
Sunday, October 27, 2013

Guailo Leongcha..anyone?




单单这两种颜色区别就可以有很多很多种不同类型,口味,酿法的啤酒。。今天只说其中一种对CRAFT BEER发展很重要的IPA(INDIAN PALE ALE) 和BLACK IPA.

个人感觉,如果是CRAFT BEER初接触,IPA是不错选择。不过,不要以为IPA只是入门级别啤酒,完全不是那么一回事。IPA的质量高,也适合不同喝法,可以是你暖身的第一杯,可以是单喝着就一路带你上高阶梯的啤酒,也可以是喝了其他重口味啤酒之后需要中和,需要调整,更新(REFRESH)口感的“中间”啤酒。



IPA--- Nogne IPA, Brewdog Punk IPA. Brewdog Hardcore IPA....

BLACK IPA--TO OL Black Maria, Mountain Goat Before the dawn, Brewdog LIbertine Black ale, Kooinda black ipa....


The Cantonese cheekily refer beer as "GUAILO LEONGCHA"

"Guailo" refers to white people, "Leongcha" refers to herbal tea.

The medicated herbal tea is for "reducing body heat" much in the same way of cooling down when in need of a pint or two or three of ice cold beer. 

the "light color" and "heavy color" of herbal tea is very similar to the color tone of beers----in this case, let's just stick to IPA.

IPA is a beer suitable for new friends who are starting to discover the beauty of craft beer, but that  is not to say IPA is an "entry level" beer, nope, not at all.

For me, IPA as well as Black IPA are so versatile, it can be your first drink for "warming up", it could be just IPA all the way til one called it a night, or it could be the "refresher"beer when you been having slightly heavier beers(stout, porter, scotch ale) and need to come down or refresh your palate a times, IPA  can be a nice "go between" beer where it can be drank in rotating turns, --rotate drinks between a stout and black IPA, unlike when you have a "refresher",  "rotating" keeps the palate, taste very closely matched all the while.( as in no big "step down", more like one or two step up down rather than 4,5 steps gap).

There's still too many good ones out there to be tasted, so far, as per whatever available in KL, some of my personal favorites are:-
IPA--- Nogne IPA, Brewdog Punk IPA. Brewdog Hardcore IPA....

BLACK IPA--TO OL Black Maria, Mountain Goat Before the dawn, Brewdog LIbertine Black ale, Kooinda black ipa....

herbal tea is here to stay....cheers!

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