
Friday, July 24, 2020

WEEK 172---Don't be Alarmed---craft beer is indeed beer

When it comes to drinking craft beer for the first time (or the first few time) ---newbies always would have different question marks ranging from technical point of view as well as from the angle of perceptions/stereotype :-
有人问,刚开始喝craft beer有什么需注意的入门要点,真要说起来是有的,包括很浅显易懂技术层面的,比如不要牛饮比如给时间让酒回温,同时也有个人对啤酒刻板印象喝酒习惯/观点层面的,比如啤酒是不是就只有/只能是大家传统观念中那种黄澄澄要一干而尽的冷冻爽口冷饮。
上期聊了新朋友刚喝craft beer时关于喝酒方式,用杯,冷度温度等几个需要注意的入门基础浅显技术层面要点,今天来聊些观点看法层面的:-
1) Don't resist / Don't be alarmed
One thing is quite clear---with the long ingrained perception of how beer "SHOULD" taste or even look like in a glass( no thanks to the relentless marketing campaign by MACRO BEER giants since the dawn of mankind)---it is understandable how shaken up a newbie's palate might be during his/her first or first few glasses of craft beer as the taste profile would be so different from what they have used to/ come to expect of basing on MACRO BEER experiences.
Though no official/definitive statistics to show--it is believed that more often than not a newbie would "run away" rather than fall in love with craft beer after the first encounter---mainly due to one key factor---familiarity. Generally human being are against changes---meaning people would almost always stick to familiar comfort zone---no different when it comes to food&beverages. Imagine when a beer is so different in taste profile than the "expected familiarity' of a MACRO LAGER--the shock of something so 'Strange" would put some people off and likely never return---that would be a shame because those initial "shaken up" moments are just temporary resistance due to unfamiliarity---once adjusted---going forward a newbie will be able to appreciate better how different craft beer can be.
虽然没有具体正式统计数字,但有个普遍现象是,一般人第一次喝完後会即刻接受或爱上craft beer的比例其实并不高,更多时候来说会是偏低,有鉴于消费群众长久以来对啤酒应有口味的刻板印象,第一次接触到口味多样化,一点也不像印象中那种易喝解渴冰凉“味道口感”大厂啤酒时,对已经习惯大厂啤酒刻板印象味蕾带来的动摇或震撼可以是强烈/巨大的。
心理学家告诉我们,人很多时候基本是抗拒陌生变化的,这当然包括饮食习惯在内,人本能的会先排斥陌生的味道,不少人刚开始喝craft beer时因为感受到完全不熟悉的味道“攻击”会感觉别扭所以本能的抗拒/敬而远之,某方面来说,有点类似第一次尝试吃榴莲那样,有人的大脑味蕾会第一时间被吓到是可以理解状态。但这都只是由于陌生带来的震撼,其实喝craft beer的重点在于通过啤酒尝试不同味道层次,一开始就算被吓到其实也没什么,只要调整一下心态很快就能逐渐领会个中乐趣。

2) Unfamiliar or Strange taste profile is NORMAL
People have their first encounter with craft beer under different circumstances--some because they have beer geek friends/some went on their own due to curiosity/ some though not really sure how but they somehow end up having some craft beer for the first time.....
The world of craft beer is full of different beer styles with very different taste profile---perhaps the one style most newbies/first time drinkers wanted which is easy drinking and remotely close to what they used to in a MACRO BEER is a craft version of Pilsner or Lager(which in truth can be far better/delicious than a macro)---this is a beer universe which will enable newbies to explore taste profile in beer form he/she could never imagine before---the basic taste profile found in food items can be discovered in a beer---from bitter sweet sour savoury umami to smoky roasty or even the strange Funky profile---you name it you will find it.
新朋友第一次接触craft beer情况不一而足,有被已入坑朋友带去推坑的,有自己好奇想试的,也有莫名其妙喝了但不知道什么是什么的。无论什么情况下第一次喝到craft beer,或感到新奇惊喜或感觉不合口味甚至感觉惊吓,看在啤迷眼中都是正常反应。
craft beer之所以精彩在于不同风味类别选择非常多,而这其中能让只是喝过大厂啤酒感觉不那么完全抗拒陌生的基本不多(Pilsner/Lager这类口感比较清爽类型是典型例子但其实会比一般大厂啤酒好喝很多),更多时候craft beer不同风味啤酒会让第一次喝的新朋友感受到从没能在啤酒中感受过或想象的多样化味道可能性,简单来说,举凡我们日常食物中能嚐到的酸甜苦辣鲜或是烟熏烘烤甚至LAMBIC特有的发酵发霉腐香(FUNK)等等比较另类味道都能通过酿造过程在啤酒中呈现出来(而且有时比食材原味更丰富多变)。

3)  Exploring deliciousness is the only motive
Of course there can be 101 reasons why people would want to drink a beer( or perhaps no reason needed)---to say the main reason or only objective to drink is to explore deliciousness in a beer can be quite strange a reason/motive to many who are unfamiliar with the world of craft beer.
To many beer geeks--exploring different types of deliciousness in a beer is the main driving factor for some who don't mind the hassle of seeking out beers not easily available locally--or trying to arrange for bottle sharing sessions whenever possible. It's true seeking out deliciousness in a beer might sound like lame excuse---but once you understand where that's coming from---then drinking beer to seek for deliciousness will come naturally.
事实是,对不少啤迷来说,会喜欢上喝craft beer主要或唯一原因就是因为啤酒中各种不同美味可能性是值得探索充满吸引力的。或许,把喝啤酒当做探索美味切入点或者说是最终唯一目标对一些人(包括才刚接触新朋友)来说可能是难以理解的事,不过一旦认识理解接受这个理念,喝啤酒是为了探索不同美味层次这件事就会变得理所当然,自然不过。

4) Split it/ Share it
One common question most newbies would ask is ' with so many different breweries so many different beer styles to drink--how long does it take for one to cover as many as wide range possible? "
The answer is simple--don't drink all by yourself---always try to split up the beers or share with a few friends whenever possible--in a way---<Drink Less Taste More> is the way to go--meaning always try to lessen the drinking volume but do try to drink more varieties possible----Remember, craft beer drinking is about tasting how a beer would taste after the process of how it was conceived/brewed/handled logistically from brewery to your glass--though you can if you wanted to---but craft beer is never about gulping or binge drinking.
刚接触craft beer新朋友其中一个疑惑是,不同类型风味啤酒选择那么多,除开个人消费力问题,基本来说自己一个人酒精收受力有一定限度,要喝多久怎么喝才能嚐到更多不同类型风格不同酿坊作品? 
问题不难解决,找几个同好一起分着喝就可以,这也是为什么不少啤迷之间不时会有瓶子分享会出现,个人来说其实很鼓励新朋友朝向『喝少嚐多』(DRINK LESS TASTE MORE)方向探索啤酒美味,意思是可以多品嚐不同类型啤酒但每款酒都选择只喝少量,重点在于尝味,不在于喝多少品脱。

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

WEEK 171---craft beer entry level Q&A revision

Anyone who do spent some time on craft beer focus/related social media will know that there are many different types of social media groups be it for specific groups of geeks--or a particular beer style or brewery---as well there are also groups where geeks and newbies alike are welcome in a group...
社交媒体有不少craft beer相关团体/群组/讨论群,有只为狂热啤迷而设的,有为了宣扬特定风格类型而设的(比如Lambic,比如stouts, 比如saison等等),也有适合新朋友的群组,比如香港台湾就有融合啤迷与新朋友脸书专页。
在较多新朋友参与的craft beer群组中时常会出现重复的问题,比如会问某地有什么专卖吧或瓶子店值得去(尽管有关某地的上述资讯已出现多次),也有人会问一些已出现多次的基本资讯,这些都说明了两件事,第一是无论相同资讯出现过多少次还是会有没看到或看过但不记得的人,第二是craft beer圈子会有新朋友加入,很多时候难免会问些重复的。
It is quite interesting (or perhaps not so interesting to some) to note that in a group where newbies are welcome---we tend to see some repetitive questions--for examples questions about where to drink or buy when travelling to another city/state or country---also many about some basics of craft beer drinking such as suitable temperature to drink or to store beer---which beer styles best to drink fresh or to age further---so on and so forth....
开始接触craft beer新朋友会有各种问题或可能对一些情况感觉疑惑是可以理解的,今天来聊聊复习一些入门基本问题:-
Here's a few very basic Q&A pertaining to craft drinking:-

Q1 : best to drink direct from bottle/can OR use a glass?
A: always best to use a glass
This may seems like a silly question since beer drinking has always been perceived as something straight forward--no thanks in big part to the influence of MACRO BEER marketing since the beginning of mankind.
It is true that craft beer is also only beer--so one can choose how he or she wanted to drink---BUT if savouring flavours/deliciousness in a beer is the main aim--then it's best to always use a glass as beer do need a proper container to let it "breath"/"get warm" in order to show it's full potentials/layers/depth of tastiness( *unless stated clearly by brewery to drink from can or bottle)---similar to when glasses(even decanter) always a must when drinking wine.
**in fact if you can or wanted to---try using 2-3 or more different types/shapes of glasses for 1 same beer--you will find some surprises with the same beer showing stronger/weaker/different characteristics with use of glasses
答案: 尽可能用杯子喝。
听起来好像有点莫名其妙的问题,在craft beer出现之前,啤酒想怎么喝就怎么喝,不就是啤酒嘛?
的确,craft beer也是啤酒,想怎么喝也是个人自由,不过,如果品嚐细味啤酒美味层次是目标的话,那建议还是一定要用杯子。(除非是很少有的酿坊在酒标贴纸特别提醒鼓励拿着瓶子或罐子直接喝)

Q2: to drink real COLD or not so Cold?
A: always give beer time to "warm-up"
It's been ingrained in people's mind that BEER HAS TO BE ICE-COLD through years of MACRO BEER marketing strategy.
Again--if your main objective of drinking craft beer is about tasting deliciousness in a beer--then obviously you need to give that glass of beer some time to warm-up( say anything from 10 mins to half an hour or even longer---depending on beer style/how "thick" or 'heavy" the beer is)---it is never a good idea to drink your craft beer COLD as it is almost like chewing on unripe fruits where the full flavours cannot be had.
As for those who believe in adding ICE to your beer---that's all right since likely what he/she can taste is ice-cold alcoholic water---nothing wrong if that's what you wanted.
答案:craft beer是需要时间回温的。
只是,如果你喝craft beer,的目标是为了品嚐啤酒蕴藏美味层次,那就必须让啤酒有时间逐步回温(可以是10分钟到半小时或更久,视啤酒类型风格而定),只有那样才能真正喝到啤酒美味层次,因为太冷的啤酒就像还没熟的水果,味道没能真正发挥。
至于喝啤酒一定要加冰块的,那基本跟craft beer没关系,因为那只会是在喝冰冷酒精水,想加多少冰请自便。

Q3: what's wrong with using Frosted/Frozen glasses?
A: it's NOT good & NOT necessary
A common scene here in Malaysia's beer bars as well as kopitiam( coffee shop) selling MACRO BEER---you will always see glasses stored at freezing temperature so as to deliver that COLD BEER experience drinkers expected/accustomed to.
But cold glasses is not necessary for craft beer--in fact it is a hindrance to letting beer showing it's full flavours potential. Actually the craft beer bars/shops that knows will only have air dried glasses or 'warm-glasses" ---frozen glasses is not needed in the world of craft beer drinking.
craft beer世界中,冷杯子是不需要的,懂的店家都只有风干室温杯子,因为无论是冰柜瓶子罐子或上了啤酒泵桶装版本啤酒都已具备一定冷度,同时室温杯子也有助啤酒回温让啤酒能更好的展现美味全貌。

Q4 what does it mean when a glass is full of sticky little bubbles?
A: more often than not it means the glass is DIRTY!
If you were to ask 10 people---likely all 10 will say BEER is something "gassy"--and that BEER always comes with Big Bubbles--that's how a beer should be and always has been....
True that---but not so true in the world of craft beer since different beer styles will display different level of "gassy" characters--some can be so thick and "deep" it has no carbonation whatsoever.
For a beer with nice carbonation--if you find that the glass is full of "bubbles area/zone" inside after pouring---then it's very likely that it was due to DIRTY glass factor---anything dirty/greasy left in the glass will caused this "bubbly scenario" and it's not a pretty sight.
A clean glass is always needed to let the beer expand it's flavours profile in a conducive condition---it's just like eating food--you would not want your food being served on a dirty plate/bowl.
啤酒是有气泡的,但必须说的是,craft beer世界中不同类型风格啤酒很多,但并不是每个类型都会有强大气泡表现,相反的有好些类型啤酒只会有很少量啤酒泡或酒体深沉的连一点气泡表现都没有。