
Thursday, January 15, 2015

WEEK 41--2014 Memorable Beer List--by CT(Part 3/3)

Part 3/3 of my beer list is about some heavier beer( 9% or above):-
Xiquic and the hero twin by Amager + Cigar City
Very interesting stout--with a strong initial celery like smell(it's in fact the after effects of cedar wood)--not a beer everyone would like--but it stick on me after overcoming the initial "strange" smell--a smooth and flavorful stout.
丹麦AMAGER和美国CIGAR CITY合酿,利用香彬木“浸泡”,带出彬木独有味道的搞怪黑啤,入口有类似芹菜味道侵来,不是一般人会喜欢类型,好玩好喝。
Golden Monkey by Victory Brewing
This is one naughty monkey--a golden triple--taste crisp and easy on the palate---but beware not to gulp too fast--it would climb up your head very soon.
美国VICTORY酿坊的GOLDEN MONKEY,爽口易喝又带劲的比利时风格TRIPLE,看似温驯,不过别喝太快,金毛猴会爬上头。
Red Horizon(edition 2) by Nogne
A sake beer--nothing like what usual impression we have about sake--this is a murky color strong ale--with version3 tasted back to back--would say edition 2 is a much balance and nicer one.
挪威NOGNE酿坊利用日本长野县的清酒酵母(SAKE YEAST)酿造的旧式浓啤酒,RED HORIZON EIDTION2,不同系列有不同口感味道,个人觉得第二版最均衡对味。
BOMB!--by Prairie Artisan Ale
Though a high abv stout---it's so smooth and creamy--nothing harsh on the palate--if you love your stout thick and strong--you will love this one.
美国酿坊PRAIRIE ARTISAN ALES的强力黑啤BOMB!,虽然酒精度14%,但酒体醇香顺滑,没有呛鼻现象,喜欢浓黑啤的会爱。
Nelson Sauvignon by Mikkeller
Champagne in a beer--or beer in a champagne? this is one very crisp, with hint of sour, bubbly beer--in a nice way. Feels like having a champagne+sauvignon blanc--but a beer for sure---a fun combination.
丹麦大师的“香槟啤酒”,MIKKELLER NELSON SAUVIGNON,绝对有特色金黄啤,完全有在喝着香槟感觉,却又很明显的告诉你,这是好玩组合的啤酒。
Imperial Biscotti Break by Evil Twin
Feels like having a mocha coffee with added dark chocolate, smooth and creamy --no doubt a very nice "dessert" beer 
Risgoop by Mikkeller + Three Floyds
Barley wine is always a very potent--what we call a kick-ass type--and when you have two big names brewers coming together for a collab( which sometimes is not a guarantee for success)--this one is a tasty but dangerously smooth beer.
Sucre by The Bruery
One of the highlights for 2014 is this bottle brought back from Tanakaya bottle shop in Mejiro, Tokyo( thanks Michael)-somewhat sweet old ale/strong ale with strong hint of bourbon influence--but both complex and easy on the palate--makes you wonder the limitless possibilities of beer---already looking forward to tasting this one again sooner rather than later.
2014年其中一支最让人惊艳瓶子,朋友从东京带回尝味,来自美国酿坊THE BRUERYSUCRE。属旧式浓啤(OLD ALE)类别,威士忌桶陈年处理过,接近18%酒精度的复杂酒体口感带着威士忌烈酒特有的甘甜,让人惊叹啤酒变化层面真的无可限量。

Bottles not included in newspaper column:-
Sort Maelk by To Ol
Milk stout just sounded a little bit "off" a little "white" for stout lover--of course it's still a dark color beer--but just the thought of it being too milky or thin is an annoying thought as i like stout to be thick and creamy--and this one is a very nice stout for sure.
Hell and Damnation by De Molen
Obviously there are many different version of this strong stout--but just the Original version is good enough--had it on tap--so delicious that you just have to run for a second serving.
Vanilla Shake by Mikeller
Had this on tap and bottles---lovely no doubt but also heavy for sure...If you like beer geek breakfast, as well brunch weasal--this one is like the combo and enhanced( like at least double up) version of the two--in a nice and STRONG way--yes--look out for the kick--do not drink this empty stomach( you have been warned!...:) 
如果你喝过“啤迷早餐”和“猫屎咖啡”版本--这是两者加起来再加强版本--美味肯定--不过小心慢喝--也不要空肚子当餐来喝--会KICK ASS的。
Speedway Stout by Alesmith
Having tasted this stout earlier---it is still a very nice stout to be had anytime of the year---no doubt a benchmark of how a nice stout would be--just throw me one anytime...( and yes---very much looking forward to getting a bottle of the collab brew between Mikkeller weasal + Speedway stout...)

Looking forward to a better beer year...cheers.

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