
Monday, January 8, 2018


Into the second week of 2018, looking back, there's obviously the big miss of not able to make it out there in Copenhagen for MBCC beer week--though there's a consolation of sort of having attended Asia's first ever mead+casual fine dining pairing dinner at Upstairs@Mikkeller Bangkok.
Here's my list of memorable ones--as well added a few not mentioned in the newspaper column( partly due to limited space a page can accommodate)--in no particular order*
一年刚过,身为啤迷,最大憾事莫过于没能参与去年哥本哈根啤酒庆典,值得安慰是有幸去曼谷参与美国顶级蜜酒作坊SUPERSTITION MEADERY在最近拿到米其林一星的“米吧”楼上餐厅(UPSTAIRS AT MIKKELLER BANGKOK)亚洲唯一一场蜜酒美食配搭晚宴。虽说少了一次哥本哈根啤酒周的洗礼,回望去年喝过的不同类别啤酒蜜酒中,仍有好些精彩酿品值得一提。(排名不分先后)
B.Nektar--- Mutant Zombie Killer
Had this in a sharing session here in KL--it was instantly attention grabbing--and then some sort of F words followed--not because it was bad--but Dangerously drinkable/delicious---it never felt like a high abv brew--more like a very easy drinking fruits influenced session mead/cider sort--what an amazing accidental brew.
Homage--- Chat Flou
Not heard of this US brewery before tasting it in an after party at Mikkeller Bangkok- right after the mead pairing dinner-was totally surprised by the finesse displayed first through the nose--think rotten peach( in a nice way)--then the layering of body/taste--thanks to JJ for sharing this beauty.( and duck duck gooze)
Cloud Water + The Veil -- Chubbles
& Other Half ---All Citra Everything
No doubt NEIPA was the buzz word last year( and still is)--for the uninitiated--what NEIPA do is to make the usually more bitter/harder style of IPA into something more juicy/fruity--in some cases much softer than the hops attack focus "traditional ipas"( which is a misconception as there's also some very balance and easy drinking IPAs)
As with any beer styles, there's different approach/school of thoughts applied by different brewers--and it's natural that not all NEIPAs willl be tasty or to one's liking--some NEIPA can taste overly sweet or cloying to some.
With fresh/finer NEIPAs harder to source in ASIA--these two were the standouts among some in vouge/in demand US/UK brews tasted last year.
New England IPA, 近期最热门IPA新形态,简单说就是口感酒体类似果汁的印度淡啤, 跟口感比较苦涩传统IPA 最大分别是酿品做出类似果汁口感,为IPA 带出另一种层次。由于是类果汁,一些酿品喝起来比较像是喝着果汁或浓缩果汁多过像印度淡陴,有些感觉过甜或腻口,个人来说,不是很爱。
个人喜好之外,酿品水准高低当然有很大影响,今年喝过酿品中,英美高手合酿的Chubbles和来自纽约酿坊的All Citra Everything均衡可口,感觉对味。
The Lost Abby  --Duck Duck Gooze
A bottle brought in to Bangkok from the states by JJ for a sharing session---long heard of this hard to come by bottle--the biggest impression after pouring was the nose of the brew--it was wonderful--but the beer did not taste as awesome as the nose--it did not bring about the usual Gueze feelings--tasted quite subtle--almost underwhelming for a big name bottle but still one to remember.
#side note
in the newspaper column--somehow i made the the mistake of referring this tribute to Gueze brew as Gose( yeah i know--what a careless fxxked up)
Mikkeller--- Sontan Cherry
Truth be told--there was no expectations whatsoever with this one during a share in KL--but it kinda wow everyone sipping it--it's really well made--full of cherries goodness yet not overpowering--for a little while you could even mistaken it as a wine-beer.
Alesmith  --Speedway Thai
Thanks to John for bringing this one back from Bangkok and shared with the guys here--speedway stout is no doubt one of the benchmark stouts out there--this Thai tribute version uses some Thai ingredients--and it was really to the point--the brew though still essentially a speedway stout--but it showcase the Thai ingredients in a nice way--it's likely not the most complex or best variants of speedway stouts out there--but if you like Thai food--this one will remind you of some Thai flavours.
朋友从曼谷米吧带回来分享的瓶子,Speedway stout 是这家美国加州酿坊代表作,原版之外有非常多变奏版,这是使用几种具有泰国特色食材加入酿造,除了保持黑啤应有醇香,也体现了泰国食材带来的特色。
Yorocco-- BA Saison(Unlended version)
The consensus among some of us geeks is that Japanese brew is mostly very drinkable but somehow too polite/mellow--seems lacking some edges that would make one to sit up and notice.
Well--what a surprise this brew turn out to be--shared this in Tokyo with a newly acquainted geek from the states--after 2 sips--both of us were like "damn--this beer is something"--it's not a in your face kind of beer--on the contrary--it's basically still is a subtle brew--but i guess the magic with wine oak barrel aging did the trick-- it was full of oak goodness--almost felt like sipping a fine white wine beer--easy drinking on another level --full of nuances.
Superstition mead pairing dinner at Upstairs Mikkeller Bangkok
the founders/owners of Supersition Meadery---Jeff and Jen and their 2 sons were in Bangkok early last year during a family trip to Asia--the pairing dinner was the only event held--with the awesome White Series plus 7 other variants of their mead/cider --it was something i could not miss---Chef Dan tweak a little on the menu to better suit  the mead/cider theme--it was an amazing pairing/dining experience especially what Chef Dan did with the desserts to pair with Peanut Butter Jelly Crime--as well as the finale 4 variants of White Series. 
配合SUPERSTITION酿坊创始人JEFFJEN还有孩子们在泰国度假,去年初曼谷米吧楼上餐厅举行了亚洲唯一一场美食配搭蜜酒晚宴。对不太了解这家餐厅的,这是亚洲唯一坚持美食配搭啤酒或蜜酒的米其林一星餐厅,这里没有葡萄酒供应,包括甜点在内的10道美食只配搭啤酒或蜜酒。当晚菜单是主厨DAN BARK根据11款不同类型蜜酒调整而设,特别是配合PEANUT BUTTER JELLY CRIME和压轴4WHITE SERIES的甜点设计更是突出,是新颖有趣的美味用餐经验

Black Tuesday is always welcome
obviously we don't get any supply of this monster brew in Asia--not by any means--the only way is to seek your own way--thanks to Toga who secured this beauty from the states and shared this in KL
first ever Saison Dupont fresh on tap in KL
Manu is a friend who imports some nice Belgium beers to KL--this one though was the very first time we have seen it on tap--thanks to this guy--we had the pleasure of not only drinking it fresh on tap but also during a private invite to his home bar...:)
在本地友人MANU的私家酒吧喝到的,这是KL第一次有上了啤酒泵的SAISON DUPONT, 在KL搞酒类进口很不容易,多的他们的持续坚持。 
Lambic( and nice sours) here is heaven sent
getting any Lambic this part of the world is hard--with very little official distributions in ASIA for lambic ( as well very little to none distro for some American sours)--so anything above average that pops up this part of the world is welcome with open arms really--here's some shared ones last year.

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