
Saturday, July 6, 2019

WEEK 146---Seeking own beers--the backlogged page 1 of 2

This is as the title suggested---1 of 2 backlogged articles from the few written about some memorable beers( as well mead) seek from US/Europe either while travelling or via friend's help.....

1) Cloud Water Small IPL Citra
it's certainly not easy to find fresh hops focus beers here in KL since it would take months for importers to get in their beers before putting on sale---hence a beer like this one from the famous( or some called it hyped) Manchester hazy brewery is always welcome--thanks to John who resides in KL but travel back to UK quite frequently--there's been quite some nice UK beers having been had since 2 years or so ago. This one as the beer name suggested---is a light one with nice hops aroma lingering....
英国“云水”酿坊以近年大行其道的类果汁印度淡啤(NEIPA)为啤迷所知,不过这款只有2.9巴仙酒精度作品是拉格浅啤类型(India Pale Lager),介乎清爽易喝浅啤和比较富口感带啤酒花甘香淡啤(Pale Ale)之间,对不想喝“淡无味”拉格浅啤也不想喝较强烈啤酒花甘苦印度淡啤的朋友来说是中间选择,是绝对适合才踏入craft beer世界新朋友喝的一款。
2) Other Half All Citra Everything
though also of the Citra hops creation--this one obviously is an IPA with a fuller/rounder hops influence packed full of tropical fruits flavours---there's a reason to why hazy/NEIPA is being loved by many though personally it's really not my favourite style--but this one just showed how it can be well made and enjoyable.
3) The Bruery Smoking Wood( Bourbon Barrel)
At times it would feel like whatever Asia market could get out of The Bruery is just the scrap of what some would consider as the "lesser ones" when compared to what the US geeks could get--which is not wrong since The Bruery has a tiered membership program which ensure members first--- but getting this one out of a bottle shop in Tokyo does not feel inferior at all---it was certainly one of the best The Bruery bottles i have bought in Asia---it's obviously a heavy beer ( with alcohol!) with woody smokiness as well some sweet influence out of bourbon barrel yet balance out nicely.
4) Emelise White Label Barley Wine 2014( Bourbon Barrel)
Barley wine somehow has this image of being some kind of sweet malty big boozy beer---one which at times is not really that drinkable---certainly not sessionable---having said that--there are certainly some very well made ones which can be very nice slow sippers---This one is certainly of the nicer ones out there--if you somehow still think barley wine is shit---try this.
5) Old Chimney's Good King Henry(special reserve 2011)
Apparently this one has long been considered as some sort of a mystified rare beer from the old British brewery---sort of an "under-the-radar rare beer" ---had this in KL during a bottle share with a UK geek friend---for those who are used to the big black stouts from the US brewers--this one felt like an in-between of old ale & stouts--not in your face type---felt more like a rather "reserve" in nature stouts.
6)Sahtipaja Passionista
A very refreshing yet distinctively light fruity Berliner beer from the brewery making their names with mead such as "mead me"--a very pleasant one to either gulping down or go small sips---certainly perfect match for south east asia's rather hot and humid weather.
7) Three Floyd's Chevalier Bertrand Du Gueslin
A blueberry sour from the Chicago brewery obviously more famous for their Dark Lords or Zombie Dust/Alpha King---found this beauty in Bangkok of all places some years ago---a pleasant surprise which was delicious.
8) De Garde Lee Kriek
a bottle shared here in KL---brought by a geek friend whose sur-name is obviously Lee :)      A rather nice one with sour cherries and oak barrel influences---meaning no in your face single tone sour attack considering it's an American sour......

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