
Sunday, August 17, 2014

WEEK 20--of Quirkiness & Tradition--chit chat with Stu Mckinlay






来自纽西兰的YEASTIE BOYS主创酿酒师之一Stu Mckinlay说“我们的啤酒虽然好像很搞怪,其实比想象中更加贴近传统”
This week's title kind of says it all about the beers and the boys from YEASTIE BOYS.(well, if you have not noticed anything "funny" about the FIRST PHOTO--look again)

Or at least that's the impression one would get after tasting the beers and hearing what one half of the boys--Stu Mckinlay has to say.
a confession?
"We're seen as risk takers,because of beers like Rex Attitude and Gunnamatta, but sometimes I do find myself taking a more conservative route than I wished I'd taken when I look back on things. "

"The goal is always to make a beer that I love first and foremost.  Then it's a decision about whether I have the courage to put that out there."
being quirky
"On paper our beers look way off the beaten track but, in reality, they all closer the classic styles than you'd think."
"Knowledge is our greatest asset. We've built our reputation around a very sound knowledge of traditional styles... knowing these styles, and how to go about making them, has been a key to making very drinkable and exciting award winning beers."

why like that?
"Yes. We take our beer seriously but we like to have fun and are so inspired by a variety of artists, musicians, chefs and the like that we're unlikely to start making anything too derivative of the big factory brewers. "

"There is a beer out there for everyone. No other beverage has as wide a range of flavour profiles"

"I liken brewing more to cooking than any other beverage as it has the same potential to create an incredible array of flavours. "
to newbie
"Open your mind... then look, taste, listen and learn.  The more you learn the more you will both understand and question"
"Some of the best tasting notes I've heard are from people who are new to craft beer - when you're fresh you're unconstrained by the set vocabulary that you come to learn as you read more."
"Don't be afraid to voice your thoughts on beer, whether you like it or not, but please be nice.  Remember that brewers are people too!"
"Education and exciting beer is the key in an emerging market. And, to be really successful, this needs to come from the breweries, the beer bars and the media."
"It often takes only a few key people to start the evolution.  Look what Brew Dog have done in the UK - say what you will about their beer or their brand but half of the new breweries I talked to over there said that Brew Dog had opened the door for them."

$$ matters
"It's very exciting to know that people are enjoying our beer in many different countries. I think the hardest thing to adjust to is the fact that people automatically think we are making lots of money or, at least, that we're doing it full time - Sam and I both actually have day jobs to pay all our personal bills. All the money Yeastie Boys makes goes back into growth.  This is a lot smaller business than most people think!" (Stu has gone full time recently)
looking ahead, Stu has this to say "We're only just scratching the surface of where things will go in the next 50 years."

Sort of prophecy or more like the old sayings"learn how to swim, dive in the ocean, realize how much more there's still to learn...'?

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