
Tuesday, December 20, 2016

2016 Most Memorable Beer List--a list from Kenneth(Hong Kong)

There's still some more list to be published by beer friends from different cities in and around Asia, today's list is from Kenneth. Anyone who visited HKBeerGeeks FB public group would have noticed at times there's posting on some private tasting session with beers not available not only in HK, but very likely Asia as a whole-living in Asia can make a geek go through various length & depth just to try finding beers from overseas through fellow geeks help--and Kenneth is obviously on the fore front of this "seek your own beer' game--which is becoming common among geeks--but not many doing at that kind of varieties/scale this guy is doing for pure pleasure of tasting/sharing..:)
今天的年度最有印象啤酒清单来自香港啤迷朋友,有关注香港精酿啤酒俱乐部FB的都知道香港有个常会自己从国外找亚洲难得一见啤酒进来跟同好分享/办小型私人品酒会的超级啤迷, 他就是今天的清单分享人KENNETH。

here's the list by Kenneth in his own words in Mandarin(with a little interpretation from me in English).
Siren / Cigar City Caribbean Chocolate Cake 
Tropical Stout 是香港比較少見的類型,這一瓶卻令人印象難忘!聞香是煙燻麥芽、朱古力跟黑加侖子紅莓果香,入口是果醬甜麥芽、可可朱古力跟微微木桶香,甜度高但味道平衡得很好,是一瓶相當精彩的 dessert beer
This is one sweet but well balance tropical stout that Kenneth thought quite highly of--with fruit jam like sweet/roasted malt/chocolate and influence of oak barrel coming together nicely.
The Bruery / Maine Beer Fourthmeal 
一個很有趣的組合:The Bruery 曾承諾不會釀 IPA (但他們有出產IPL)Maine Beer 只釀造 Hoppy 酒款 - "第四餐" 雖說明是一道 Hoppy Belgian Ale,老實說更像一瓶 Belgian IPA聞香是強烈的柑橘、花香跟微微比利時酵母味道,口感的檸檬麥芽果香強烈,中間感到一點面包麥芽、柑橘酒花苦韻作餘韻,平衡感很強完全將兩家酒廠的長處結合,這是2016年其中一瓶最難忘的!
Interesting combination between 2 breweries(where The Bruery not known for hoppy beers while Maine is very much into hops) which resemble a Belgian IPA- one of the most memorable one for Kenneth this year.
Jester King Noble King (Batch 18) 
有別於美式酒花的熱帶水果香氣,Noble King 添加了歐陸貴族酒花釀製同時間加入當地的野生酵母及酸性菌種,為此加上鄉土及陣陣花香。那種久違了的花香及細緻感覺,十分討好,很喜歡這種 "Table Beer" 的精緻味道。

Distinctively different from the aroma of American hops influenced, with the addition of wild yeast, there's this earthy/floral finesse coming through,very likable beer.
Hoppin' Frog Barrel Aged B.O.R.I.S The Crusher 
Hoppin Frog BORIS 強大之中又表現優雅,混合了波本桶、可可、咖啡、乾果香而沒有出現違和感,十分味美出色!
A good mix of bourbon barrel influence with cocoa,coffee.dried fruits-tasty.
Anglo Japanese Brewing Co. - Saison 
 The beer that changes Kenneth's negative perception on Japanese beer-elegant with traditional influence, outstanding one.

Hill Farmstead 系列 
2010 年開業,短短幾年已於 Ratebeer 獲得三年 World Best Brewery 評價(20122014 2015)。今日品嚐的酒,呈優雅風格的款式,味道複雜、細緻之中又極為平衡,其中個人最喜歡 Anna 同埋 Everett
All bottles tasted during a private session in HK--with Anna & Everett being two pick of that day for Kenneth.
last evening there was another HF private tasting session in HK--with all these bottles flown in from the states with Kenneth friend's help--wonder which would have became new favourites...?

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