
Monday, May 28, 2018

WEEK 131---Beer can be Fun/Breathing/Gone in a sec/Queuing overnight....

The highly anticipated #MBCC2018 (Mikeller Beer Celebration Copenhagen) is over---instead of doing a fest report--it will be a sort of 3 parts articles for the newspaper column talking about smaller things either officially related to #MBW(Mikkeller Beer Week) or other activities held during that week by bars which is outside of the organizer's official activities.
众多啤迷期待的哥本哈根啤酒庆典在两周前结束了,作为Craft Beer界最有代表性啤酒庆典的一周,这几个事情是有点趣味的:-

For the uninitiated(look away if you are an expert or old time geeks)--this first article touch on things non-craft beer drinkers or perhaps newbies would not expect of a beer:-
1) Getting all "slush-up" by "slushie" fun version 
Anyone who attended beerfest with the presence of  Omnipollo would notice that these guys don't usually serve their beers from a regular kegerator--there's always a twist to how they serve the beers--and yes--they are fond of using a 'slushie-machine"--like those at convenience store---this "slushie"version beer is very different from those straight out of a tap, or from a bottle--it has that extra layer of smoothness/silkiness/creamy mouth feel that would make a good beer that much more better. In fact it was so nice that some of us geeks were jokingly calling this "slushie" version a "fraud/cheat"( in a nice way--of course we don't mind) because one seems to only be able to get this version during the fest---go drink the same beer from a regular bar or from bottle and you will NOT be able to get that extra layer of creamy "slushieness" ---as for if this is the way Omnipollo is trying to tell people that "if you want that special"slushie"version--come to a fest"?  I did not ask Henok or any of the Omnipollo guys--but very much welcome to point out if i have gotten the wrong impression or if they do indeed serve that version regularly at the bar in Stockholm.
2) Beers do uses Decanter at times( it's not limited to wine only)
OK--using a decanter for certain beers might be news/unheard of for non-craft beer drinkers or some newbies---but it's certainly NOT exclusive to bars/fest in Copenhagen only--in fact we geeks in craft desert KL did tried using it for a few beers(mead too)--the fact is that while the use of Decanter for beers is not often/usually needed--but for certain style of beers(examples certain lambic/stouts/barley wine/mead and so on..)---the use of decanter would help open up/let the beer breath/warm up/become more rounded/full body compared to say drinking right away once opened....
The thing is--some beers really would benefit with some patience/waiting time before being consumed, it's kinda like an athelete needs warming up before going into a match----same for CERTAIN styles of beers----for examples---try drink and finish a stouts quickly say within 10-15 minutes--and drink that same stouts slowly say only starting to drink 5-10 minutes after opening and slowly sip within 1 hour or so--a really good stouts will show the differences/nuances with change of temperature/as it warm up)
3) Gone in Seconds
There's no denying that after 2016 fest in Copenhagen, the fame( ok- there are some who called it HYPE) and "in demand' level of Bokkereyder has gone off the roof---love it or loathe it---the fact is that the few ticketing tasting sessions with Raf at Koelschip were literally gone in seconds---a friend of mine got a ticket to the event because he was clever/impatience enough to start clicking the keyboard half a minute or so before online sale started....
If you are a non-craft drinker--or a newbies still---yes---sometimes a ticketing beer event can go crazy like a mega rock star concerts--it's almost impossible to grab a ticket online.
4) Queuing overnight just for ONE bottle of beer
Yes--you heard it right--people do that--in fact in Copenhagen--people do that every year for a particular beer.
What beer is that ? to cut a long story short--it's a blueberry lambic called Cantillon Blabaer--why it's so special? well--because it's specially brewed yearly for a bottle shop(Olbutikken) which the owner/s closed down not long ago and operates a bar (Himmeriget) the other side of town but nothing changes as far as this specially dedicated brew is concerned---Cantillon Blabaer is only available in Copenhagen(not even in Brussels where it's brewed), so every year there will be geeks who wanted this brew lining up for hours rain or shine just to be able to obtain one.
This year---there's a total of 300 bottles of Cantillon Blabaer( half in 750ml size/half 375ml) up for grabs during that week when we were in town---anyone want one--very easy--just line up--make sure you are in the first 300 people in the queue.
And so there's 4 Brazilians geeks (who i do know some of them) who waited in line outside the bar the night before sale started at 12pm noon the next day---i went the next day around 10.45 to check on the scenes--there's a long queue as expected--and there's empty bottles and cans along the queue---those are what the geeks in line been sharing--from some nice lambics to some American stouts to cans of NEIPAs----these people surely know how to enjoy/share while waiting in line---according to what the Brazilian guys posted after securing a bottle each--it was around 18 hours wait to be the first 4 in line---if you would asked was it worth the wait then it's really a million dollar question----no one can say for sure--it's like some people don't mind driving hours for a meal at a particular restaurant--while some are too lazy to even go anywhere within half an hour journey.

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