Wednesday, January 5, 2022

2021 Most Memorable Beer List-----by Neil (Tokyo)

2021 has come & gone in a (covid disturbing) flash--pandemic or otherwise---geeks still seek out for nice taste in a beer or two--as usual this blog would always do a most memorable year list  as conclusion to a year of beer sampling---to kick start this time around is my "old beer buddy" from Tokyo---Neil been writing about beer scene in & beyond Tokyo for many years on his blog

HERE in his own words --Neil's thoughts about 2021 :- ( with Chinese transcript by me)

As 2021 was another year when international travel wasn't really happening, my list for the year is all Japanese stuff. Sure, we get alot of imports here and I enjoy them from time to time. However I am a big believer in the drink local concept, so naturally when I'm not travelling outside of Japan I'm going to be drinking a lot of Japanese stuff. The pandemic hit Japan, but not as hard as many places, and we were able to travel domestically at some times last year. I can't say that all of these beers have been sampled at the source, but maybe half of them have and I've had a lot of fun drinking them. I've split this into a few themes where a few beers get mentioned side by side if I think they make sense to be written about together
