
Sunday, May 22, 2016

WEEK 75--Side Note--Copenhagen Beer Week 2016

and so--it's over--the madness/awesomeness (or however you wanna call it)of Copenhagen Beer Week( 8-15 May)).
作为5周年版本,今年的CBCCopenhagen Beer Celebration)换了新场地,从之前的体育馆换到大几倍,更接近市中心的老旧展会中心。当然,啤迷最关心的不会是场地,而是有什么酿坊出席。
玩了4CBC,主办方MIKKELLER当然知道啤迷关注点,今年连续7Copenhagen Beer Week,从8号开始,每天几家相关专卖吧都有不同酿坊“占领啤酒泵”活动,一直到1314两天4个不同场次,每场5小时所有参展酿坊约200种不同啤酒任你喝庆典高潮後,15日还有后续活动,再加上城里其他专卖吧也有自家不同酿坊活动,这7天简直是让啤迷又期待又怕受伤害。

it's a full week of almost non-stop action for geeks who flew in from all corners of the world--all in the name of drinking some good shit...
here's a little summary of what happened during that week--more like a personal note of what's went on...
7 days of Copenhagen Beer Week--it's no wonder that Mikkeller has line up a host of activities throughout the week --just to ensure that all geeks has got something to drink or look forward to each day...
Of course there's also other bars in town which kept themselves busy by lining up tap-takeovers or special events in conjunction with the beer week...
I did not attend all--obviously--was just taking it at own pace--and here's some of the events i went to:-
1) Three Floyds tap takeover @ Mikkeller Bar Victoriagade
it's known that people would line up for FFF during CBC--so when a tap takeover is there before CBC--why not just drink emmm and save your palate for others during CBC.
美国摇滚级别酿坊THREE FLOYDS的占领啤酒泵,因为DARK LORD的盛名,每年不同版本,特别是用其他烈酒食材桶陈过的升级版更是啤迷关注点。在1314日的两天正式啤酒庆典中,经常出现长龙的肯定有为黑魔王而排的一条,所以,先喝为快不失最好。
there's a line too for the beers at the bar--but just a short one so it's fairly smooth and quick to get your fill of DARK LORDs and your Zombie Dust and so on....

2) Hillfarmstead Day@ Warpigs

when it was announced that Hillfarmstead will be in for CBC2016, i had a feeling that a tap takeover would happened--but did not think it would be of this scale--it was like fxxking Vermont came to town--so yeah--you could imagine the excitements among geeks lining up before noon that day--there's 2 spot where yo could line up for beers--1 outside with 7 taps-- 1 inside with 22 taps...

it took quite a while to reach the bar to get your beers--limit to 5 beers on tap per person and only 1 bottle purchase(strictly to be consumed on site only).
There's no wonder most tables were full of various glasses consisting majority or ALL of the 29 beers on tap!
and yes--if you a fan of Shaun the man--he was in the da house--brewing with the guys of Warpigs.
special thanks to a group of Sweden geeks for sharing this- thanks Hans.

3) Spontan tap takeover@Mikkeller & Friends + Bokkereyder tap takeover@ Koelschip
These two events happened on different days at 2 bars which is basically housed in the same building--the spontan event is about 40taps of all things spontan--majority of beers from Mikkeller, To Ol ...
While the smaller scale Bokkereyder tap takeover was something i was really looking forward to since there's no way i could sample anything from this "blender" where i am located--and yes--from what's sampled during the mini tap takeover--and subsequently during CBC--i would say this loud and clear-- i'm a FAN :)

#apart from the above mentioned--was also at other places like Ramen to Biru to try and buy a can of Heady Topper to go with ramen--but no luck as the HT was no where to be seen--also went to Mikkeller & Friends bottle shop at Torvehalleme to look see and pay visit to Mette.
Will write a more complete one for next newspaper column on some other places i went--including Himmeringet, Olbutikken & Fermentoren.....
Into 5th edition-it's being held in a much bigger hall than previous years--with some of the best breweries on show--as well many up and coming ones--more like the onus on geeks to find out what you like, and perhaps some hidden gems among the sea of beers available. The funny thing is--with that much beers on show--inside the hall it felt like a gathering of old and new friends savouring some kind of gourmet food/dessert--it did not really feels like a hall full of drunken people at all---NOPE--NOT AT ALL.
Throughout the week--many places in Copenhagen felt like an mini Olympic village--you will bump into some of the many brewers in town for CBC--or sit at the same bar sipping beers with brewers you probably only heard of/seen on social media.
有人问说大老远花钱去那么贵的北欧城市喝啤酒是不是值得,我想说,如果你是CRAFT BEER爱好者,那是会改变你的啤酒态度,眼界,味蕾,鉴赏力甚至素养的一周。
And the the fact that you are getting your beers poured and delivered by the same brewer who did the brew --maybe have a small chat during CBC is quite an experience--if some of you were star struck--that's quite understandable.
IN CONCLUSION--if anyone were to ask me--that flying all the way from Asia just for beers--and most likely breaking your bank account in doing so---is it worth it?
my answer is quite simple:-
"if you love craftbeer--that 1 week in CPH would transform your attitude-taste-palate-appreciation level and views about craftbeer.." 

*for more CBC 2016 related photos--do check out the previous post.

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