
Tuesday, November 17, 2020

WEEK 178---WHAT's so special about craft beer?

craft beer is relatively small and niche circle among the BEER world here in Asia---though the craft beer scene been growing over the years---some Asia cities been seeing more varieties more "sought after" breweries brew being imported / making in roads to the market--the fact remain that there;s only so many among those who drink alcoholic beverages ( Beer included) who have heard of or actually tried a craft beer or two---there are still too many people out there who actually think beer is only beer---there's nothing whatsoever to explore tin a beer taste wise( let alone deliciousness)---this is of course a wrong perception long ingrained through the marketing strategy of MACRO BEER over years.

one of the frequently asked questions by newbies about craft beer is --what is special about craft beer---or how is it different from MACRO---though this has been discuss here or at social media groups---it's still worth spending time to discuss again---after all there will always be newbies who wants to know---or perhaps some curious MACRO drinkers.....

Here's some very basic ones:-
1) what might be the one major difference? 
there are essentially a few big differences---but the one main and obvious to see difference is about Choices with craft beer----many different beer styles--many different breweries which may meaning same style of beer but different way of interpreting. brewing.presenting with different taste profile/ different level of tastiness.....
1craft beer和一般啤酒有什么不同?
简单来说,除了用料和时间工序的差别,最显而易见的差异是不同类型啤酒风味选择,craft beer之所以吸引就是因为可以在啤酒中找到各种不同美味层次的展现。

2) anything special about craft beer brewing?
craft beer is essentially about using the 4 basic ingredients--malt, yeast, hops & water---but the craft brewers don't stop at those 4 only---there are many craft brewers who would go on to add food items/ fruits/spices and more--as well as using used barrels previously containing whisky/wine/other liqour to impart more flavours into a beer---these would mean extra cost and much long time to make a beer---craft beer is not about cutting cost/corners to maximize productions or profits at the expense of substituting brewing ingredients with unsuitable items or chemical  items such as artificial flavouring agents.
2craft beer酿造有什么特别?
理论上啤酒是用水,麦芽,酵母,啤酒花四大原材料酿造而成,跟一般大厂啤酒之间区别除了年产量的巨大差异,最关键的是craft beer精神强调对啤酒美味层次可能性的探索,更多时候酿酒师们尽力寻求优质原材料,不为了减低酿造成本考量而用廉价替代品(比如大米或玉米替代麦芽,或人造香精替代啤酒花等等),也注重时间工序。
3) what can be special if craft beer is only using 4 main brewing ingredients?
craft beer is essentially about brewers wanting to produce a beer/beers that's delicious or unique or out of this world or simple but tasty---with the end game not being maximizing profits by trying to minimize cost using lower grade materials or shortening time needed for a beer to be better---craft beer can be special even if only using the 4 main ingredients without going through the process of adding other food items----the fact that there are so many different natural flavours to play with by combining different malt+yeast+hops--even water is good enough for talented brewers to come out with very tasty--even mind blowing beers.....
3craft beer不也是用水,麦芽,酵母和啤酒花四大原材料酿造吗?
这样说基本没错,但craft beer酿造用料和时间工序还有更多样化的一面,比如说很多时候酿酒师会在啤酒中添加蔬果食材香料等等浸泡提味熟成让啤酒更美味。

4)  how long does it take to brew a beer?
the actual time needed depends on what style of beer---as well how a brewer wanted to present the beer---generally speaking it could take a few weeks to few years----for beers that require addition of food items/spices as well barrel aging---it surely meaning longer time than say a more simple lager or pale ale----if one were to count in the time cost factor---then it can be said that many brewers are actually brewing beer at higher cost( be it material cost or time spend) only because they wanted to come out with a beer he/she had planned/envisaged/imagined it to be....
一般情况来说,啤酒从零到酿好的时间可以是几个星期到好几年不等,如果说时间就是金钱,可以说很多craft beer酿坊都在用更多的成本只为让啤酒能通过时间工序变得更有层次更有丰富韵味。

5) adding items other than 4 main brewing ingredients---what for?
the motive of adding items other than malt-yeast-hops and water into a beer is with the thought of trying to add additional flavours/depth/fun factors into a beer---what is obvious is that by doing so--brewers are adding on cost to brewing a beer---it will not be for the reason of trying to substitute the 4 main brewing ingredients with cheap alternatives---the act of adding something( adjuncts) is with the aim of trying to make a beer more tasty or more unique or more fun----that's essentially why geeks love craft beer because craft beer is meant to be tasty, innovative, honest and always try to be tasty if not interesting.
5)酿酒四大原材料之外。craft beer是不是有添加物?
的确,craft beer酿造并不只局限于使用水,麦芽,酵母和啤酒花而已,为了探寻啤酒中可呈现的不同美味层次可能性,酿酒师们有时候可说是天马行空各有奇想,从蔬菜水果到咖啡茶叶香料再到各类天然食材还有草本植物等等,一般人想到或想象不到的添加物都可能被酿酒师拿来实验性酿造,关键是,酿酒添加物并不是为了减低酿造成本而用,相反的,加入上述添加物提高了酿造成本,比如说有的啤酒每一公升就加入百多至两三百公克的水果浸泡而成,也有比如说使用大量茶叶咖啡豆香草豆等等浸泡提味桶陈的,重点是酿酒师都是为探寻更高层次美味体现而使用上述添加物,此外,还有另一个比较间接迂回的“添加”方式是使用其他酒类旧桶,比如曾经装满威士忌,波本酒,白兰地,白葡萄或红葡萄酒等等其他酒类的旧桶,通过静置陈放吸收桶内精华(可以是只纯粹桶陈,也可以是加入食材浸泡熟成)这道少则几个月多则几年的时间工序都是花时间花成本的,但一心求好的craft beer酿酒师们都甘之如饴。

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