperial Stout, Saison, Tripel, Imperial Brown Ale。。personal favorite would be the IPA & Porter.
Next on the to drink list would be:-
batch 100 barley wine
batch 500 Imperial IPA.
AND of course, to try and hunt down---THE DARK HORIZON SERIES.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
A Refresher?
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Drinking is a state of mind?
今天说的是喝craft beer的精神。
重点是喜欢喝craft beer 的朋友都是已经历过乱喝或滥喝"只要是酒精就可以"的阶段。。会开始喝craft beer 主要是因为啤酒的多变化多口味多选择。。。不是因为可以喝一支就倒下。
认识的朋友中,有开始不久还在追求比较重口味啤酒的,也有已经喝了不少好酒现在开始觉得比较轻口味craft beer是正道的。
不论是还在追求路上或是已经完成赏味一圈慢慢觉得平淡是福的。。会欣赏craft beer 的朋友都是懂得分享的。。。
when somone says drinking is not about how much alcohol contentor how many pints.bottles you end up with...people always only think that either that guy is a hell of a alcohol drinker or he is a very good beer drinker...
well....when itcomes to craft beer drinking, regardless if u have just found out about the beauty of craft beers or u hv done full circle and started to feel that lighter flavor beers are actually very good too very much to your liking....whatever the scenario might be...the true spirits to craft beet drinking is sharing....its not really very zen about drinking alcohol but in some way...craft beer drinking can be very zen like...its all about the state of mind, especially since most craft beer drinkers have passed through that stage of anything alcoholic is good kind of silly days..
what hv you found lately, which bottle or pint are you waiting to taste next...
lets share out....