
Wednesday, December 29, 2021

WEEK 196---Beer Talk Easy 18


craft beer can be confusing/complicated to some newbies but if one were to spend some time & efforts then it can be quite simple, here's some observations:-
1) beer is NOT what most consumers think what it seems to be --that's a quite laughable stereotype--of course it's not true.

2) craft beer is the TRUE world of beer---but NOT all which label itself as craft beer is of high/higher quality--there are bad ones too---how to pick out the good ones from the bad ones/below average ones require some work--that's part of the fun of craft drinking.
2)真正美味啤酒世界是craft beer,但不是所有冠上craft beer称号的就一定是好酒,如何逐步提升眼界味蕾鉴赏力择优汰劣是啤迷功课也是乐趣之一。

3) BEER is NOT only about MACRO LAGER---varieties of beer styles/choices is what beer can be and should be.

4) One can find sour/sweet/bitter/spicy/umami in a beer--in fact much more than that.
5) Beer is not about gulping down ice-cold one--in fact the proper way is to let a beer warm up after pouring to enble flavours opening up for better tasting experience.

6) Finding out taste profile possibilities in a beer via brewing techniques/adding adjuncts/soak in used barrels is the primary motive of beer geeks.

7) In the big wide world of craft beer there will always be more than 1 beer which is bound to be your kind of beer--if you have yet to meet--you sure WILL.

8) Don't ever say 'craft beer is nothing" after 1 or 2 try---always know this--the word of craft beer is much bigger/wider than imagined.
8)绝对不要因为第一次尝试但喝到不对味啤酒就断定craft beer不过尔尔。要记住,啤酒世界远比个人想象中更辽阔更有趣更美味。

9) Please understand that in the world of craft beer tasting--there is such a thing as palate appreciation level---meaning at times if you think a beer is not good or even bad---it could well be a case of not the beer--but drinker's palate is not up there yet to truly appreciate what that beer really is.

10) New to craft beer? can always start exploring like food--go with familair taste profile first--then slowly expand to more unfamiliar territory.

11) Part of the fun of craft beer tasting is exploring different beer styles/taste profile--being open minded to go outside of comfort zone is necessary & a plus.

12) The reason/s why people drink beer can be same or very different---but " no drunk no home" like what was depicted in a movie scene is just a movie scene---it has nothing to do with craft beer tatsing.

13) Need to repeat this again and again---NEVER drink on empty stomach--even when drinking what majority people think "just 'easy/harmless" beer'.

14) If you are new to the world of craft beer--then beer is not only about 5-6% abv---there are a lot of beers with much higher abv-->10% closer or even exceeding 20% is nothing new.
14)在craft beer世界,不同类型风格啤酒并不只有5-6度或以下酒精,而是有很多可以随时超过10度或20度的选择。

15) Always use a proper glass--drinking directly from can or bottle is more of a movie scene or advertisement pose---unless if it's specifically stated to drink from can ( Alchemist-Heady Topper and such)---always use a glass.
15)喝啤酒需要合适杯子(绝对不是冰冻结霜那种),拿着啤酒瓶直接怼嘴喝只是拍电影做样子(除非像Heady Topper那样鼓励直接从罐子喝),基本酒入杯才是正道。

16) BEST beer in the world---is there such a thing? some believe yes some not so sure--anyway this is a tricky question since no one can conclusively say so with absolute certainty.( of course not even RB or untp)

17) It's very likely when a beer is being touted as the best beer that it actually is a nice beer or an awesome one---end of the day it's all other's opinions---finding what's more suited to one's own taste is probably more important.

18) Beer is about actual drinking and tasting--only then one can have an idea of how beer A or beer B taste like--however also always remember that palate appreciattion level has an importnt role to play---because if someone can't even differentiate good from bad--then even if given the best beer in the world---he/she would not know what is what.

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