
Monday, June 8, 2015

WEEK 52---the small matters of CBC 2015

This week's column is very much like an intro to CBC for general readers---about what the fest( or fuss?) is all about....why geeks fly all the way from far and wide to attend.... 

之前有幸出席了在哥本哈根举行的CBC 2015--这期专栏很浅白说下这次啤酒庆典的几件小事。。。

比如说,很多啤迷心目中的两大CRAFT啤庆典,其一是历史悠久,每年在美国科罗拉多州丹佛市举行的THE GREAT AMERICAN FESTIVAL,或简称GABF,这是美国撞意啤酒大聚会。另一是近年才开始,由丹麦名牌MIKKELLER主办,每年4月底5月初在哥本哈根举行的COPENHAGEN BEER CELEBRATION(简称CBC),跟GABF不同,虽然规模小,汇聚的是世界各地包括欧美,南美洲,亚洲,大洋洲各大高手酿品。
just like the music scene or movie industry--there's plenty of festivals going on in the craft beer world---some huge, some big, some smaller..
to some geeks--there's 2 beers fest that's really high on the list of "must go--wanna go"---one is THE GREAT AMERICAN BEER FESTIVAL or GABF in short---that's an annual gathering of lots and lots of American beers in Denver, Colorado.

The other one is a fairly new kid in beer fest terms but already attracting such immense interest worldwide--Copenhagen Beer Celebration( or CBC in short) held annually at a gymnasium in the city of Copenhagen---with beers from lots of different places around the world being gathered and celebrated. 

What is CBC?
in a nutshell----a fest where you will find  "damn famous--or insanely hyped--but so bloody damn hard to find beers" + "crazy beers" + "experimental brews" + "first release to public beers"..and so on so forth---all come under one roof---literally.

What to expect?
this is a beer fest where often tickets are sold well off months before the actual event date---yes---it's like going to a mega rock star concerts---tickets can be gone almost as soon as sale open ONLINE----yup--there's no on site ticket for sale during the 2 days fest.
What so great?
it's ALL ABOUT THE BEERS--obviously. if you were to imagine a gourmet food fair--it's something like you will get to taste food prepared by some of the best chefs in the world---the most famous--the up and coming--even the legendary chefs.
2 days--4 sessions---hundreds of different beers--good enough?

How is it like?
here's 4 sessions with different tickets for each--for examples the 1st day morning session is Yellow, afternoon session is Blue--- if you hold a PINK ticket--then yes it's a 2 days ALL sessions pass, you get to taste all the hundreds of beers on site--if you so desire--all with a specially crafted taster glass given while entering--and that is all you need--no money is needed for BEERS because it's all inclusive.

When a beer is finished---it's bloody finished
everyone knows--that's the golden rule--and the fun part of CBC(or maybe some would say not so fun if bloody missed out)--for each session--no matter how hard to find/famous/rare/hyped or whatever you wanna call it---there will only be ONE KEG of that beer--you want that beer? you line up---if that keg is out--then yes--no amount of money would be able to buy you a tiny taster filled with that beer--because there's simply no more....
Flying all the way to Copenhagen for beers---worth it?
just like basketball fans outside of america would dream of or wanted to one day watch NBA live in the states---or football fans wanting to go far and wide to support own team---beer geeks feel the same--and going to a beer fest like CBC 2015 is something many geeks wanted to but can't simply because there's not enough tickets to accommodate everyone. 
There's thousands of geeks who missed out every year--because there's only so many tickets for sale--for examples--this year's official figures showed that there's geeks from 25 different coutries went online to purchase---with nearly 80,000 attempts that never got thru.

So what awesome beers were on?
too many---if you are interested--just go on to Copenhagen Beer Celebration FB for the full beer list link....

太多了。有兴趣知道什么酿酒师受邀出席,还有几百桶啤酒什么是什么的话,可上CBC 2015官方面子书看看。

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