
Sunday, December 24, 2017

WEEK 121--Either end of Tokyu Setagaya Line

Last piece on the recent trip to Tokyo is more about visiting friend's places rather than exploring new bar/bottle shop, because of Pigalle Tokyo which located nearby Sangenjaya Station,which is at the beginning of the community light train Setagaya Line, and Hatos Outside which happened to be located at the last stop of the line at Shimo-takaido station, i was travelling on Setagaya Line more often than i thought i would. 
以最中心的山手线为基点来说,东京除了涉谷新宿池袋等闹区有不少craft 酒吧,一些比较不那么受游客关注的小区其实也有好些各有特色craft 专卖吧或瓶子店可以走走看看喝喝,比如很多人公认至少需要去一次,有70个啤酒泵的老牌专卖吧Popeye 就在山手线之外的两国站附近,还有距离算蛮远的北千住区也有一家规模比很多啤迷熟悉的田中屋更多啤酒选择的瓶子店/酒吧, 至于东京临近周边地区比如横滨的就更是有不少,比如美国啤酒入口商Antenna America 在办公楼开的酒吧瓶子店,比如小型酿吧Thrash Zone 等等。 
For those of you who have yet to visit Pigalle Tokyo, it's basically a tiny bottle shop+neighbourhood bar, with just 1 small fridge full of bottles plus 5 taps--this is a cozy small place with carefully selected beers, if you speaks Japanese, you can have nice conversation with the owners Hide & Chie, if you don't, English still works here to a certain extend.
第一次来三轩茶屋这家小小酒吧瓶子店是几年前,那时跟<东京啤酒人>部落客朋友 一起探寻横滨啤酒热点后过来,和老板夫妇初次见面,对店和人都留下良好印象,之后每次来东京基本会来坐坐,又或偶尔推荐朋友去。
I first visited Pigalle few years back with Neil of Tokyo Beer Drinker blog and has been visiting whenever in town, the beers here are very much European influenced with some Japanese brew in the mix, for examples there was limited number of the blended and un-blended version of Yorocco saison for sale when visited.
For those of you fascinated with Japanese sub-culture, expect a train with Maneki-Neko( fortune cat) design to service you on Setagaya Line--this is one daily routine surprises awaiting to be discovered if you are a fan of cat figurine designs on a small community mundane commuting train, and if you are an ardent fan of the popular cat figure, there's a shrine located within the 10 stations on the train line which one could go pay a visit.
Going to Shimo-takaido station for a beer place would not be on most people's plan especially if you are from out of town--it was because of a friend's new bar--the new location for Hatos bar--a bar nearby Naka-Meguro station and well known to drinkers for their exclusive imports of Gigantic and Upright  beers from Oregon, plus their famous Smoked BBQ pork dishes. This time around though, the new bar which is named Hatos Outside, signaling it's slightly far off from town center, is located at a very local community focus area, though the beers from Oregon still in tact, the food is somehow very local--Japanese curry --with no smoked BBQ. 
朋友开在下高井户的酒吧跟本店概念不太一样,已经营多年的本店位于靠近代官山站或中目黑站走路可到范围内,以美式烤肉和自家进口美国酿坊Gigantic Upright这两个酿坊啤酒为人知。一如店名的OUTSIDE所指,新店选在比较外围,当地人为主的小区,选酒基本没太大差别,食物倒是从美式烤肉变成只卖日式咖哩,感觉有点想把CRAFT文化从比较多外国人客源本店扩散到比较本地人社区的企图心。
Went there to meet up with co-owners friend on rainy nights-- shared some brew--chatted a little--i guess the mood was more about chilling than trying to seek out any rare bottles or to be at any of the hottest craft places in Tokyo, sometimes, craft beer is also about having some quiet time with friend/s.
It is no doubt craft choices in and around Tokyo is one of the best Asia can offer, though some other cities are slowly upping the craft game, when it comes to the officially imported variants/varieties game, Tokyo is still one of the best--along side  Mikkeller Bangkok with some of it's never seen in Asia varieties/tap takeover events popping up from time to time.

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