
Thursday, September 17, 2015

WEEK 59--of GEEK & Drain Pour...

Beer Geek
In any cities where craft beer revolution is moving at a certain pace, there will be a group of people who are so into it that they are labelled  as BEER GEEK

Beer geek is a bunch of opinion splitting people--some look up to them as a group of people who really know their beers, know what they want, know what better beers to choose, more rounded palate, and generally a friendly bunch of people who like to share beers, share experiences...

But of course there are those who think that beer geek are no more than a bunch of annoying-choosy-picky-vanity chasing people who only chase after big name beers, look down on average beers, think they know better, hard to satisfy, generally a group of assholes....
Is being a beer geek one of the nicest things in life? the answer is YES----but not without prerequisite---the most simple condition needed is --you have to live in a place/city where craft beer culture is booming--with loads of different styles/brand of craft brew to choose from.


If you so happened to live in a craft desert like KL--then it's probably not much fun to be a beer geek--at times you might even get ridicule by certain group of drinkers(because of your insistent on choices-varieties)--being a beer geek in KL generally means not much choices available locally--your only ray of light is to seek help from friends living in other cities around the region or far and wide to US/Europe....

Drain Pour
Why would anyone drain pour a perfectly good beer?

I would understand if the beer has somehow gone very bad because of mishandling-mismanagement during delivery or storage. But, to pour away a perfectly good beer is something that never cross my mind--that is until this year's Copenhagen Beer Celebration--yeah--people do pour away perfectly good beers, including me...( yes--it is crazy to think that any of those beers--which in a normal day on tap at any of the craft beer bar would be treated with much more attention.
把接近整瓶或大半杯啤酒倒掉是喝CRAFT BEER之前没想过会发生的事。这里说的是好端端没坏掉的啤酒。
在撞意啤酒文化中,有一种现象叫DRAIN POUR(倒水沟)

When you have a certain limit on time frame--as well as your own palate/abv absorption/capability--and you have hundreds of beers waiting----then it is understandable to pour away certain beers that does not tickle your curiosity or taste too similar or no better to what you usually drink at your local bars...

OBVIOUSLY---there are some attention seeking pour or just plain HOAX--the bigger the name of the beer/brewery that you "pour" away--the bigger attention you get?
And yes--i did found a photo from the net--pouring away White Chocolate by The Bruery--first thing to mind---HOAX--unless the beer has somehow gone bad because of mistreatment---NO WAY a decent geek would pour away such a brew.

there's this video circulating on Youtube ---someone pouring away PLINY--because it's a week or so older than "fresh"!!---BUT obviously the guy who up loaded admitted that it's only a HOAX--the beer been consumed--what poured away was just something else....

Some people is of the opinion that drain pour is probably needed to become a better drinker--that is to say--since one would likely encounter some really crappy craft beer--instead of forcing yourself to finish the bottle/pint---why not just POUR...( since the palate has tasted what's crap--why not give your liver a rest...:)

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