
Monday, May 22, 2023

WEEK 209--Hong Kong Beer Trip (May 2023)

After 3 years of not travelling overseas--finally made my first trip early May--the same week when MBCC 2023 was happening in Copenhagen--It was more of a casual-almost spontaneous decision to visit HK rather than a purposeful-beer activities driven trip (if were to compare to landing in Copenhagen)
五月初去了趟香港,身为啤迷没有去同一时间进行的craft beer年度重头活动哥本哈根啤酒庆典而是没有任何相关活动的香港,某种程度上可说显示了心态转变,去香港只是纯粹出去走走见见人,虽然事先有啤迷朋友安排了瓶子分享会,但基本也就那样其他时候没有安排,换句话说并不是一次目标明确行程密集的啤酒之旅。

Yes--a meet up with old & new HK geek friends bottle sharing session was pre-arranged--other than that single session the few days in HK was really a "go as your mood takes you" sort of casual move about--did went to a few HK craft beer bars/bottle shop--all in all it was just a chill trip to see friends--eat some local delicacies--and of course drink some beers.

The newspaper column will be split into 3 parts but yet to decide if i will post all 3 to this blog since it's the same theme but with different bottles/cans--mainly due to space constraint in a newspaper column.

Here's  the bottles/can written in the recent column:-
3 fonteinen Zenne Y Frontera Batch 1 & 2
Definitely the most eye catching bottles of the trip--had 1 of the bottles previously at Himmeriget some years ago while attending MBCC week--that palate mind blown feeling instanatly came back even before bottles were cracked open that evening in HK--it was truly a lambic geek's moment to savour--having not 1 but 2 of these beauties in a sharing session.
Personally--batch 2 instantly reminded my palate memories how good this beer was few years ago when first had in Copenhagen--Batch 1 was more mellow--deeper in every sense--not as obvious or direct( still in a very layered/nuance way)as Batch 2 but once you settled into--Batch 1 will take you to a deeper end of the spectrum--strictly basing on that evening's personal taste I would say Batch 2 is slightly more to my personal taste though honestly there is nothing to compare here--just bloody enjoy and thanking 3F for making these 2 outstanding ones. ( of course also thanking a newly met HK beer geek friend for kindly sharing) 


Brasserie Auval Arriere Pays
This is the Canadian brewery i was looking forward to sampling--it's quite amazing to be able to sample 1 of their works in HK when the impression is that they are a hard to get brewery even inside Canada.
Farmhouse-Saison would always be welcome for my palate enjoyment--this one with some lime/green apple-ish taste & aroma is an easy drinking one--finishing with a dry note--nice for a hot summer evening in HK.

Hill Farmstead Charlie
At 2% abv--this is quite something (of course it's being regarded as one of the best or probably the best low abv easy drinking beer by quite some geeks)--it is said what really test a top chef's ability is not the most complex dishes but the simple ones--this is one such example in beer brewing where it is meant to be an easy drinking-straight forward beer--it is but not that straight forward--certainly not dull or 'taste like water; as some "heavy drinkers" might think--in fact very very far from it.

Side Project For Gabe
Had the other one of tribute collab by Side Project--For Phil here in KL earlier this year(imperial stouts tribute to Perennial brewer)--this one is a blend of barley wine & stouts in tribute to Anchorage brewer in Alaska. Certainly a big name bottle--full of bourbon barrels influences with dark sugar tone--bit of heat coming through but got better after warmer--quite nice but not a mind blowing one.
酿坊致意二部曲的另一款,之前在本地分享会喝了致意Parennial 酿酒师的黑啤作品For Phil,这款致意阿拉斯加酿坊Anchorage主创酿酒师的则是混合黑啤和大麦酒桶陈作品,毫无疑问是酿坊近期作品中备受啤迷关注的一款,作为当天分享会中唯一的重口味黑啤,入口是满满的波本酒桶影响,黑糖气息,回温後酒体更富润,很不错不过并不惊艳。

Troon Help Me Ease My Mind
Personally NEIPA can be rather annoying at times with it's overly sweet-cloying-or in your face thick cloudy body--but this small brewery from NJ has been on the curious list for months ever since hearing good words about them---thankful to have finally sampled one from the brewery--looking at the canned date--it's not the freshest--roughly 6 weeks has passed by---but upon sipping it's confirmed the recent hype--they are fine & nice--and yes--this 1 is probably not the best yet from Troon but it has already affirmed why they are being chased after by those who know.

Two Meter Tall Sparkling Mead
Had this in a bar--the same evening upon arriving in HK--thanks to geek friends who arranged a casual meet up--heard of this Autralian smalll brewery quite some years ago from an Aussie geek friend who used to live in KL--looking at the bottle the first thought would be "hmmm--sweet sparkling honey water"---one sip and you will realize how wrong that first thought can be--it was actually lighly sourish with some funk--certainly an interesting one. (thanks to fellow Malaysian geek friend who spotted this one)

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