
Friday, August 5, 2016

WEEK 82---Bitter -Spicy -Sweet -Sour - all in the name of Craft beer

I was actually asked a while ago by someone very new--or rather still very blur about craft beer:-
"what's there to be so fussy or excited about?"
Think i said something along the line of "because you can find many different flavours which can be found in real food items--and they are not those cheap/ fake kind of food chemical flavours.."
有新人朋友问---Craft Beer有什么魅力让啤迷玩的那么入神?
答案很简单,只因真材实料,变化多端,很多食物中找得到的味道,在Craft Beer中不单只找得到,有时还因为酿造过程增添/丰富了新滋味----这期就挑最基本的酸甜苦辣说。
this weekly column is a piece about basic flavours which can be found in a pint/bottle of beer... 
i still remember someone told me few years ago--that when he first started drinking an American pale ale---a bottle of Dead Guy by Rouge---"it was so bitter, i have to stop drinking..."(*thanks to WayneLin from Taiwan Geek's group--who pointed out that this is NOT an APA but rather a German style Mailbock or Helles Bock)
That was many years ago--the same beer is tasting "very sweet" already to that same person.
很多新朋友刚开始接触Craft Beer喝的第一二三杯\瓶,八九不离十会是Pale Ale  IPA
有位啤迷朋友说,好多年前刚开始接触Craft 级别啤酒时,第一瓶喝的美国啤酒是RougeDead Guy Ale,当时觉得苦不堪言。不过,这支美式Pale ale 在啤迷朋友味蕾经过一段时间历练後,再喝已是""的。(谢谢台湾啤迷朋友WAYNE LIN指正--这其实是德国风格MAILBOCK/HELLES BOCK)
TOO Bitter--that's usually the first comment we hear from someone having his/her first Hoppy ale--be it a Pale Ale or an IPA or even a hop base Pilsner. Sometimes newbies got scared and thought "That's It"--craft beer is no fun--not for me...

The idea people have about how a BEER should taste is almost 100% basing on what they know from drinking MACRO Beer--ice cold, fizzy, easy to sip---nothing more than that....
BUT Why so Bitter you ask?--that's because your palate was never properly develop as far as beer taste is concern--the mind and senses were precast with the idea of how a crappy beer should taste like--and when finally challenged with a craft beer --the mind & senses/palate just crumble!
这是喝Craft Beer好玩之处,大家之前基本都被单调无趣大厂啤酒预设对啤酒刻板印象,味蕾处于未开发境界,一喝到真材实料加了适量或大量啤酒花酿造IPAHoppy Pale Ale感官就被震撼/醒觉,一开始不适应觉得苦不堪言是正常。
If you still think Pale Ale or IPA is too bitter--keep trying--you will soon find out it's really fruity/citrusy/bitter sweet--or down right sweet! so easy to drink and tasty--- *(FRESHNESS of Pale Ale/IPA is very important--but that's for you to find out--learn your lesson by drinking some "dead already" bottles/pint along the way--and you would know how to differentiate soon enough)

That people actually love drinking sour beer is something most non -geeks cannot understand.
in Asia--sour food item is not a big preference- especially among Men.
Not so long ago, a geek friend shared a bottle of highly regarded Lambic with his family member/s--and got this remark:-
"WORSE TASTE ever in my mouth!!!!"
酸味啤酒什么概念? 基本可以想象下把酸味水果比如橘子,柠檬,酸樱桃之类的用来酿酒,如果你看到Wild AleSour AleBerliner WeisseGoseFlanders RED/BROWN标签啤酒,基本就是酸味为主,或酸咸兼具。
What is so nice about Sour Beer?
I guess if you can imagine having a beer brewed with whole fruits of say Lemon, Yuzu, Sour Cherries and so on( and sometimes with pinch of salt to make it sour & salty....:)--then you get the rough idea of how a sour beer might taste like---BUT-- do take into consideration that though brewing process with combination of malt/yeast, and/or other accompanying food items--the SOUR you imagine it to be --can be a lot more interesting than you thought( this applies to beers with other taste profile too)
Generally speaking--if you see on label saying Wild Ale-Sour Ale- Berliner Weisse-Gose- Flanders RED/BROWN  then you are basically looking at beers which would taste sour--fruity but sour--sour & salty....
Of Course when you see LAMBIC--like Famboise, Kriek, Oude Gueuze, then you are looking at something uniquely Belgium with at times very strong hints of FUNK/Horse Blanket/ or like rotten cheese---whatever you might want to call it---just DON'T throw the beer away--those are perfectly fine beers--they just smell a bit odd--if you are very new to Lambic.

Yes--there are beers that taste like dessert.
In fact the whole idea of sweet beer is like chewing on dessert in liquid form--though there's a sub-category that says " Sweet Stouts"--you do not have to limit yourself to only searching for sweet tasting beers within that sub-category, there are other beer styles which do have sweet just have to try on and seek them out...
比如黑啤就有一个叫Sweet Stout的小分类。
Well--if you want a category that's predominantly skewed towards the Sweet category--look no further than #MEAD 
BUT--though mead is essentially based on fermented honey for whichever variants they brew--to conclude that mead is only sweet, one dimensional and nothing else is VERY WRONG. 
Mead is something in between a cider/beer/port wine/bourbon/red wine/white's certainly more than just sweet sensation.

Have you ever drank a beer so spicy--you practically need to run for the toilet within half hour of drinking some of it?
Though comparatively ASIAN FOOD is more known for it's spicy selection---but you be surprised to find out just as interesting are some beers brewed by US/European brewers with spicy in mind.
在本地出现过的辣味啤酒就有丹麦米记的Texas Ranger, 美国Prairie Bomb---这两款都是黑啤,在黑啤特有的烤麦芽香,黑巧克力,香草味中有一股很特出的辣味--与其说像我们习惯的红辣椒或小辣椒,这两支黑啤的辣味比较像是是墨西哥食材辣味。至于辣到什么程度,当然因人而异,不过,有一位洋人啤迷朋友喝了米记那支後一直喊辣,说像是喝了一支Tabasco。(个人觉得还好,没那么辣)
One of my old favourites-- Texas Ranger by Mikkeller--it's more like Mexican spicy than Asian chilies spicy--in a nice way--but i do remember a Geek friend had that one bottle and was like "i just drank a bottle of Tabasco....its burning!!!"

Craft Beer当然不止酸甜苦辣那么简单,多找找多尝试,肯定会让味蕾发现新境界。
Obviously craft beer is NOT ONLY about sweet & spicy or bitter & sour---there's a lot more quirky or tasty beers out there --you just need to look for it....

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