
Tuesday, April 7, 2020

WEEK 166----The Hassle & Price You pay for Beer Mail into KL

We are (as in the whole fxxking world) living in unusual times for sure---social distancing has now become part of daily life( at least for now til very near future)---we cannot just show up at breweries or bars or bottle shop to get a bottle/a can/a pint like we used to--with most countries/cities closing their borders or having some form of movement restrictions---trying to get some form of beer mail coming in from other cities or overseas looks like one way of beating the situation though that option too is looking increasingly harder with both Europe and US facing very difficult situations....

Anyway, if anyone of you particularly those living in Malaysia are somehow looking to get some beer mail in personally---this one is about what kind of hassle and price one needs to pay trying to get some beer mail into craft desert KL---this was done early in the year when the pandemic situation was still very mild world wide.....
so here's basically what one would go through:-
1) there's likely 3 ways of how one can get a beer mail in---firstly of course is buying online---secondly getting help from someone who buy on behalf and sent in---thirdly is getting some bottles as a gift either from a friend or relatives or someone who really likes you enough to sent you something.
Whichever way it might be---once the package reached Malaysia custom---and somehow did not get sent directly to your stated address---then you know your pack is being HELD by the custom.

2) of course you can track where your beer mail is at if you have the parcel tracking code---from the time the pack leave port from whichever origin point---to say a 2nd transfer point--and then to Malaysia port---the best outcome will be that once you see the package reached Malaysia---it will come directly to your door within 1 or 2 weeks time---unfortunately---at least from personal experiences---that chance of beer mail coming directly to your door is LESS THAN 20%

3) Once your parcel is HELD at the custom storage---you will know because the POSTAL office will sent you a notice( used to be a letter---but the last time they sent an SMS)---once you get that notice---you have 3 options to decide how to proceed:-
A)  appoint POS MALAYSIA as your collecting agent( of course not for free--there's a handling fee ( i think it's around RM 50 plus whatever taxes the custom decides later which they will claim when delivering) --BUT FIRST u need to provide an invoice for the beer mail--it can be the actual one or an estimated one before they proceed.
B) appoint someone to pick up on behalf by a letter
C) go and collect yourself

4) If you happened to live within Klang Valley ---then the place to visit will be the custom office very nearby the OLD LCCT--which is easily a 40 mins to 1 hour drive from KL area---depending on how busy the custom office is during your visit---with driving time included----it would take anything between 3-4 hours at least to see the beer mail parcel safely at home.

5) At the Custom Office---there's basically 3 steps involved:-
FIRST---go to the storage counter to claim your parcel by showing either letter or the SMS from POS MALAYSIA which include code for your parcel. 
SECOND---take that parcel/box to the next counter where a custom officer will attend to you and usually they will tell you to ‘ BUKA”(open up in Bahasa Malaysia--which could also mean undress depending on the occasion :)  ---so you will need to open up the parcel/box and show what's inside---more often than not you will need to pull out the bottles one by one and explain what it is--or why the label looks like that---or why a beer bottle contain a cork (because only wine needs a cork they said)----or what is a LAMBIC---why they are NOT wine(higher taxes for wine)---things like that..
The officer in charge will write  down the total Volume of the content---also average ABV---as well they will ask for either actual cost of the box or at least estimated one because there's sale taxes involved( regardless if you get it for free or otherwise).
THIRD---after the officer is satisfy that he/she has taken all necessary notes---the papers will be handed over to you to proceed to the next counter---which is essentially the counter where they will calculate and decide how much money is parting from your wallet.

6) how much are you expected to be charged? that will depend on a few factors---basically the higher the TOTAL VOLUME ( meaning 12 cans of 500ml will be lower than 12 bottles of 750ml)--also the higher the average ABV the higher the sin tax will be---and then the higher the prices for the goods then the higher the other taxes will be.
From my understanding---the final cost is based upon import tax+ excise duty + sale taxes---*if i'm not wrong the LOGISTIC cost from original point to Malaysia is also part of the calculation.
IN SHORT---let's say you get a box of beers for FREE from overseas---and say average ABV at 6%---you will be looking at  paying something within the range of  RM 10-20 PER BOTTLE at least because they will still ask for an estimation of how much it might cost in USD or EURO even if it's actually gift bottles.

7) as for the time needed for beer mail to reach from original point to here---it would vary depending on your choice of method to getting the parcel/box out of custom storage---anything between 3 weeks to 2 months or more is expected.
One thing to note though---the custom storage place is only a common storage room with fans---no cold storage for beer mail boxes ( unless if you have special arrangements which is out of my topic here)---so it would be wise to avoid getting beers which are more sensitive to non-cold storage environment particularly IPAs....
在本地这个craft beer沙漠,自己从国外找酒寄进来的行为并不多见,也不符合经济效益,但如果你已喝到一定程度觉得市场供应满足不到需求,那就做好必须面对箱子被扣在关税局储物间只能付税领酒的心理准备吧,必须说的是,收藏酒箱子储物间是没有冷藏设备的,如果买的主要是IPANEIPA这些对温度时间敏感类型的话,等待领酒时间是会对啤酒鲜香程度造成折损的。
Also it's not common at all here in craft desert KL to see people getting overseas personal beer mail in since it's rather not $$ efficient---but if you do want some overseas beer mail--then be prepared to first receive a notice from POS MALAYSIA---and then be prepared to part more money from your wallet paying the custom before you can happily unboxing at home.

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