
Tuesday, January 5, 2016


从太平洋的纽西兰举家搬迁到英吉利海峡的英国,STU的主要动力当然包含CRAFT BEER---而英伦风影响可以从他的年度啤酒印象记看出。。
Stu is from New Zealand--somehow craft beer has persuaded him and his family to move to England since last year, hence it's not surprising to note the "English influence" in the list, here's the list as per Stu --in his own words:- ( pics courtesy of Stu) 
Moor Amoor
Moor Beer Company have been one of my standout breweries since arriving in the UK. Moor are not really one of the new cool breweries of Britain. They just make utterly fantastic beer, all day, every day.

Although I’ve moved here permanently now, I first came over for a couple of weeks of work in February. While sneaking a day off to hang out with my brother in the Scottish borders, I tried this truly spectacular porter in the fantastic Curfew micro-pub in Berwick-upon-Tweed. It’s a crying shame that I’ve not seen it on the pumps again since…(maybe you been busy brewing Stu.;)
让STU很喜欢,印象深刻的一家酿坊, 不过自从在接近苏格兰边界一家酒吧喝到后,STU就没能在其他地方看到(应该是他太忙于酿酒?:)

Burning Sky Saison de la Provision
Spending a day with the outrageously talented Mark Tranter of Burning Sky is something I have come back to thinking about a lot.
Mark, who’d taken Dark Star to being one of the best UK breweries, set up his own brewery a little more than a year ago and is making some of the very best beers in the Britain. In fact, I’d already place Burning Sky up there with my favourite breweries in the world: Logsdon Farmhouse Ales, Jolly Pumpkin, De Ranke. They really are special.
Saison de la Provision is the kind of beer that transcends the sum of its ingredients and the aged bottled we opened at Burning Sky was mind blowing. 
应该说是酿酒师之间的一种尊重,STU非常欣赏BURNING SKY的主创酿酒师MARK,自从离开之前的酿坊(DARK STAR)之后,MARK新开的这家酿坊已经是STU心目中最佳之一。照片中STU手握的陈年农村风格啤酒用了”脑震荡“来形容。。。

Anything from Fullers
Living in London has taken my appreciation of Fuller’s Brewery to a new level. I had always loved them out of the bottle in New Zealand (and on my travels here) but to have them regularly, from cask, is a truly special thing that nobody should take for granted.
Whether it’s sessions of London Pride, Oliver’s Island or Black Cab Stout… or a nice pint of the brilliant London Porter, ESB or 1845… it’s always a masterclass in brewing. These rank highly on the little-known Keeling scale (surely a soon-to-be-adopted worldwide measure of drinkability).
The pint pictured – Fuller’s ESB – was a rare sneaky pint on my own at The Parcel Yard in King’s Cross Station… I always arrive very early for trains out of Kings Cross so that I can grab a pint there.
这家英伦酿坊算是亚洲蛮多城市都比较常见的啤酒品牌,STU觉得自从常住英国之后,对这家酿坊的啤酒有新领会,以易喝度来说绝对上选--有时候,为了在KING CROSS火车站酒吧喝上一杯鲜啤,STU会特意早到。

Drinking on a 4th Floor brewery, at Young Master Ales
I love visiting new places and seeing our beer on tap but, even more than that, I get a real kick off discovering local beers in these places (especially when they are emerging craft beer scenes).
This year I was lucky enough to spend a week in Hong Kong, where our beers have been selling for about 18 months, and to be involved in a few events at some excellent new venues. Everywhere I went I noticed Young Master beers and I really enjoyed every single one I tried. When our importer suggested we pop out for a visit, I jumped at the chance.
The waterfront setting on Ap Lei Chau, south of Hong Kong Island, could conjur up all sorts of romantic imagery for those who do not know the area. But Young Master Ales is set on the fourth floor of an industrial-looking storage building, a far cry from Hong Kong’s famed waterfront. The romance is certainly here, however, for anyone who tastes these delicious beers and gets to see the gleam in the eye of visionary founder Rohit Dugar. A brewery to watch in Hong Kong, for sure.  
这是香港朋友们熟悉的自酿品牌--少爷。STU在香港逗留了一个星期,也去看了一些有卖自家啤酒(YEASTIE BOYS)的酒吧,每次STU都看到少爷啤酒,在进口商朋友邀请下,STU去了设在一栋工业楼第四层的酿坊拜访---“香港值得留意的一家。”

All the beers at The Harp, Covent Garden
Sometimes the setting is more important than the beer itself. Part of the appeal of living in London (and many other towns and cities of Britain), is the absolute riches it contains in regards to pubs. The Harp, in Covent Garden, is one of the absolute best.
Looking for all intents and purposes like a hundred other English boozers in the city, with a hundred suits drinking on the street on any summer lunchtime or evening (and a hundred more or so inside), it’s a step above the rest when it comes to the beer selection.
A Fuller’s pub, by ownership, you’d never know from the beer selection inside. There’s far more  Dark Star than Fullers on the bar and there’s usually 8-10 breweries represented. I’ve drunk a lot of The Kernel IPA, Dark Star APA, Fuller’s London Pride and a fair few beers from other London breweries in there. And we’ve been lucky enough to have Yeastie Boys on tap on a number of occasions.
Lovely welcoming staff and a very pleasant upstairs room if you want to take a seat rather than stand among the hordes neat the bar. Perfect for stopping off for a pint by yourself, or a decent session with friends.
喝啤酒有时候也看什么地方的,这家位于COVENT GARDEN热闹酒吧街的一家是STU的推荐,除了选酒之外,气氛,服务都是推荐理由。

Yeastie Boys UK
We started producing our beer in UK, for European market, and it was a pleasure and a privilege to work with the brilliant team at Brewdog. To finally taste our beers produced here, after a year of planning – and even more of thinking about it – was a real highlight of 2015.
There’s an exciting road ahead in 2016 with a couple more beers being added to the range here.
2015年是STU自家品牌发展上重要的一年,通过大众集资,YEASTIE BOYS已在英国和酿狗团队合作酿造自家啤酒。今年会有一些新品推出。

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