
Monday, June 6, 2016

WEEK 77---Craft-Spotting@Copenhagen 2016

This week's column is a very brief mentioning of some bars/bottle shop i been to during CBC Week(apart from the obvious 3 of Mikkeller /Warpigs/Mikkeller & Friends which already covered)-- there's some more craft beer places in CPH that's not mentioned here, but it's all right since i don't intent on doing a comprehensive guide kinda thing....
the latest addition to the scene in town--a combo of brew pub/bottle shop/beer bar---It's quite spacious with brewing facilities--including row of barrels--helm by the duo from TO OL--interesting to see if this place would go the direction of doing some exclusive to Brus only kinda of brew/release....
城里最新酿吧--除了卖其他人提供啤酒之外,很多啤酒是在酒吧里面自己酿--酿酒的是已盛名在外的To Ol 两位主创酿酒师。酿吧规模算蛮大型,除了酿酒设备,更有些其他酒类二手木桶供陈年过桶用途,喜欢瓶子选择的,入门处就有架子/冰柜摆满各类啤酒

the name says it all--this is a place where you come for some Belgium lambic-- or perhaps closer styles of wild ale/saison brewed in US or other parts of Europe--if you love your beer sour/funky or "calmer"at a cozy little place--this is the place to be--best part is--walk to next door--and you have another option in Mikkeller & Friends--they are basically being housed in one place.

opened for less than 3 months when we hit town--but words already traveled thick and fast about the beer list/tap list on show--and quickly became a must visit place in CPH for geeks--even if you are not a fan of Blabaer Lambic--which they have emmm both in bottles and on tap---there's still some other awesome bottles/ kegs to look forward to.

yes--everyone who knows would know--this is the small bottle shop in Copenhagen where Cantillon specially brew Blabaer for. This is the place where every year geeks from far and wide lining up for the annual release of Blabaer. Obviously when i visited there NO Blabaer for sale or on show--the place is just a cozy little bottle shop to sit in and chat--drink some beers be it bottles from the fridge or when Morten the affable owner/manager tap a beer .
away from the madness of Blabaer Day--this is just a very neighborhood store with multi-nationals visitors....
小小一家瓶子店,却是每年很多国际啤迷排长龙的一家,为的是比利时天然发酵果酸啤酒酿坊CANTILLON专门为瓶子店酿造的BLABAER LAMBIC--蓝莓果酸啤酒。是的,CANTILLON每年会为这家瓶子店专门酿造不同年份的蓝莓果酸啤酒,更重要的是,只在哥本哈根这家瓶子店发售,你就算去比利时CANTILLON酿坊,也找不到!大名鼎鼎镇店之宝之外,也有其他酿坊专门为店家酿造一些包括上啤酒泵的鲜啤。这是家感觉很邻家,很家常的瓶子店,店内有一两个啤酒泵,是可以坐下来慢慢喝,慢慢聊那种店,不是只能打包拿走那种。如果有去到这家,记得跟友善的店主MORTEN打个招呼。

It is said that if you like your beers local or Scandinavian--you would do no wrong to come here--though in fact they do have a fair amount of imported US/European beers too--either on tap/bottles. This is a place you have the choice of sit out or sit in--and really close to many other craft-places(warpigs/olbutikken/kihoskh/ mikkeller...)

this is not really a craft beer place one might ask? well it is a Ramen place with a vending machine--where you can buy craft beer in can--too bad there's no Heady Topper when we hit the shop to go with the noodles---but it's still good to have a bowl of Ramen with craft beer in hand...
拉面和啤酒,对啤迷来说是美好组合。这是MIKKELLER新搞作,请来日本拉面师傅,搬来日本街头最常见的贩卖机,就那样,哥本哈根出现了可以从贩卖机投币买罐装啤酒配拉面吃喝的店。既是“米记”旗下店家,贩卖机内的罐装啤酒就不会是泛泛之流,早阵子MIKKEL拿着一罐美国最佳IPA之一HEADY TOPPER配拉面吃的照片就引起啤迷关注,更想来这家店时,找罐HEADY TOPPER仿效。

used to be located inside Mikkeller & Friends bar---moved out to be a stand-alone bottle shop inside the food hall at Torvehalleme where it's more accessible to the public--had a Steak Sandwich from next door while sipping on a bottle of FFF Alpha King--best combo of that day....

There is no doubt whatsoever that Copenhagen is certainly one of Europe's main focal point for beer geeks--all you who lives in CPH-or very nearby-i envy you not...:)

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