
Friday, October 26, 2018

WEEK 131---That "Struck by Lightning" Moments

The title can be a little bit misleading in that we are of course NOT talking about the scary actual incident of lightning striking someone but just a way of describing those moments when one tasted something so nice which brought new experiences /sensation to palate enjoyment, which sort of open up one's senses/ appreciation level of a beer/mead to new heights.


In short this piece is about beers/mead which opened up/elevated my senses/appreciation level---i was asked not long ago by a friend which are my personal top 5 or top 10 brews---instead of picking so called top5/top10---i picked these as some brews which truly impacted my senses/palate appreciation ability along the way---of course what impacted me in a big way at a particular period of time during the journey of craft exploring might not be seen in the same way by others as different people would have their own BIG impact beer/mead through different pathways.
Had my first ever Dark Lord(regular version) here in Asia sometime in November 2013---it was a 2009 white wax bottle--honestly i was not able to fully appreciate that beer then---my palate was overwhelmed.  And then in 2015---during CBC week in Copenhagen---at Three Floyd's tap takeover---there was plenty of delicious ones on tap--including regular Dark Lord & Vanilla Bean version.  Yes--some people been calling Dark Lord a "diabetic beer" for it's sweetness---and some are saying Dark Lord has lost it's luster with the rise of so many other big stouts---but personally there's no denying the deliciousness of Dark Lord Vanilla Bean impacted at that time---if you were to asked would i want to drink it again?  Yes of course i would ---if only it's so easy to get one.
美国酿坊Three Flyods的年度大作Dark Lord是啤迷都知道的大黑啤,除了原味版,也有这个加了香草豆再桶陈(有分波本酒桶或苹果白兰地桶不同版本)的升级版限量难寻瓶子。虽说近几年一些其他酿坊黑啤的冒起意味着黑魔王已不再那么受啤迷追捧,更有一些啤迷因为觉得酒味偏甜而开玩笑贬称黑魔王是糖尿病黑啤,不过,再怎么说就算只是原味版也还是几年前备受推崇的大黑啤,如果是升级版的话,那就更矜贵了(黑市成交价从几百到过千美金都有过)。
Hillfarmstead Clara
At 4%---with what some might describe as "taste like water"--this is obviously a very "plain" beer---it was my first ever HF beer---not knowing what to expect---me and drinking partner at that time were slowly drawn into the seemingly simple/plain yet definitely NOT one dimensional easy drinking magic of this low abv beer. This one along with LA PETITE Prince/Princes of Jester King were  the ones which opened up my senses about how tasty really well made low abv "plain like water" beers can be.
Superstition Strawberry White(Ceramic Bottle)
Yes i have heard of this mead from Arizona---but one will never know how it actually taste no matter how many reviews you read or how much you heard from those who had it before---so when i finally got to taste it for the first time---the first thing that came hitting was the nose---it was smelling so nice the space around the bar was literally aromatic--full of chocolate/honey and jammy strawberries goodness--it was a mind blowing moment---palate and senses struck by lightning kinda sensation.
Russian River Pliny the Elder + Alchemist Heady Topper
This is perhaps very old school sounding to mention these 2 when NEIPA is the new buzz word----but personally if not for the timely reminder/intervention of these 2 ---i would have given up drinking IPA few years ago having been sick and tired of those in your face hops attack of some average or well past it's best(poorly handled/kept)  ipas here in craft desert KL. These 2 demonstrated what's a truly well balance elegantly done ipa & how tasty ipa can be even though it pack quite a hop punch.
在类果汁NEIPA近年大行其道时提起这两款已经有岁月痕迹的作品好像有点不合时宜,不过,说起IPA 的话,这两款风格迥异的美国经典作品还是个人随时都欢迎再喝的,就是这两款让我了解什么是真正酿得均衡美味的IPA /Double IPA,也让早期只是一直在本地喝或已过美味期或平庸之作的我从” IPA厌倦症中领略到什么是真正把啤酒花发挥到淋漓尽致的作品。
3 Fonteinen Zen Y Frontera
For someone who spend most of his time in craft desert KL--and with such little supply of Lambic in Asia especially 4-5 years ago--I'm quite lucky to have been able to have some chances ( either when travelling or rare occasion of getting some bottles sent this way) to taste quite some tasty ones from the masters of this uniquely Belgium speciality.  Looking back to some of the nice ones i have had so far---this masterpiece from 3 Fonteinen stood out naturally---the complexity/deliciousness of this one been lingering on in memory---this is no doubt by far the one which demonstrated how far lambic can go---like no end...
这几年陆陆续续在本地或其他地方有机会喝到好些果酸啤酒,真要选出一支夸张点说让人“惊为天酒”的天然发酵果酸啤酒的话那会是今年喝到的另一家大师级酿坊3Fonteinen 的雪梨酒桶熟成作品Zen Y Frontera,无论是酒香还是口感层次都在在显示底蕴的深沉,酸啤桶陈过程吸收的雪梨酒桶影响起了点睛作用,非常美妙的融合了酸啤存在的不够圆润菱角,让酒的层次提升到一个很高的境界,有机会的话,这毫无疑问是个人想再喝一次再喝的上佳酿品。

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