
Thursday, March 12, 2020

WEEK 165---Searching for KBS in Belgium

I'm a firm believer that drinking craft beer is indeed a process of going through different phases of finding what is what in a beer--which is what many of us geeks out there have either gone through or in the midst of passing through one phase to another---starting from zero to slowly knowing how to appreciate a beer better--knowing how to differentiate what's a good beer, average beer, bad beer--and awesome beer....
craft beer是需要一个开拓味蕾鉴赏力过程的事,这是个人坚信的事,也是很多从零开始认识什么是craft beer到深陷个中魅力啤迷们都经历过的,过程中每个啤迷都会不同时期经历阶段性的追逐特定啤酒“魔咒”,在一定程度上这也其实代表着啤迷的味蕾和视野开拓过程,当然每个人会有不同目标,过程也不尽相同,以下是个人在探索过程中的其中一个阶段性速写:-
During this process of seeking better beer/exploring more varieties of beer styles---most geeks would have his or her own stories of looking out for a certain/particular beer at a certain time be it out of pure curiosity or in the name of trying to elevate one's palate appreciation ability--this is one such story of mine many years ago:-
It was a Spring season quite some years ago--i was in Brussels when somehow i heard there's some Founders KBS to be found at a bottle shop in Ghent---also there's a chance of finding another famous American stouts--Bell's Black Note at the same shop---and so i decided to visit Ghent on the next day---it was not in my original plan since i have already been to Ghent before but the lure of finding my first ever KBS was too tempting to say no--so i went.
那是多年前的一个春天,人在布鲁塞尔的我听说根特的一家瓶子店好像有数量不多的美国酿坊Founders的出名黑啤KBS(Kentucky Breakfast Stout),于是临时决定买火车票去根特找酒,其实因为以前去过了,这次比利时行程原本并没有计划要去根特,但是因为很想找看是不是能买到当时还没有机会喝到的KBS,而且听说还有另一款也很出名的美国酿坊Bells的黑啤Black Note所以还是临时起意去了。
Took a while for me to find the bottle shop in Ghent the next day after arriving at the train station--then bus--then walk around the area where bottle shop was kinda hidden a little from main road---went in and quickly look around for any signs of those precious American stouts---but none in sight---went to the counter to ask---promptly told by the guy manning shop( with a smile)--that had i visited yesterday when there's still a couple left i might have gotten them---but nope--no luck---all Sold Out.
So the plan to finding my first ever KBS in Belgium went dead.
Of course to many geeks--especially Lambic lovers--my act of trying to seek out a KBS in Belgium would look rather silly---after all this is the "holy land of Lambic"where thousands of geeks flew in year after year "just to drink some Lambic"---well i did went to Cantillon---as well a few bars with nice Lambic selections during that trip---but my act of going to Ghent to look for American stouts did suggested 2 things:-
1. my understanding and love for Lambic at that time was only very little---i was only starting to trying to get to know the magical power of Lambic.
2. my palate appreciation ability was at early stage of turning a corner.
After the trip in Brussels---next was Copenhagen---for Copenhagen Beer Celebration(CBC---before it was eventually known as MBCC)----during the week leading up to the fest---i met a couple of guys from another Scandinavian country( can't remember which)--they were showing KBS in hands and was sort of saying they are sharing---well i did not get to sip any as they did not open the KBS when i was around---so again--no KBS.
比利时之后,接着去了哥本哈根啤酒庆典(Copenhagen Beer Celebration),那当然是好酒云集的一个星期,也会遇到很多欧美啤迷,其中一对来自北欧的兄弟(忘了是哪一个北欧国家)在一家酒吧说他们带来了一些酒可以分享,其中包括了被认为是主要吸引力的KBS,不过由于跟他们没怎么说上话所以并没有受邀参与,KBS当然还是没能喝到。
A few months after Brussels and Copenhagen trip---finally with the help of a beer friend in the States( as well some considerable $$ since the logistic cost from US to KL plus taxes alone was already not making much sense to any "normal" beer drinkers)---finally bought a bottle of KBS for a share here in KL with the guys from the group---it was a much smaller size bottle than imagined--but excited nontheless to finally able to get hold of one---obviously the 5 of us was looking forward to tasting it---well---after finally tasting it---the unanimous opinion? ---KBS was by far the most underwhelming/disappointing beer mail bottle we have gotten in from the States---considering the cost/time/expectations involved to getting this stouts---it was not worth the efforts as it was not heads and shoulders above some of the imported stouts we could get here locally---heck--it was probably even lesser in comparison---til now--that impression still lingers on.
In the world of craft beer----there is such a thing as "hype"--be it in positive terms or somewhat negative meaning---there will always be some beers which geeks will rave about/chase after---some new hyped ones would over take or even replaced a once very hyped/famous beer--- there are quite some reasons as to why this is happening---it could be due to another more delicious or more limited/harder to get beer popping up---or because the once hyped/famous beer no longer taste as awesome as previously made---or geeks simply gone tired of a particular beer and seeking out for newer ones---or the somewhat "odd" reason of the once hard to get beer is now so easily available there's no more hype factor.....
craft beer最大吸引力当然在于不同类型风格啤酒选择非常多,但也因为这样会出现啤迷或喜新厌旧或喜新不厌旧的心态,特别是如果住在欧美或就算住在亚洲但有门路可以找到心目中想要啤酒的不少啤迷,因为佳酿选择不在少数,有时候会出现一些几年前奇货可居或不少人追捧想一尝究竟的出名啤酒会在之后慢慢变成再也没什么人会像当时那样千方百计找酒,出现这种情况的原因不一而足,很可能是因为有更厉害更好喝或更难寻的啤酒出现了,可能是因为酒的素质跌了,可能是因为啤迷要求更高或口味转向其他类型风格了,也有可能是因为酿坊产量提高很多地方可以轻易买到,对一些啤迷来说少了那种奇货可居的“稀有感”等等,虽然听起来有点奇怪,但这是craft beer世界中一个特有现象。
Looking back---KBS in all fairness was not a bad beer---in fact it was a good stout( not using it is because it was already quite some years since i have had another KBS)---but obviously i will never try getting another KBS to be sent in from overseas---because the increased production and distribution meant that it's quite easily available in Asia now---also of course there are/ has been many other awesome stouts out there to be explored---also my palate for stouts has since been evolving.  The story of seeking out for a KBS in Belgium is just a process of finding a beer on the road to more awesomeness.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

2019 Most Memorable Beer List--by Liam (HK)

The final part of the annual most memorable beer list from last year--to conclude 2019 list---here's my Hong Kong geek friend Liam's list--- pics and Chinese version by Liam---with English transcript by me.
今年應該是第3年獲 Ct 邀請記錄一下精釀啤酒在上年讓自己印象最深刻的幾件事, 2019年可能比之前少了點品飲聚會但跟3beer geek 好友的9lambic之旅絕對是在自己10多年(老了.....)的精釀生涯很重要的一件事.......今次選了8 (或種類)印象最深的品飲筆記不詳述了感覺還是最重要.
This is the 3rd year in a row getting invitation from ct to write my review/list for most memorable ones/moments from last year---comparatively lesser bottle sharing sessions but a 9 days Lambic trip with 3 friends was definitely a very important moment of my 10 years+( sigh..getting old) or so craft drinking journey--I have picked 8 bottles/types in the list---not going to bother about tasting notes here--it's all about feelings...

1.Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen X De Cam Geuzestekerij "Millennium Geuze"
3 Fonteinen lambic 相信很多人也喝過但他們極少跟其他人合釀這枝在1998年跟De Cam推出的 "Millennium Geuze"已炒上天價幸好有4人一起在哥本哈根的 @1420 品嚐味道值這價錢嗎倒不如說這價錢對得住它的歷史和稀有度當然或多或少beer geeks都有份虛榮心.........當天還首次喝 @grote dorst  Geuze, 也相當出色!
A rarely seen collaboration brew by 3F & De Cam--with prices hitting the roof in secondary/grey market---had this one at @1420 Copenhagen as a group of 4---is the beer taste worth the price? let's just say the price would justify it's history and "rarity"---of course one could say part of geeks vanity is at play here----also had Gueze on the same day  from @GroteDorst--delightful.

2.Bokke lambics
Beer geeks 們都開始認識這精釀界冒起最快的新星, 雖然售賣的地方多了仍然不損其受歡迎程度, 各啤酒節都看到他們長長的人龍今次lambic trip 都在哥本哈根的 Koelschip  Restaurant Barr 喝到它當中的 "Levenwaters" (Levenswater 白蘭地桶陳釀), 和只在Restaurant Barr有售的 "Akevitt" (北歐烈酒桶陳釀), 確實在lambic中感受到各烈酒氣息十分厲害!
The fact that there are now more bars(which actually is still very few) with availability of Bokee does not in anyway diminishes it's popularity for geeks who came to know what this small blendery from Hasselt been doing---the lines during any beer festivals for them is always loooooong.  During the Lambic trip last year--had some Bokke at Copenhagen's Koelschip and Restaurant Barr--with "Levenwaters"( brandy barrel) and "Akevitt"(Scandinavia spirit) which only available at Barr being two memorable ones with clear indication of barrel/hard liqour influences in a lambic--impressive.

3. Brouwerij de Molen "666"
Lambic 之旅還喝其他好東西, @1420 庫存當然不只陳年lambic, De Molen 的旗艦 "Hel & Verdoemenis"和它各種變奏相信不少人喝過而我一路找尋其中的 "666"  "666-ish",  "H&V"加入浸過40年干邑木片陳釀味道酒體甜度 , 干邑氣息各種要素都極致平衡pastry stout這種極度重口味橫行下此酒讓我重燃對stout的喜愛 (很誇張.......), 更可說是我喝過最佳的 imperial stout!
De Molen's "666" & "666-ish" are two "Hel & Verdoemenis" variants which i been seeking out for---adding 40 years old bourbon wood chips while barrel aging---balance of taste/body/sweetness/ barrel was amazing---this is one hell of a stout--one which reignited my passion for stout(sounding exaggerating..?)--most likely the best imperial stout i have had so far.

4. Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen "Speling van het Lot (Twist of Fate)"
無錯又是 lambic, 又是3F, 去比利時布魯塞爾4我們到他們taproom3為的就是20多款的 "Twist of Fate" 和陳舊lambic.....此系列以加入 "瘋狂"劑量的水果著名 (1 Litre lambic 大約 500 g 水果!!!), 是次嚐了10多款以加入黑莓和士多啤梨最可口真的有幸福的感覺!
Yes--yet another lambic--yet another 3 F---the 4 of us were at their taproom 3 days in a row while in Brussels---the lure? the crazily fruited "Twist of Fate" series( 500 g fruits per 1 Litre lambic) as well as some old lambic--- we got to try about 10 plus variants--the ones with addition of black berries & strawberries were most delicious---so delicious it brought real happiness. 

5.酒精度 >10% triple/quadruple NE IPA
朋友都知我愛喝 NE IPA, 那果汁感實在讓我愛不釋手在現時大大小小的酒廠均能釀出高水準 NE/double NE IPA的世代高酒精的 triple或甚 quadruple IPA就是 "考牌"的款式酒精感和平衡度更難掌握NE IPA一線酒廠沒有讓我失望Other Half, Trillium  Tired Hands, 晚上一罐已讓你滿足一晚 (也安睡一晚, hahaha) 
I do love drinking NE IPA---fruitiness is the lure---personally for me an NE which is more than 10% --be it a "triple" or "quadruple" will be some sort of " examinations" to the brewers since the balance of beer will be harder test---so far the top names like Other Half. Trillium or Tired Hands hasn't disappointed---drinknig 1 can in the evening is good enough to satisfy( as well for a good night sleep...:) 

6.Mikkeller Baghaven "Polly"
太多搞作的MIkkeller 終於認真起來在家鄉的Baghaven區專做酒桶陳釀的wild ales, 這枝"Polly"加入石榴 (guava) "奇異莓"? (kiwiberries), 那石榴氣息強得誇張又好喝非常絕對是該廠最出色的一款當然其他也很可口, 讓我再次投入Mikkeller 懷抱.....
At last, a serious one from Mikkeller( which seems to be doing too many stuffs in recent years)---a wild ale brewed and barrel aged at Copenhagen's Baghaven--addition of guava and kiwiberries brought some really nice nose and deliciousness--other creations were tasty too but Polly really stood out for me---this is one which brought me back to Mikkeller's beer world.

7.The Answer Brewpub Fruit beers
這釀酒酒吧 (brewpub)以往聽得多, IG常說他們的水果啤酒超好喝今年終於嚐過.............在喝果汁嗎以往喝 New Glarus, Burley Oak, 都感覺到是酒類 The Answer的水果啤酒太不可思議因為100%像喝果汁!!! 當然歸功於超多的果蓉但還是喜愛多層次的 New Glarus!
Heard of this brew pub a lot--with many saying their fruit beer super i drinking fruit juices? is it really beer? unlike when drinking fruit beer from the likes of New Glarus or say Burley Oak which you know it's beer----the ones from The Answer is 100% as if drinking fruit juices---though it's likely due to the super amount of fruits thrown in--still prefer New Glarus for a more layered brew.

8.2019 年的失望之作(The disappointing ones)
寫了那麼多好酒讓人失望的也可印象深刻......這裡說的全都是"期望越大失望越大"的代表我最喜愛的酒廠 Hill Farmstead佔了2"Civil Disobedience" 可說是其中的旗艦但這 citrus版本只有一個字 "", 沒有層次味道可言另一個則是Hill Farmstead波本桶陳釀的楓葉糖漿 (是糖漿......), 試過不同產地的楓葉糖漿包括Vermont但他們的完全感受不到甚麼波本氣息跟一般無異.......最後是 Ingenious Brewing "Hop Stone Series", 當時Avengers上映綽頭十足大家也萬分期待但當中的 IPA  stout 絕對是水準之下真的想用Infinity stones 變走它們, haha!
Among the tasty most memorable ones--there were some which were on the other side---mainly due to ' the bigger the expectations the bigger the disappointment" kinda experiences---for examples the citrus variant of "Civil Disobedience" from my favourite brewery Hill Farmstead---there was only sour and nothing much else---another is the bourbon barrel aged Maple Syrup from Hill Farmstead---though it's only maple syrup rather than beer but having tasted some different ones including from Vermont area---this one tasted like sugar syrup---no bourbon influence at all.
Lastly---"Hop Stone Series" from Ingenious Brewing--it was a hype during the release of movie " Avengers"--but the IPA and stouts were clearly below standards--wish i could use Infinity Stones to wipe them off......:)