
Wednesday, December 27, 2017


The second list for 2017 is from Alex Hsu(徐祖堂)of Taipei, a beer geek who also writes to share his encounters with beer/mead, Alex runs a page on FB dedicated to craft-sharing @ttcraftbeer written in Mandarin.
The list is written by Alex in Mandarin while the English transcript is done basing on my interpretations( which is not really word by word translations)--pics too from Alex--the sequences of the list is not by any means a top 10 of the year sort of list but rather was decided by sequences of how the pics were taken/sent in....
年度最有印象酒单继续,这次是来自台北的朋友ALEX徐祖堂的自选, 酒单照片和中文都是ALEX提供:-

1De Garde Saison Facile
來自美國奧勒岡州的De Garde是我心目中前五名的酒廠,而這款則是我人生中第一款De Garde的酒;冷泡酒花並放入橡木桶中熟成的酸啤酒實在是無與倫比,酒花的乾淨水果氣息搭配酸啤酒特有的Funky風味真的是巧妙的不能再更多,讓喝的人垂涎三尺不能自己。
To Alex--De Garde is simply one of his personal TOP 5 breweries, this bottle was his first ever De Garde beer--he was obviously overjoyed.
2Deschutes / Hair of the Dog Conflux No. 1 - Collage
兩家美國精釀神廠的心血結晶;分別將DeschutesDissident, The Stoic Hair of the Dog Fred, Adam混合並放入Rye Whiskey, Cognac, Sherry, Pinot Noir, Bourbon, used American Oak, new American Oak and new Oregon Oak等橡木桶中進行兩年熟成的作品。目前市面上還買的到NO.2第二代作品,但這次分享的是2010出版的第一代超限量款項。風味上感覺就好像走入迷宮一樣,好複雜、層次感又超高,根本在這風味迷宮裡迷路且徜徉在內。
A collab by 2 of America's famous breweries--a blend of 2 each's famous brew and then went into oak barrel aging for 2 years--Ale had the 2010 version which he felt as if stepping into a taste labyrinth, so complex one seemingly got lost.  
3Alchemist Heady Topper
堪稱NE IPA始祖的他果真有其獨到之處,現今的NE IPA大多著重於果汁般的風味與外觀,雖然非常的易飲順口,但總覺得少了點自己的個性,不過Heady Topper除了混濁的外觀與果汁般的風味外,更多了股鮮明的酵母果酯風味,完全走出自己的路,不愧是NE IPA門派的張三丰啊!
The grand master of NEIPA, distinct characteristics of it's own makes it the standout among the sea of NEIPAs.
4Russian River Blind Pig IPA
這支酒我覺得最厲害的地方不是在於味道的豐富性(當然也是很強啦),而是在其強到變態的易飲性和平衡感,不開玩笑,我真的是在10分鐘內喝完,一口接著一口完全停不下來,喝完一整個滿足又惆悵。實在太強了!若要我選Pliny the ElderBlind Pig,個人會更推薦後者!
Alex love the easy drinking and balance of this brew--in fact he finished the whole bottle within 10 minutes of pouring--and totally satisfied and in awe.
5Russian River Pliny the Elder
終於喝到傳說的Double IPA 王者-Russian River Pliny The Elder
Finally got to taste this legendary king of double IPA--the balance and drinkability is why this is such a legendary brew.
6Mikkeller Beer Celebration 2017
方丈的巧手下,這款作品絕對配得上「狂」一字;其將Spontan Yuzu這款經典作品提升至2.0版後再放入橡木桶中熟成,成就了這支很猛的作品!而這款酒真的是暴力直接,沒在跟你廢話的。直接一個柚子重拳貫倒你,再用舒服的酸度扶你一把,揍的你不要不要的。
Alex love this barrel aged Yuzu brew in conjunction with MBCC this year in Copenhagen--a no nonsense straight in your face Yuzu beer.
7Thomas Hardy's Ale (2005)
Thomas Hardy's Ale是英國非常非常經典的Barley Wine,其在世界各國的精釀啤酒愛好者中都是急欲追求的品項,特點在於非常適合陳年存放。
A classic English Barley wine--this is one quite old bottle which seems to developed into some form of sherry wine-ish beer--so tasty. 
8、吉姆老爹 波本桶陳釀帝國紅愛爾
The first barrel aged beer from Taiwan's local brewery--a significant one in terms of local brew barrel aging program--Alex is already eagerly awaiting the upcoming batches...
9Jester King Kvass
Kvass是一種盛行於俄羅斯、東歐地區的傳統發酵酒類,其以麵包進行發酵。這種風格的酒一直有所耳聞,但從來沒有機會品嘗,這次在東京Craftheads看到居然有Jester King酒廠的該款作品,怎麼能不喝呢!雖然其並不是非常標準的Kvass,但也足夠一窺門路了~
Something Alex found during the recent trip to Tokyo--Kvass is a traditional style brewed mainly at Eastern Europe--this is the American version by Jester King.
10Lervig / Hoppin' Frog Sippin' Into Darkness
A collab brew served as the end of Tokyo trip beer for Alex--happiness was flowing.

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