
Saturday, February 22, 2020

WEEK 164--Most Memorable Beer & Mead List--by ct (KL) Part 2/2

Here's the second part of my 2019 list---with a few beers not mentioned in the newspaper column added under ' special mention" category below:-
Cantillon Lou Pepe Kriek 2011
Got this bottle from a Belgian friend some years ago( along with some other goodies)---been keeping it for few years though never really thought would end up cracking this in Tokyo during a bottle share---well in a way i feel more and more these past few years that whether you get to drink a beer or otherwise is at times about timing and so called "fate" too ---8 years is quite some wait to taste this one---was tasting amazing--with very nicely rounded layers of sour--hints of nutty/almond---a master piece which you would only want to slowly sip and enjoy while there's still some in a glass...
比利时天然发酵果酸啤酒(Lambic)对很多啤迷来说是酸啤类型中绝对的至尊,众多酸啤酿坊/作坊品牌中,这家是毋庸置疑的大师级别,在这家的好多不同款作品中,Lou Pepe系列属于较稀有难寻,由于果树果实的供应数量有限,这款以特定酸樱桃入酒的算是同系列三个不同风味中比较稀有难买的。

Baladin Xyauyu.Fume 2014
Barley Wine is something some people always thought of as a beer which is heavy on the sweet side as well as ABV---in simple terms its not a style easy on the palate as well as alcohol tolerance---but all those perception would be totally changed with this lovely brew from the Xyauyu series of barley wine---with smoky tone from the Islay Whisky barrel influence as well notes of bacon, cigar--this is one hell of a barley wine--really enjoyed this one.
至今喝过几款这家意大利酿坊酿造的大麦酒(barley wine),一定程度上来说,大麦酒普遍给人印象就是高酒精口感偏甜酒体偏薄的“重口”啤酒,不过,虽然啤迷对这家酿坊的其他类型啤酒评价不怎么样,但是对大麦酒还是很有一手,喝过这家的不同桶陈风味作品中,以这款非常有别于一般既定认知的最有印象,入口就有非常明显烟熏威士忌桶陈,培根,雪茄等风味,翻转一般对大麦酒单调印象,也是有趣美味的一款

Schramm's Nutmeg
The fruit Nutmeg is something most Malaysians( especially if you lived/been to Penang) are familiar with---from processed snack of Nutmeg to Nutmeg drinks to even Nutmeg medicinal oil--this really is a fruit i know of---and the first question i asked myself was how would Schramm's decrease the overly cloying/discomforting "burning sensation like" mouth feel associated with Nutmeg---and how well the mead master came out with a winning formula to harmonized the blend of Nutmeg and Honey---and best demonstrated by a glass which a geek friend has left for around/over an hour---it was tasting even more "thicker' in aroma and taste---nice balance of honey and Nutmeg--really impressed with this one.

Mills Running Beer
A bottle gifted by a UK geek friend and hand carried back by another geek friend to KL---this is of course a quite recent "hyped" brewery since bottles are limited and hard to come by---shared this during the annual 'customary" Xmas bottle session---did not expect much from this one really since in a way also do not know what to expect---tasting light sour with nice little 'bubble-ish" mouth feel--the wine oak barrel influence is obvious--there's some funk notes coming through--finishing with some dry tone but still pleasing.

Cloud Water CY18 Citra
Thanks to John who been consistently bringing back some fresh UK cans for the past year--something really lacking in craft desert KL--obviously this town has seen quite some cloud water cans including this series of single hop IPA---had the opportunity to sample a few different single hop creation under this hand picked hops series--though Mosaic was really nice as well but personally for me this Citra one was really up there--nothing overly sweet/cloying for a NE-ish ipa---tasty, easy drinking with some depth---very nice.

Side Project Smooth
The very first time this town has seen any sort of Side Project bottles---had this during the Xmas share---a fruited sour beer aged in French Oak barrel--was smelling and tasting Nectarine/Peaches --some funky tone with fruit skin like sour notes---probably not over-stating to say this is almost like a carbonated white wine with peaches.
第一次在本地出现的美国盛名酿坊果酸啤酒作品,这家位于密苏里州的酿坊原本只是主创酿酒师在帮另一家盛名酿坊工作时的业余酿造计划,但过人的酿酒实力让Side Project很快变成了不再是副业的盛名酿坊。
Grimm Stargazer
Had a few Grimm's sour beers on tap while in Tokyo--personally not impressed with some of those which i have had from this brewery more known for their hops based creation---but i was pleasantly proven wrong with this Gose---a typically sour and salty beer---with the play of raspberry and lemon--this one was tasting nicely sourish with appropriate salty note---but the big surprise was when a friend left his glass for far too long whereby the beer was tasting warmer than it should--but it became even more tastier with stronger notes of the fruits used with lingering after tone---what a pleasant surprise.....

Special Mention/特别提及
Speciation Spontaneous Generation
The first 100% spontaneously brewed beer from this "gypsy" brewery---for Lambic lovers this might sound either as a welcome note or the opposite since the Belgium masters has set such a high standards---anyway--if you have had some beers from Black Project before--then it's not surprising to know why this former brewer of B.P. would do a Lambic tone American sour beer.
Had this during a share in Tokyo while there were quite a few big big names bottle at the same session---but this one held it's ground--was tasting really nice---almost like a very low profile good sour hidden somewhere in the cellar awaiting for the right people to discover. 
美国新晋“吉普赛”酿酒师效仿比利时天然发酵果酸啤酒的作品,如果知道酿酒师自己出来之前是在另一家以酿造酸啤为人知的美国酿坊Black Project练功那就可以理解为什么这支酸啤是第一次通过全自然发酵方式进行,有幸在东京啤迷聚会上喝到,虽然同一个分享会上有着其他更具盛名的酸啤,但这支喝起来并不逊色,均衡的层次喝起来带微酸,没有特别抢的点,更像是一款扎实内敛的好喝酸啤。

Neon Raptor Total Eclipse(Jaffa Cake Stouts) & Star Play(DDH Pale Ale)
No doubt one of the rising stars from the UK craft scene---well demonstrated with those two( among others) that they can execute not only hops based beer but also other styles like stouts.

Hops Hog Reefer Hogs
An Ipa brewed from Thailand brewed by a 'farang" brewer---during the same session there were a few other IPAs from big names American breweries but this one really impressed with it's balance of hops and malt goodness---one thing to note is that geek friend who brought this one back said he had some beers including this same one on tap in Bangkok but it was not tasting as good---so you might want to take note that there might be some inconsistency issue with beers from this one.....

1 comment:

  1. My friend and I wanted to start a business in this field, but we found out about organizations like AAAPPP and why their service is in great demand. And we decided to wait for a while.
