
Tuesday, October 29, 2019

WEEK 156---The Unspoken Rules of Bottle Share

This is supposed to be the next article but sequences don't really matter here so will just let this one jump ahead of the previous one first....
craft beer世界中,品酒(tasting)和瓶子分享会(bottle share)是不少啤迷推崇和选择的喝酒方式,把两者结合就是品酒分享会,无论是字面意思或实质上来说都跟一般人观念中喝酒方式有所区别,很大程度上来说,喝少嚐多是品酒和一般喝酒方式最大不同。
To many a geeks---bottle share/ tasting session is something which comes naturally once you been drinking for a while and somehow manage to find a few like minded beer friends who like to share/ drink less taste more---however for some newbies---how a bottle share would go about might be a new thing, here's a few points to note:-
1) Settled on theme of the session
It is because of the availability of so many different beer styles/ choices that the idea of bottle sharing is a fun one---and it's exactly why one needs to firm up theme of the session before hand--for examples would the session be a Vertical tasting (where it's all the same style of beer from 1 particular brewery but with different years/barrel aging) or will it be a Mix Styles tasting where everyone bring different styles of beer from different breweries.
While Vertical and Mix Styles tasting are two vastly different format of tasting---the objective is the same---that is to seek out different flavours/nuances/deliciousness/uniqueness a beer could possibly bring.
craft beer的不同类型风味非常多,因为选择多所以才可以有品酒分享会,不过,正也是那样所以分享之前需要先确定分享会主轴是强调同一酿坊单一风味酒款但不同年份的直线品酒会(vertical tasting),又或者是以不同类型风味啤酒为主的混合品酒会(mix styles tasting),这是两个截然不同的概念,但基点是一样的,都以品嚐啤酒美味层次变化为中心思想和目标。
2) "Equal level bottles"
A bottle sharing session is about tasting and it's also about sharing---which could very well meaning the unspoken rule of "equal level brew"--meaning if it is stated that everyone should only bring their A game bottles to a share---no one should bring anything less---bring a B level brew is not a nice gesture.
2) 瓶子级别的对等
as for HOW TO DETERMINE which is A and which is BCDEF level is obviously a very subjective matter--because it is very hard to say in absolute terms what is equal to what--although there are several beer ratings site/apps or even the "top chart/pop chart" equivalent of beer to tell you which beer is ranked at which position in the world----the truth is--no one can tell anyone in absolutely conclusive terms which beer is better than the other---so the "equal level brew" during a bottle share is basically the understanding among those who participate---so long it's acceptable by all then there's no issue.
3) The level of palate appreciation
This may sound a little odd( or even arrogant to some) but there is such a thing as "equality/like-mindedness" during a bottle share session---besides the "equality of bottles brought"---there is also the small matter of "equality/like-mindedness" among those who participate.(imagine 4 people sharing and one only like barley wine--one don't/can't drink lambic/sour---and another only like IPA)
In a way---a bottle sharing session can be like a tennis/badminton game---it's NOT  a competition---just a game to sweat it out--but if the two players are of big gap in standards--the game is obviously a lot less fun than it could have been if it were to be played between two same/closer in level players.
Having said that---Of course a bottle sharing session can be a mix of experience geeks and newbies for whatever purposes( educational/ just casual drinking session/bonding and so on...) where the above mentioned unspoken rules does not apply---but if it's meant to be a "equal level share" only kinda session---then it's quite naturally/automatically understood. 
4) Don't waste beer/Not for sake of showing off
The primary objective of a bottle share is to find out how tasty a brew can be---hence the focus is never about how much one can drink or how many bottles can be opened during a session---taste is always the focus--not volume.
It is perfectly ok to pour down beer which do not meet expectations or just not tasting good---in a bottle sharing session its not a waste to "drain pour" unwanted beer---it is a way of saving body energy for the next one which hopefully is a much better one.
What constitute to wasting beer is the act of opening bottles when it's obvious from the start that it's way too much to drink for the number of people participating---of course how many bottles is deemed the perfect number for a share is very subjective--since people have different alcohol tolerance level/ as well as bigger/smaller collection of beers---but if the objective a of bottle share is to taste how good a brew can be/find out deliciousness--then drinking beyond one's alcohol tolerance is obviously wasting beer since you palate would have been well and truly FXXK beyond recognition.
As for the more extreme act of showing off by opening a bunch of rare/super hyped bottles just "because i can"---it might bring some envious glance on the social media--but it could also very well be mocked by many as dick wiggling.....
While it is true that majority of the public don't know what craft beer is --let alone what a bottle share session could mean to some beer geeks---the fact is that at times a sharing session is way beyond what the word " beer-drinking" could represent---a bottle share session is the way of the geeks to finding deliciousness/ nuances in a beer--much like a foodie would do.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

WEEK 155---Who DECIDES what you drink?

There were a few questions/comments on social media recently about beer rating---it started when a brewer throw question about if brewer/ brewery owners or those associated with it should be allowed to rate beers( both their own or others)---and then among the comments there were these two:-
"should anyone rate beer at all?" 
"should anyone care about others ratings?"
最近craft beer社交媒体上出现这样的对话,有人问说酿酒师应该被允许发表酒评吗? 有人回应笑问说喝酒的应该写酒评吗?,另一个人反问自己喝酒有必要去理会别人口味意见吗?
If we were to link the above scenario to daily life situations--it's similar to when one refer to movie critics/ratings before deciding if a movie is worth watching--or say referring to food critics opinions/ratings before deciding if a restaurant is worth visiting. There is no right or wrong in these scenario because it's up to individuals what he or she prefer---to refer or to just decides without referring.
同样情况放在craft beer世界里,也会出现习惯先看别人酒评再决定或一直只凭自己感觉选酒的不同群体,或许不熟悉craft beer文化的人会觉得喝啤酒干嘛还需要看或写什么酒评,不过一旦了解不同类型风味啤酒实在多不胜数特质之后就可以理解为什么酒评的出现是自然现象,因为可以感受到的不同类型美味层次佳酿确实多,对啤迷来说,自己写酒评或看别人写酒评都是普遍不过的事。
无论是在专卖吧或身边有啤迷朋友的基本都见过啤迷喝酒时对着杯中啤酒又是嗅又是小口品嚐的同时一边思索一边手机上打字,边喝边写酒评可以说是很多啤迷的特色指定动作,就像美食饕客会做笔记写心得那样,写Tasting Notes或酒评是不少啤迷表达或记录喝後感受方式之一。
The situation is not any different in the world of craft beer with some preferring to check other's opinions/ratings first every time when facing with a decision to pick a beer--while some just go with own judgement/mood of the day---as for why people who drink beer care about writing comments/ tasting notes or rate beers---the motives can be a little different for everyone--some would do it because of "pro-need" such as preparing for BJCP beer judge certification---some for own beer tasting record--some because of the need to tick/"level up" for beer ratings apps/game.....
Tasting Notes(缩写TN)从字面意义上很清楚说明是怎么一回事,喝酒会写酒评/品酒心得感想的起因动机可以有几个,有人是基于专业要求为出发点比如为了啤酒裁判(BJCP)认证考试做准备/贯彻所学,有的纯粹只为提升自身品鉴能力,有的是因为积极参与追逐网站/手机程式评酒勋章提升级别所以写酒评。
For the uninitiated---beer tasting notes is basically about one's tasting experience with a beer much like when eating food---when tasting/rating a beer---the 5 basic principles always in used are:-
Smell(or Nose)
Mouth Feel
The 5 basic principles are commonly accepted rule of thumb by many---although it must be said that not everyone who rate beer or taking tasting notes would follow 100%---if you are more of a follow the guide type---click here for The Beer Advocate tasting notes guide
也可以是很个人认知的事,网上可以看到各式各样酒评,这其中有比较专业详尽的,但也有很个人化的意见,大致上也长短不一,比如有类似这种 开瓶倒入酒杯後颜色呈琥珀色,气泡适中不过很快消散,入口微酸爽中带红葡萄酒木桶余韵,酒体中等,口感有坚果,覆盆子,松针,麦芽糖,尾韵带回甘略微干涩显得不够圆润等等一个酒评中随时可以出现十多二三十个不同食材味道技术性形容词“长文慎入”型酒评, 又或是简单一两句完结的感觉像喝不甜的巧克力沙冰,好喝极了。类型短评。
Obviously there are all kinds of tasting notes/ratings out there in the www---and that's understandable since a same beer will be sampled by many different people who would feel/rate it differently--partly due to personal preference in beer taste or beer styles--and partly could be due to one's understanding/appreciation level of a particular beer/beer style.
In short---tasting notes/ beer ratings are basically other's opinions--of course some are great reviews while some could be a waste of time---while looking up to some good reviews would help newbies in some way--but the most important thing in beer tasting is still about how one understand the taste profile/changes/nuances of a brew by actually drinking one.
There's an old Chinese saying"JIN XIN SHU BU RU WU SHU" "when one only totally believe in books then might as well do without books"---in simple words it means don't just believe blindly what others says---one need to form his/her own opinions too---and that's exactly the scenario when it comes to viewing others tasting notes/beer ratings---end of the day it would still be you who decides after sampling a beer if it's good enough---others ratings can be useful tips or trash opinions wasting your time---and imagining how a beer might taste is certainly NOT the way to go.

After all---a beer is for tasting/drinking--not viewing.