
Tuesday, August 4, 2020

WEEK 173---craft beer can go Bad(but avoidable)

Many newbies are quite confused( or rather clueless) when it comes to question of which beer is good for aging, which beer is not good to keep beyond certain period of time despite the fact that storage info mostly can be found on bottle/can labels.
有人问说,啤酒到底是耐存放的还是易坏不耐的,答案其实不一,在craft beer世界里,有的类型啤酒属于不耐存放时间长了会变味型,但也有不少是可以存放至少几年到十多二十年以上,或者说需要一定时间陈放之后才更好喝类型。
It is worth noting though--that regardless of beer styles--craft beer can go BAD due to some reasons--some before it even reaches your local bar/bottle shop--and some after.....
Here's a few scenario when beer goes bad:-
Beer brewing is kinda like cooking--you need a clean kitchen as well avoid any situation which might taint the ingredients before cooking--during cooking--even after cooking.
先说酿造期间感染,啤酒是通过一定工序去酿造的,在craft beer世界里,除了麦芽,酵母,啤酒花和水四大基本原材料之外,不少啤酒也会随着酿酒师想呈现的风味而加入各式各样蔬果香料食材浸泡提味,有不少啤酒会经历在其他酒类旧桶中陈放熟成至少一次有时两次的时间工序(barrel agingdouble barrel aging),在酿造期间经历的每一道工序都存在出现人为疏忽的可能性,当然这种可能性的高或低很多时候取决于酿坊/酿酒师们对酿造环境卫生还有自我要求有多严谨,一般来说,酿坊会在酿造期间出现感染问题的例子并不多见。
And of course beer will need to be packed for delivery--that's a process where contamination might happen due to dirty/infected machines/lines.  Lastly, beer might be spoiled if bar owners/staffs do not take good care of a brewer's works seriously.
In a nutshell, beer can get infected at the brewery during brewing process--or while bottling/canning OR a perfectly fine beer could get infected in a bar due to dirty draft line/s.

Light Struck光害 & Oxidization氧化
Two differing scenarios but both can cause beer to deteriorate vastly---Light Struck happens due to direct exposure under sunlight or very strong fluorescent lighting---this will caused a photo-oxidization reaction with hops and lead to beer becoming undesirably "SKUNKY".
就像人会老去那样,啤酒氧化是无可避免的自然定律,但如果出现储存不良状况或把本来应该趁新鲜快快喝掉啤酒类型长时间收着造成伤害的话,啤酒氧化状况会加快加剧,一旦氧化啤酒就会老化变味,造成原有应该呈现的风味特质消失殆尽。要注意的是,不是所有craft beer都需要趁新鲜喝的,有不少类型啤酒是适合收藏让酒体风味更成熟复杂圆润的,这些类型啤酒有的因为在瓶子内再度发酵所以不怕时间带来的氧化问题。
Oxidization in a beer is kinda of like human being getting old--it's law of the nature--something unavoidable---hence it's always important to take good care of beers when transporting from point A to point B(more so if international transporting) to avoid aggravating the oxidization process--what oxidization does to a beer--in particular those hops flavours forward beers such as IPA is that it will kill off the supposedly "freshness" of hops and beer in general hence making the beer less or much less delicious than it should have been.
One thing to note though---not all beers need to be consumed fresh--some beer styles would actually be a waste to drink too young/fresh---do take notice that time and proper storage would do wonders to some beers.

On storage & enjoying beer/收酒和享用好酒关键词
Regardless if a beer is one which is best to be enjoyed when fresher (think IPAs/ dry hopped pale ale/NEIPAs/ stouts or porter with lighter adjunct such as coffee beans or tea leaves)  or say something which is best consumed after several years of aging( think Lambic or BA stouts/barley wine and such..)---it is good to treat all types of beer as "perishable goods"which needs proper care especially when storing beers at home--while some geeks would buy proper cellar fridge/s---not all would do the same---the next best way is probably store the beers at a cooler/darker corner of the house---avoid direct sunlight or strong indoor lighting as well damp environment.
Lastly--when enjoying your beer---always use a properly cleaned/washed glass---it's only fair to treat your beer with the container it deserved since beer do need time and space to breath in order to expand it's full flavours---don't gulp fast as that will not allow one to fully appreciate what's in the brew.

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