
Tuesday, August 21, 2018

WEEK 137--Things beer label did & did not tell us

If last article was about what beer label could tell us--this one is more about certain things which beer label don't/can't tell us.
craft beer特点是大小酿坊星罗棋布,不同风味类型风格啤酒多如繁星,酒标设计更是各有特色。

For examples:-
1) Beer Styles
One of the best things about craft beer is the seemingly endless choices available--not just from thousands of different breweries but more importantly choices for very differing beer styles, i.e. different taste profile of a beer.

So it's very helpful for beer label to inform drinkers what style of beer a particular bottle/can it is ---just like when in a bread shop one would want to know if a bread is savoury or sweet or plain before buying.

But--knowing if a bottle/can of beer is an IPA, a pale ale or a stout is just the first step---you will need to drink it to know if the beer is well made/well taken care of by the bar/bottle shop/tasting good or bad/ to your taste or other wise.....
1)类型风格(beer style
craft 的不同风味太多,喝之前当然需要知道这是一瓶/罐什么样的啤酒,道理就像吃面包前知道里面的馅料是红豆甜还是火腿咸那样。
2) ABV(alcohol by volume)
All beer label will have this info--it's the indication of how 'strong" a beer is( alcohol strength wise)---while it's mostly mandatory by law ----this is also necessary because in craft beer some brew are easily over the 9-10% abv level---and it's not uncommon to see some hitting well over 15-20% abv.

Sometimes it's dangerous to just drink and not knowing what's the actual abv level of a brew----some really well brewed beer/mead can conceal/hide it's alcohol very well where one would be misled to think it's a low abv brew while in actual fact it could be well over 10% abv level.

Hence it is important to know the strength of a particular brew before you started drinking---and if you are planning a bottle sharing session---then both beer styles and abv would play a big role in determining if it would be a palate pleasing session or turning into a palate numbing binge session.
3) Ideal Drinking Temperature
Some brewers would tell you through beer label info about what temperature he/she think would be best to express the full flavours of  their brew---in some rare cases there's even advice to decant a beer for certain period of time before drinking....

But NOT all beer label would contain 'ideal drinking temperature" info---while it depends on beer styles---the common understanding is that:-
1) craft beer DON'T NEED ice-cold or even worse FROSTED glasses---those are big no no---only bad beer need ice to conceal it's bad taste or tastelessness( though some can be so bad that even ICE can't help to hide)---a room temperature glass is generally good for any craft beer which would allow the flavours to open up is the right thing to do.
2) in some styles---the likes of barley wine/lambic/porter /stouts/ or mead---it's a given that these are slow sippers---these are the brew which require time to "wake up and open up"---the nuances/different layers a brew could generate while temperature changes is certainly a process to enjoy.
3)适饮冷度ideal temperature) 
这是酿酒师觉得最能表现这瓶/罐啤酒风味的适当温/冷度,喝craft beer需要稍微讲究温/冷度不是绝对大多数喝啤酒人的认知,但确是必要动作,只有那样才能真正享受不同类型风格啤酒不同层次味道。
第一,不管喝什么类型风格啤酒,绝对不要用冷到结霜的杯子(太过冷会让啤酒不能呼吸,展现不出应有风味),实际上,喝craft beer用室温杯子就可以。
4) Adjunct / Barrel Aging
Adding food items/fruits/spices to enhance/change the basic taste of a brew is a common practice in the craft beer scene---and aging using various types of used barrel(you name it--from bourbon, calvados to wine barrel to most recently mead barrel) to impact complexity to a beer---sometimes there's seemingly no end to what craft brewer would try to experiment to try and find that unique flavours/nuances a brew could bring.

While beer label would usually reveal info about adjunct or which barrels a brew went through---some label even tell drinkers how those process has impacted the brew---but end of the day it is still up to the drinkers to feel for themselves if those changes/additions are a welcome one or seen to be more of a disruption than betterment to the base beer---while there are many good ones after adding adjunct or after BA process quite some examples did showed that more don't always make a brew better---but at times less is more---where a base beer instead taste more balance/better than the adjunct or barrel aged version.
4)酿酒用料或用什么桶熟陈(Adjunt /Barrel Aging) 


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