
Tuesday, April 12, 2022

WEEK 201----Beer gifts from geek friends


One of the best things with craft beer is the camaraderie which can be quickly foster among fellow beer geeks even though they are total stangers outside of craft beer circle--over the years i have had the chance to meet quite a few strangers who share the same passion about craft beer--and became friends who i would meet and share a few beers with either on a more regular or once in a blue moon basis, with geek friends came the chances of sharing/tasting more bottles/cans than one single person could ever manage--as well the occasional surprises of being gifted a few beers at times.

时光飞逝,有意为之情况下个人craft beer探寻历程一晃十年过去了,这些年来通过和好些不同啤迷朋友瓶子分享会算是喝过不少佳酿,也因为啤迷间分享精神这些年来偶尔也有些佳酿是来自啤迷朋友无预警馈赠或随机赐酒,身为啤迷这是让人感觉幸福的。

Over the years i been lucky and grateful to have received some beers from geek friends--mostly when least expected--hence the pleasant surprises. Here's a few examples of gift bottles/cans received while travelling overseas---there were more gift bottles/cans received which were not mentioned in this weekly column but im very grateful to have received each and every beer given be it overseas or locally---and you know who you are.

Cantillon Visit
it was quite some years ago already--was sitting at the tasting room of Cantillon--opposite there were strangers fellow geek---1 American & 1 Asian looking Canadian---with no hesitation I decided to say hello and soon joined their table---on that day---if not because of their generous act of sharing quite some bottles--i would not be able to taste 7-8 different bottles (with bottles at 750ml it's just impossible for 1 or 2 person to crack that many without wasting beer).



Slaying a Pirate
it was back in 2015 when i first went for MBCC which at that time was CBC and being held at a gymnasium slightly outside of city center---those who been would know that many beer geeks do fly in earlier in the week to bar hop/join in various tap take over or first releases events planned for the week--- i was at Mikkeller Bar Viktoriagade chatting with the then bar manager(a stranger then), next thiig i know was that a bottle of Prairie Pirate Bomb was cracked and i was sipping on a stout which at that time was a rather hard to find bottle here in Asia.

Various Bottles gifted by geek friends:-
DeNeve Gueuze
it was during MBCC week---a Belgian beer geek friend came to my hostel lobby as i have brought some sake from my Japan trip prior to Copenhagen --it was not meant as exhange of bottles but just a show of gratitude to my Belgian friend for helping to sent in some Lamnic previously--and i was totally surprised when he pulled out a box containing a bottle of "extinct" old bottle of DeNeve Gueuze.   
Brought that bottle back to KL to share with a Belgian friend living here who have helped me opening up very early stage craft appreciate level by sharing his private Belgium bottles.
比利时啤迷朋友的礼物,虽说个人是有回赠日本带过去的清酒瓶子,但看到这支已有一定年岁痕迹而且是原厂已绝版天然发酵酸啤作品时还是很意外。带回来吉隆坡後,本着也给一位非常早期在探寻craft beer路上给过自己启蒙助益的在地比利时朋友小小惊喜带去他家分享了。

Mills Running Beer
my first Mills bottle was courtesy of this gift bottle by a geek friend from UK who not only gifted this but also some other bottles/cans---all hand carried back to KL by a fellow geek friend who happened to be back in UK for a trip then.  The Mills was shared during that year's Xmas share here with the tasting group guys.

Tired Hands Ipas
During th last day or so at Copenhagen--an American geek friend gifted me a few fresh cans of TH brew he brought in from the states---brought these back and shared with a few KL geek friends--among the 3 different ipas---no doubt Key Lime Pie was the most outstanding and interesting.
美国啤迷朋友的礼物,三款不同风味表现作品中以KEY LIME PIE最出色,是至今本地啤迷朋友仍然很有印象的一款,看酒名称是以做成墨西哥莱姆派风味呈现为构思,虽然没吃过那样的派,但酒绝对有趣好喝。

Yorocco BA Saison
A  japanese small brewery located at Kamakura--personally i quite like their brew--known for easy drinking yet not on the dull side--particularly good with their saison---had the previous year version of this BA Saison when i was in Tokyo--was very surprise to have received this one in Copenhagen--gifted by a Japanese geek friend---receiving a Kamakura beer in Copenhagen---that's how borderless craft culture can be.

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