
Tuesday, January 22, 2019

2018 Most Memorable Beer & Mead----by Andy(Taiwan)

The beer/mead list sharing continues with Andy from Taiwan---a geek friend i have communicated via social media but only met in person last Sept at a bar in Tokyo and of course during MBCT 2018.
000-1) 連續第三年前往東京啤酒之旅適逢MBCT 2018,很開心能在活動上跟去年初在台灣Meet the Brewer 活動認識的Superstition 蜜酒廠釀酒師Jeff合影留念!
感謝CT邀請我寫2018年度回顧,雖然我們在網路上交流有好陣子,但今年MBCT活動前在東京酒吧才是第一次碰面,有機會一起與各國啤酒愛好者暢飲、暢談啤酒。也很感謝CT無私分享,才讓我能將MBCT上的感動 ( 尤其是Bokkereyder,嘿嘿 ) 帶回台灣讓更多人體驗!

年不但是近年來最我認真組織主題品飲和分享會的一年,同時也是連續第三年都有和身邊啤酒同好一起組東京啤酒旅行團出遊(而且剛好趕上今年度亞洲啤酒盛事之一的MBCT 2018簡直完美!),讓我對啤酒品飲的深度和廣度都倍增不少,往年雖然也都會喝遍台灣能進到的大部分品項,搭配偶爾自己或朋友出國帶回來的少見酒款,但絕對沒有今年來得量多質精!(粗算至少破千款
(000-2) 去年九月搬離台北前最後一次啤酒分享會,找出了手邊能找到的所有Mikkeller Spontan 系列和 Beer Geek系列大家一同分享!
Here's the list---written by Andy(Mandarin version)--pics provided by Andy.
認真檢視今年一整年所喝的品項,台灣市場進口的優質選擇還是有逐漸增加,本文中如果是台灣地區有正式代理商的酒款也會特別寫出,以下特別挑選幾款個人特別喜歡或令人印象深刻的酒款分享給大家! (以下順序非名次排序)

1. Equilibrium Brewery– dHop1
去年(2018)元旦為朋友餞行的分享會中(沒錯,對於啤迷來說新年第一天就喝酒是必須的),喝到這罐來自紐約的新銳酒廠Equilibrium,這款dHop1是一款混合五種不同酒花釀造的NE IPA,飽滿且不斷變化的熱帶水果香氣和尾韻帶出的草本感,喝起來實在感覺不出8.5%,同時平衡易飲卻不過甜膩,讓我對這個酒廠第一印象加分不少!
會知道Equilibrium這間酒廠主要是在去年初某全球啤酒評論平台評選前一年的新銳酒廠TOP 10名單中看到,才特別託朋友幫忙購入,去年後續其實還喝過好幾款,但對這一款實在是印象深刻!
Andy had this in 2018 new year  during a sharing session--an IPA brewed with 5 different hops--full of tropical fruits goodness ---totally can't feel that tit's a 15%abv brew--very balance drinkable -- not overly sweet--really impressed.

 2. Jester King Brewery –Omniscience & Proselytism 
同樣是去年初的分享會,這次是歡迎已去美國幾年的酒友難得回台,特別舉辦的接風洗塵分享會,身處德州的酒友知道我們喜歡喝酸啤,特別帶回德州以釀造高品質野生酵母酸啤著稱的Jester King回來分享,還是要排隊才能購買的限量酒!其中除了當家招牌作品Atrial Rubicite之外,個人對於這款加入德州Hill Country丘陵區生產的草莓的桶陳酸啤Omniscience & Proselytism (這款是2017發售的Blend 4版本)特別有印象,有別於其他喝過添加草莓當原料的啤酒,草莓帶出的甜香十分輕盈不過頭,同時帶出些野生酵母funky風味、木質調香氣,近乎柑橘醋般的微酸乾爽尾韻,整體喝起來超級平衡舒服,是少數運用草莓當釀造原料卻表現出色的一款!
後來去年九月MBCT活動前,在東京Craftheads酒吧又有機會能夠單點當年份的Blend 5版本來喝,依然十分平衡可口,再次讓我確認對這款的喜愛!
Blend 4 2017 brought back from Taxes by a Taiwanese geek friend who lives in the states—a barrel aged sour beer with light strawberries sweetness and funk flavours of wild yeas, oaky with almost citrusy/range vinegar like dry finishing—super balance and easy drinking---an outstanding one for a strawberries sour beer.
Had blend 5 during visit to Tokyo at a bar and reaffirm the deliciousness of this one—which made Andy wondering with so many good fruits in Taiwan—how could these fruits be of effective use to making a really nice beer rather than tasting like straight fruit juices only.

3. Superstition Meadery–Grand Cru Berry (Mead)
在去年初台灣曾舉辦過的SuperstitionMeet The Brewer」活動上,就曾聽過這款「Grand Cru Berry」─將分別添加白巧克力和四種不同莓果(覆盆莓/草莓/黑莓/藍莓)釀造的當家旗艦系列Berry White四款品項等比例混合的大酒,通常只會在特殊活動或啤酒節現場限量供應桶啤,所以當時在活動現場我也直接將活動上限量供應的2017年版本直接以土砲方式混合來品嘗,加上去年底台北Berry White Day活動我們一干酒友也將去年發售版本如法炮製,以及在九月MBCT活動上喝到的官方桶啤版本,去年一共喝了三次!

003-2) 去年底台北也首次參與的Berry White Day 活動上,台灣代理商特別將當年份四款Berry White Series1:1:1:1的方式在玻璃壺內混合出土砲版的Grand Cru Berry分享給當天參加活動的酒友。
Grand Cru Berry is basically the equal blending of all 4 white series variants---Andy had 3 times of this last year---including twice own blend version from bottles in Taiwan and on tap once at MBCT 2018---which he found sweeter but with even more obvious berries flavours than the own blend version and is nice to add some carbonated liquid to make it less sweet with dry finishing.
The year end own blend version during Taiwan Berry White Day though tasted less sweet sour with complex nuances---hopefully Taiwan would be able to get Grand Cru Berry bottles from the source in the near future.

(004) 在某次酒友們相約海鮮台菜餐廳大享口福時,特別將這款Blueberry Spaceship Box帶來當輕鬆易飲的搭餐酒
4. Superstition Meadery–Blueberry Spaceship Box (Cider)
台灣代理商在去年中引進這款酒廠跨足蘋果酒(Cider)的佳作Blueberry Spaceship Box,是屬於一款少見的藍莓蜂蜜桶陳蘋果酒,不僅驚人的輕鬆易飲,藍莓、葡萄等深色漿果帶來的香甜風味,搭配輕盈乾爽的尾韻,雖然碳酸感較不明顯喝起來稍微甜了些,但是在天氣炎熱的台灣單喝或是搭餐都相當不錯,不愧是目前Ratebeer 全球蘋果酒排行榜第一名!
An amazingly easy drinking blueberry cider—sweet/light/dry finishing—suitable for hot weather in Taiwan or food pairing---with relatively value for money pricing no wonder the last batch flew off the shelf so fast.

5. De Struise Brouwers - Zombination I (E.R.I.C)
台灣目前比較少有新作引進的比利時酒廠De Struise Brouwers,特別拜託剛好去比利時的酒友幫忙帶回少見的Zombination系列,最早是由9間歐陸酒廠品牌為了啤酒電商平台Zombier四周年慶時聯名推出的限量款開始,這款是已絕版的第一彈作品,一款酒精濃度高達17%的桶陳Imperial Stout,而且陳年使用的是大家熟知的五大酒莊之一瑪歌堡葡萄酒桶,果乾、咖啡、巧克力風味輪流浮現,喝起來隱約有品飲紅葡萄酒的錯覺,喝起來甜度極高完全感受不到酒精感,感覺更像是某種Barley wine風格,而且口感飽滿、風味繁複卻平衡呈現,雖然每人只分到一小杯也十分滿足!(當然入手價格也極高,加上運費應是去年購買單價最高者
A bottle brought in with the help of a friend who visited Blegium---impereial stout barrel aged in wine barrel---with notes of dried fruits/coffee/chocolate—like drinking a sweet red wine with no hints of alcohol at 17%---a full body stouts which at times close to barley wine---complex and balance---though only gotten small pour each but very satisfying.

6. Other Half Brewing Co. - Double Dry Hopped Double Mosaic Daydream
從前年開始陸續喝過許多次這間已聞名全球的美東NE IPA大廠Other Half,但就算空運再怎麼快也總要兩周到一個月時間才能入手,而且多半也不是冷鏈送達。一直都想嘗試看看新鮮狀態,而去年喝過2次的DDH Double Mosaic Daydream,其中年底入手剛好就是那種裝罐時間五天內超級新鮮版本,是紐約行回來的朋友在周末發售入手後直接打包上飛機,回台灣幾乎是隔天就轉交給我,據說下飛機到家後行李箱打開都還是冰涼狀態!
A super fresh can hand carried back by a friend from NYC---full of tropical fruits/citurs/ herbs---looks almost like a g ass of pineapple juice! Tasting juicy with some bitterness at the back end---this express delivery can just tasted fantastic!

7. Revision Brewing Company - Dr. Lupulin 3x
去年台灣精釀啤酒市場的另一個重大震撼彈,就是2018 World Beer Cup的大贏家─來自美國內華達的Revision竟然也被引進台灣(鄰近亞洲國家只有日本同樣有正式代理貨源),台灣代理商很給力的引進兩批貨,包含獲得WBC金牌的旗艦酒款IPA和其他幾款NE IPA,但加上去年在日本喝到的其他品項後,最喜歡的仍然是這款台灣未進口的傳統西岸風格IPADr. Lupulin 3x」,雖然酒精度超過11%以上,但是酒精感藏的更加完美,些微熱帶水果香,搭配超重松針、草本、甚至讓人連想到上帝的禮物()般的香氣,不得不說真要獨自喝完一整瓶都沒問題啊!(其實基本款的IPADIPA個人也是非常喜愛,尤其前者,如果有足夠貨量,作為日常品飲款非常棒.
Last year Taiwan saw the introduction of Revision( only other Asia city with the same is Japan)—but the one wich most impressive was this particular one where alcohol was well hidden with notes of tropical/pine/herbs and more---a good one to drink all by oneself.

8. Burley Oak Brewing Company - Carrot Cake J.R.E.A.M.
去年從日本入手的美國酒廠中,另一間很愛的是Burley Oak,尤其是添加不同水果的酸啤系列J.R.E.A.M.更是深得我心,其中最有趣、也是印象最深刻的就是這款原先為今年2018 Sour Fest活動限定款的「Carrot Cake J.R.E.A.M.」,宛如台灣人耳熟能詳的波蜜果菜汁一般的橘紅酒色,的確也是添加了胡蘿蔔汁、橙皮碎屑等材料,喝起來有些梅粉般的偏酸蜜餞感,混合果醋般的醋酸感尾韻,最有趣的是回溫後帶上來的肉桂隱味,根本是大人的果菜汁!
Andy loves the series with different fruits play from Burley Oak—in particular this one with carrots /orange peel and so on added---looks like a familiar fruits+vegetable juice of Taiwan----tasted sour plum-ish with hints of fruity vinegar and cinnamon---this is practically adult fruits & vege juices.

9. The Ale Apothecary - Fresh Hop Sahalie
有時常會覺得American Wild Ale品質與入手價格根本不成比例,會讓人覺得倒不如來喝一些比利時傳統酸啤,但是The Ale Apothecary絕對是少數讓人一喝驚艷的美國酸啤廠,這款朋友從丹麥帶回來的Fresh Hop Sahalie,聞起來些微放克、木質調、鳳梨檸檬香味,喝起來酸但不過頭,些微杏桃、葡萄柚皮風味,尾韻乾爽,慢慢品嘗真的是回味無窮,當初一時興起,特別用上四種杯子來分別品飲,也明顯帶出不同調性,偶爾透過不同杯型品飲也是一種樂趣。
Sometimes the prices paid for American Wild Ales would make one wonder why buy instead of buying Belgium ones---but this is one which pleasantly surprised—funky/oaky /pineapple /lemon—sour but nice with hints of apricot and pomelo—drank with 4 different glasses which showcased some different characteristics of the brew.

10. Hill Farmstead - Arthur
去年最高興的其中一次莫過於有機會品嘗連續幾年獲得世界最佳酒廠的當紅炸子雞Hill Farmstead, 其實一連喝了好幾款,但是印象最深刻的反而是酒廠著名的經典招牌作品Ancestral Series中的基本款Arthur,不但也有HFS一貫的極高平衡度,酸香、酵母帶來的放克味、碳酸感,以及整體喝起來是典型的微酸Saison,雖然沒有很爆炸的風味,但是卻讓人平凡中見精彩,希望今年還可以多多喝到這樣的好東西
Really happy to have tasted some bottles from one of the best breweries out there---the most impressive one is this---well balanced—slight funk and acidity—a very nice saison which although unspectacular but very well made.

11. New Glarus Brewing Company - Serendipity (2018)
同樣是水果啤酒,去年喝到這款在Ratebeer水果啤酒排行榜上名列前茅的New Glarus Brewing,顛覆之前我對於這類品項的看法,尤其這款加入蘋果、小紅莓和櫻桃的Serendipity,非常自然且層次繁複的果香,不特別強調酸感,但尾韻乾爽十分可口,不愧是成名已久的水果啤酒名廠!
This is one which changed Andy perception about fruits beer---full of natural goodness from the fruits used in the beer—not a beer which emphasis on sourness—layered and tasty---no wonder its  highly regarded.

12. Hudson Valley Brewery - Glycerin-Pink Guava And Red Currant
美東這間以釀造Sour IPA聞名的新銳酒廠,同樣是去年新挖掘的心頭好,適逢朋友常去附近買酒,偶爾也可以託買到他們家的酒款,其中這款Glycerin-Pink Guava And Red Currant,酸度明亮,果味豐沛,就像在喝芭樂混合紅醋栗等紅色莓果的綜合果汁一般,但尾韻不過甜膩且乾爽,酒局到一半喝到這款整個都回魂了!
A new favoutire found last year---a nice sour fruity one—almost like drinking a sourish fruit juice---totally refreshed mid-way through drinking session sipping this.

13. Põhjala - Pime Öö PX (Cellar Series)
得知這間來自愛沙尼亞的Põhjala酒廠是從中國回台灣的好友EJ特別推薦他們家的深色啤酒,陸續透過大家各地搜羅,在去年初某個下雨天一起分享這間酒廠包含深色啤酒、IPA和酸啤在內,共26款品項,其中特別有印象的是這款Cellar Series中過雪莉桶陳的Pime Öö PX,濃郁繁複、層層堆疊的深色莓果、果乾(尤其是葡萄乾)、巧克力風味,真的是一款適合慢慢品嘗的大酒,也無怪當天酒局大家從中午一路喝到晚上()
Was introduced to this brewery by a geek friend and finally after collecting some—had a bottle share of the darker color brews from this brewery—all 26 variants of emm---the most impressive one is this sherry barrel imperial stouts—complex with hits of dark fruits /raisin/chocolate---definitely one for slow sip.

14. Monkish Brewing Co. - Mockeries
早就想一嘗NE IPA頗受全球酒迷推崇的Monkish,這款Mockeries是添加三種不同酒花的雙倍冷泡酒花 NE IPA,雖然當初品飲時其實已裝罐近三個月,但是開罐後極其爆炸的草本大麻香襯托些微果香,搭配極其乾爽的尾韻,和時下許多添加乳糖後過於甜膩的NE IPA不同,非常平衡好喝,令人印象深刻
A can which when tasted was already 3 months old---full of herbs with fruity aroma—with a dry-ish finishing—very balance and impressive.

15. Bokkereyder - Pjassel (2017)
去年另一個最不可磨滅的回憶絕對是在MBCT活動裏大口暢飲比利時新銳酸啤調和廠Bokkereyder,在全球活動每每排隊秒殺的Bokkereyder這次提供多達九款的酒款,還記得第一場活動中段喝到的Pjassel (2017),明亮的桃子香氣、酸度適中,讓人味蕾為之一亮,尤其是在太陽超大的戶外活動會場,根本是救贖!
Drinking Bokkereyder during MBCT 2018 was one of the highlight of last year---with about 9 different variants---this is is full of peach—light sour—basically just lighten up the palate---and on a hot day like MBCT—it was like redemption.

16. Cycle Brewing- Hazelnut(2018)
Full of hazelnut/chocolate flavours—light buttery with coffee finishing—light sweet but in a nice way---this is undoubtedly top 3of whatever imperial/BA stouts which Andy has had so far—even though it was had in such a hot/humid day in outdoor park Shinjuku.

17. The Veil Brewing Co. - whiteferrari
A total surprise---since its already 3 months old and came to Taiwan not properly cold-chained protected---but still tasted good with tropical fruits—almost like a fruit shake –sweet but not overwhelming with well hidden alcohol.

18. Cloudwater Brew Co. - DDH Pale Simcoe Ekuanot
同樣也是在預料之外的美味,這款來自英國Cloudwater酒廠的DDH Pale原先大家是不太期待的,因為同次分享會上前面所喝到的品項讓大家頗為失望,不曉得是裝罐時間又或是運輸狀況的影響,實際味道與其強調風格比起來都不盡理想。

Was not expecting much since some prior cans of Cloud Water did not meet expectations( probably due to freshness or logistic /handling issues)---but this one was light/refreshing with orange like flavours and some bitterness---save the day for this highly rated English brewery.

19. Brasserie Cantillon - Zwanze 2018 (Manneken Pise)
去年在MBCT活動結束後的下個週六,剛好就是比利時指標酸啤廠 Cantillon 一年一度的 Zwanze Day,今年東京也在參與活動的城市行列中,現場可以喝到每年限量實驗性酸啤的桶啤版本,幸運之神眷顧我剛好在當天晚上才飛回台灣,當然中午說什麼都要趕快來一喝為快!
今年這款是Manneken Pise (由尿尿小童Manneken Pis+代表這次過義大利葡萄酒桶陳主題的比薩斜塔Pise結合而成的諧音名),顧名思義,是在三種不同義大利葡萄酒桶(Chianti, Amarone & Sangiovese)各陳年2年後的Lambic去混合的罕見Lambic酸啤,喝起來帶些輕柔的柑橘、檸檬、葡萄酸香,帶些木質調桶味,些微澀感卻非常乾爽的尾韻!現場大家抓緊機會都至少喝了2杯以上,不到三個小時就整桶完售!可惜亞洲這邊沒有城市販售瓶裝(但酒廠內可以購買後內用),希望還有機會再回味一下這款難得精妙的酸啤傑作!
Zwanze Day in Tokyo this year was held on the same day as Andy was flying back to Taiwan almost a week after MBCT –since flight time is at time of course went for the event during lunch time---a blend of lambic from 3 different Italian wine barrels—tasted citrusy/lemon/grapes with oaky notes---twithin less than 2 hours the keg was gone!

20. Dugges Bryggeri (x Tempest Brewing Co. x The Gipsy Hill Brewing Co. x Wiper And True) - We Are Beer Bristol
這是一款難得看到有加入Tonka Bean(東加豆)的帝國司陶特(東加豆有什麼特性有興趣者可自行網路搜尋),而且又過了干邑桶陳,其實一開始就有心理準備應該會像是液態糕點般的Pastry Stout,果不其然開瓶後陸續散發可可、葡萄果乾、香草、椰奶般的甜香,喝起來相較於另一款London來說除了巧克力、烘烤咖啡豆的微微苦韻外,多出一點葡萄果乾味,混合著些微肉桂風味,雖然可以感覺出酒精度稍高,但整體卻不過於甜膩,以喝過的Pastry Stout來說表現也算十分突出!
 A cognac barrel aged imperial stouts with Tonka beans---a very nice pastry stouts with notes of cacao/raisin/vanilla/coconut milk and light cinnamon—though alcohol presence is evident but overall not overwhelmingly boozy or sweet. 
這是一款專為We Are Beer啤酒節推出的活動限定款,總共有五個酒廠分別合釀(不是每一款都是有五間酒廠參與)的三款啤酒其中之一,喝這款的當晚其實三款都有喝(只有LondonBristol這兩款有添加東加豆),但是因為更加平衡和繁複的風味層次變化,實在是讓當下一起分享的大家異口同聲讚賞!

其實還有很多遺珠之憾或實在找不到照片的佳釀(比方說Mikkeller x Stibergets American Cream, Rodenbach Alexander, Cantillon Lou Pepe Frambios 2014, …等等),來不及列入清單中,感謝大家看完文章,也祝福各位啤酒迷們2019酒運昌隆,都能在廣闊無涯的啤酒汪洋中順心享受佳釀,Cheers J

In fact there are some more which Andy would have listed –for examples Mikkeller x Stibergets American Cream, Rodenbach Alexander, Cantillon Lou Pepe Frambios 2014 and so on----thanks for reading and wish you guys have a good beer year in 2019  Cheers.

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