
Monday, March 20, 2023

2022 Most Memorable Beer List---by Liam ( Hong Kong)

It's probably a little late timing wise--but then it's never late to talk about good beers anyway--here's the list of some memorable ones from my Hong Kong beer buddy Liam Lee--- as usual Chinese original writing by Liam & Enlish transcript by me.

here's the list by Liam:-
原來已經是第6年得到好友 Ct Tai的邀請總結一下2022年最深印象的幾款精釀啤酒上年疫情逐漸好轉分享會也多了不少回望一下名單中竟有不少stout, 更有pastry stout 的份兒有點不可思議! 可能是酒廠開始掌握此重口味酒款的技巧, 相比之前一些胡亂加糖朱古力和古靈精怪的材料終究讓人卻步的作品已大有改善......
this is the 6th year im invited to write my list of most memorable beer for this blog--as the pandemic situation was easing last year--so was the increase frequency of meeting up fellow geeks for bottle sharing sessions--it's quite amazing to find that my list included some stouts--espeacially pastry stouts since initially the senseless adding on of sugar-chocolate and/or anything goes kind of adjunts kept me off pastry--but this time around seems the brewer/s has got hold of how to make a pastry tasty and nice.....

1) 3Fonteinen "Armand's 4"
每年大家都會來至少一次的極罕分享會, 2022年則是 3 Fonteinen "四季", 當年作為3F 新酒廠籌錢之用4枝說到底就是 2011年特別包裝的 A&G (Armand & Gaston), 11年後可能不是最佳的保存狀態質素有點差強人意但喝的就是歷史打卡成就解鎖才是重點...........
every year there would be atleast one session where we will get together for a "rare bottles share"--lat year was about these 4 seasons bottles--originally created for the funding of 3F brewery--these are in fact special packaged edition of 2011 Armand & Gaston---after 11 years they are not drinking in the best of condition---but it's history in the palate-- a big tick was done.

2) Side Project Brewing "BBT(Beer Barrel Time)"
上年有幸試了2021, 2022  2022 Rye裸麥版本這款可說是當今頭5位之一的imperial stout, 厲害之處在於沒有添加甚麼朱古力雲尼拿額外材料只是傳統的波本桶陳釀imperial stout, 用了是著名的 Weller, Pappy Van Winkle, Willet 等等波本桶得出來就是各種氣息甜度苦澀的平衡都達天花板級, 2022 裸麥版還帶點辛辣感多點複雜度是這3枝中的最愛!
Had the pleasure of tasting 2021, 2022 & 2022 Rye variants last year--BBT is undoubtedly the top 5 imperial stouts out there--it's non-adjunted imperial stouts meaning no additionof things like chocolate or vanilla but basically just about stouts and the various barrels( such as Wellet, Pappy Van Winkle, Willet)--from nose-aroma to sweetness bitterness--everything is in such ceiling high level of harmonious balance--the Rye version came with bit more spiciness & added complexity--most loved of the 3.

3) Troon Brewing's NE IPA
Other Half, Trillium, Treehouse 等等被捧上神枱後規模日漸擴大但品質控制卻未能追上的時候, 又回到找尋新晉納米酒廠特別一提的是美國 @troon brewing, 酒或杯子都是炒賣對象幸好有友人是這廠的VIP, 上年喝了數次感覺就像在6,7年前剛嚐到Other Half一般強勁的hoppiness, 甜度口感和苦澀度都是精細地平衡了
When the likes of Other Half, Trillium, TreeHouse was elevated to a height befitted their initial hype--the expanded operation proved quality control was not an easy thing to keep things as best they usued to be--so it's time to seek out for newer nano brewery--and in came Troon (the newest hype where beer and glasses are all being "fried" in secndary market)--thanks to a geek friend who is VIP guest of the brewery--had the chance to drink a few times last year--remainds me of 6-7 years ago when first had Other Half---everything from hops aroma to sweetness/bitterness to overall mouth feel is such a pleasantly delicately balance.

4)New Glarus R&D "Vintage 2020" & 'Fruit Melange"
美式自然發酵酸啤酒 (AmLam) 的水準一向參差, 大多是太酸或酵母風味不足, 2022年終於試到我最喜愛酒廠 New Glarus Brewing Co. 的實驗系列 "R&D", 首先 "Vintage 2020" 不得了, 剛說的AmLam 缺點一掃而空, 單靠酵母和橡木桶陳釀, 出來的杏脯味道更不下於加了杏脯的lambic, 太神奇吧?! brown ale "Fruit Melange" 也是震憾, 喝過加入桃駁李(nectarine)的啤酒, 但從沒有像此酒那超強勁的氣息, 以後再有這2款一定要"掃蕩", haha
The one thing geeks dislike about American natural fermented sours(AmLam or american lambic) is that the balancing can be way off -- so when R&D vintage 2020 came with none of the above issues it was a big pleasure--the apricot flavours coming through was even comparable to an actual apricot lambic which was quite amazing---and then the brown ale of  'fruit melange' was rather mind blowing --it was the strongest nectarine beer ever had---next time if these 2 is on sight again it's grab at first sight --no questions on that.

5) H.K.Lovecraft Cold IPA "The Deep Ones" & LagerWine "The Enduring"
之前看到本地的 H.K. LoveCraft 甚麼酒變酸, 爆罐等消息, 老實說對他們失望了幸好2022年來過大逆轉讓更多geek 重新認識 lager. 新酒款 Cold IPA "The Deep Ones" 易喝, 平衡, 啤酒花強度在第二批次已明顯加強, 正好表現Cold IPA應有啤酒花氣息, 相當苦澀度, 乾淨和極高可喝度; 而甚少推出的 lagerwine "The Enduring", 相比典型barleywine輕身得多的酒體, 低甜度和接近零的酒精感, 讓其出奇地易喝最欣賞是他們勇於嚐試冷門酒款!
There were some not so good news coming out much ealier about this brewery concerning quality control(beer gone sour, burst cans..)--However things took a good turn last year with reintroduction of this brewery's works---The Deep Ones was clean hoppy and very drinkable---The Enduring was a lmuch ighter version of usual barleywine in terms of body abv and drinkability--making it very approachable--nice to see them trying out lesser hyped beer styles.

6) Pulpiy Rock Brewing "Seven Years in Heaven"
一向也對現在流行甜得掉牙甜品般的 pastry stout 不感興趣極其量也是小酌一小杯便放棄但這枝不得了, 3726個月酒桶陳釀的stout混和得出來是一杯無酒精感甜度適中的".......", 再配以椰子氣息近乎完美竟然還會添飲有點不可思議! (那紅色小禮物包裝是用作抽獎之用有趣有趣)
Personally not a fan of pastry stouts--dislike it's cloying sweetness--usually just a tiny pour would do--but this one was different--a blend of 37 months & 26 months barrel aged stouts--the result was a "no alcohol taste Chocolate milk" surrounded with coconut aroma--almost a perfect one which made Liam willingly pour more...,(the red pack came with bottle as some sort of lucky draw--interesting)

7) Bofkont "Honeymoon" & " Raspoetin"
近幾年越來越多新晉比利時lambic酒廠, Bokke 當然一早被捧為神廠 Bofkont 也絕不容小覷他們的酒主要是以抽韱形式發售也因而二手市場炒價厲害, 最近幾次有幸都買得到上年試了用上不同品種的接骨木花 "Honeymoon" 或大黃 (Rhubarb) "Raspoetin", 雖然lambic的酵毋氣息沒有傳統酒廠的強勁但確實地感受到各種加入的材料味道今年絕對要再喝多些款式!
Though Bokke has been the most sought after new Lambic blenders around in recent years--but Bofkont is one which is not to be taken lightly--had the chance to buy some of their bottles last year--tasted the elderflower centric 'honeymoon" & rhubarb focus "raspoetin"--though the lambic yeast funk is lesser but added materials were clear to palate--should sample more this year.

8) Toppling Goliath Brewing Co. "Assassin Vanilla Bean 2019"
再次嚐到這傳奇imperial stout, 基酒質素是世界頂尖, 強勁朱古力, 芽氣息, 甜度, 苦澀度均恰到好處, 雲尼拿籽版本相信加入的份量相當驚人, 大家嘩聲四起; 相反龍舌蘭酒桶版本, 跟我喝過其他同酒桶陳釀的imperial stout一樣, 感受不到此烈酒獨有氣息, 就算是強如 "Assassin" 也是失望而回...........
A pleasure to taste this legendary top notch stouts from TG--strong nose and taste of chocolate- malt-the sweet & bitter part was very well balance--and then the vanilla bean influence was so great it made everyone at the tasting session go "hooo..haaa..".
sadly the same cannot be said for the Tequila barrel version--even "Assassin" failed to benefit from the barrel.

9) Carbon Brews "Little Rich Lupulins v.11"
"Little Rich Lupulins v.11", 應是2022年我最喜愛的本地 NE IPA, 以草青作主導的氣息也跟典型著重水果味道的不同, 各方面的高平衡度和略低的甜度也讓可喝性大增, 最驚喜的是推出3個月後, v.12 來個v垂直品飲竟然水準, 新鮮度仍然保持, 實在神奇!
Probably Liam's most favourite locally brewed NE IPA from last year--instead of tropical fruits its green grass aroma which was leading the beer--less sweet and well balance makes it even easier drinking---and a pleasant surprise to find that it was tasting real nice when did a vertical with v.12 three months later....

10) Russian River Brewing " Pliny the Elder(PtE)" & "Double Dry-Hopped PtE"
PtE 相信各geek 都有喝過, 或一年總會喝一兩次, 它和其 double dry-hopped 版本能成為2022年最有印象之一, 是因為剛剛能把這兩款入瓶/罐日期差不多的批次來作個平行品飲, 雖然很多人也喜愛重口味, 但原版依然略勝一籌, 始終多年來的配方還是讓其平衡度無懈可擊, 反之 DDH版的苦澀度和酒精感還是差了點
Most geeks would have tasted Pliny many times over or maybe annually--had the chance to sample both of these 2 side by side with very similar bottling dates---though there would be those who prefer heavier hopped beers---personally Liam still prefer Pliny the original way with it's perfectly balance overall performance--while DDH version was lacking in terms of balance and probably too hoppy to disturb that balance.

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