
Sunday, April 6, 2014

Born of the only craft beer dedicated weekly column

*UPDATED 12/05/14

终于有日报CRAFT BEER专栏。有兴趣的,记得是每个星期天,光明日报。。。请一起把CRAFT BEER文化散发开来。



and so it just happened.

a weekly column with Guangming daily, one of the very best Sunday weekly pullout out there. This is the born of the first and only craft beer dedicated weekly column in a Chinese National newspaper here in Malaysia.

just like the little intro given on the Cover page of the weekly feature, this is not a pro column not a guide....just a newbie beer geek trying to share, and hopefully meeting more geek or freaks along the way....

kind of felt exited, it is a full color page in a Sunday tabloid size though the newspaper itself is of broadsheet size.. 

for the benefits of friends who do not read's some quotes from the First article:-

"i would called it the "clash of ideas", it is the result of different ideas coming together in the form of wheat+water+hops+yeasts and at times some natural food ingredients"

"the emergent of craft beer were due to the fact that some time ago some people got sick and tired of  drinking the same old boring factory beers and decided to brew their own....drinkers became brewers...and the craft beer culture were born..."

"drinking normal factory beer is like having steam rice with soy sauce ONLY( regardless the soy sauce is new or aged) filled up the stomach....but it's monotonous, its boring"

"the local beer scene were so boring and lack of choices...until some 3,4 years we have real choices...."

NOTE:- the first article is a less than perfect start due to a couple of typo/placement errors...but it does not spoil the spirits of getting better with up coming articles....


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