
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Danish Delight...

在吉隆坡这个CRAFT BEER沙漠能不时喝到来自北欧的佳酿,还真的是件很不错的事。


今天说的是TO OL 和 MIKELLER这两个同样来自丹麦魔术师的金黄色饮料。


先说TO OL的瓶子。喝的那天是和朋友分享,最先开的是适合夏天消暑酿的SNOWBALL SAISON。 和一些口感比较单调的SAISON不同,这瓶子的层次比较深,有爽口的果子清新也有些微的甘苦涩,作为开场或收尾啤酒都不错。

这瓶之后间中有喝了SAN DIEGO SCOTCH ALE(详文请看之前BLOG 文)转换口味。

作为当天的“收尾酒”,选择了同样来自TO OL的FINAL FRONTIER DOUBLE IPA。 酒单上的介绍文字很直白的说“这是很适合作为结束选择的瓶子”。




技术上这两个瓶子都被归类为“麦芽酒”(BARLEY WINE)。虽然称呼上有一个WINE字,不过这完全不影响作为啤酒的本质。(wine字眼只是用来表示这类酒一般都有和葡萄酒那样高的酒精成分)

那天开了六瓶不同的啤酒,BOOGOOP是在喝完NELSON SAUVIGNON(介绍请看之前BLOG文)之后开的,作为荞麦酿的啤酒,入口感觉是有比较浓厚的“粮食植物”特有的味道,口感属于甘甜微苦并存,不过完全不是“横行霸道”的重味道,属于可口的中度浓啤酒。

BOOGOOP之后间中有喝了几瓶不同风格啤酒,包括重咖啡味的BEER GEEK BRUNCH WEASAL(之前BLOG文介绍过)。


因为间中隔开了,虽然两者属于同类型啤酒,酒精度一样是10.4%。 不过,显然的,RISGOOP的喝起来就是属于比较“轻型”的麦芽酒,口感比较清新,果香味和些微的焦糖甜味让这瓶酒显得轻松易喝。

TO OL Snowball Saison ratebeer link:-

To OL Final Frontier Double IPA ratebeer link:-

Mikeller/Three Floyd  Boogoop ratebeer link:-

Mikeller/ Three Flyod Risgoop ratebeer link:-

for a craft beer desert like KL, it is indeed quite blessed that some nice beers from Scandinavia countries can be had here, some on taps, some by the bottles...

my recent "liaison" with the "brighter side" side of beers continues..this time with some gold color beers from Denmark.

it was on two separate evenings that I tasted brews from TO OL and Mikeller, two of the very best craft brewers from Denmark.
First up, bottles from TO OL, the evening started with TO OL Snowball Saison, probably because of spicy and sour tom yam soup with rice earlier, decided to start with something light and refreshing.

a 750ml bottle at 8% ABV, this is a nice stater, good for sharing with a friend or two. A balanced Saison, not too light nor sweet, with nice combination of hops bitterness & fruity freshness as well as some crisp feeling after taste.

The second To OL of the evening came in the form of  Final Frontier Double IPA----"good for final beer of the evening" as written on the beer menu. 
it was the third and last beer of the evening.

**Note:- in between Saison & Double IPA, a scotch ale came & gone( please see earlier post on San Diego scotch ale by Brewdog)

as the "end beer" of the evening, Final Frontier did not disappoint, Taste is bittersweet, citrusy, hoppy and yeasty after taste. a pleasant beer to say the least.

On to the Mikeller/Three Flyod collaboration bottles, Boogoop & Risgoop. It was a few weeks prior to the TO OL bottles.

Both are barley wine. Though Boogoop is more of buck wheat infused. The term "wine"( referring to higher alcohol content similar to wine) is only a technical term, both are definitely BEERS. 

Because of the close association of beer styles and names, each ending with the word 'goop", they sound like cousins.
Boogoop came first(in fact the second bottle of the evening after the champagne wine beer of nelson sauvignon). The richness of this buckwheat infused beer immediately took over the mouth feel, it's thick but not overpowering, mix of grain, sweetness, hops.... feels a little bit like a bubbly rice/grain wine.

Risgoop comparatively taste slightly "lighter"( in a pleasant way) though both with the same 10.4% ABV and same style.

It could be partly due to beer geek brunch weasal prior to opening Risgoop, but it just taste pleasantly lighter, certainly more of fruity freshness with slight hints of hops, malty, a smooth barley wine indeed.

**Note:-it was a rare big evening with a few friends, where quite a few different styles of beers were tasted, including mikeller beer geek weasal, To OL #500, mikeller nelson sauvignon, old engine ooil by Harviestoun in between the Mikeller/Three Flyod collaboration bottles of Boogoop & Risgoop.

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