Friday, February 27, 2015

the story of MACRO & Micro( part (2/2)

Micro Brew
Craft beer started essentially because someone long ago felt bored with whatever the big boys were supplying to the market....the lack of choices( or some would say taste) started the idea of home brew--micro brew.
Many years later---we all know what happened--craft beer is developing---slowly but surely---as for what craft beer is all about--for technical definitions---one could check what the US brewers association says---with main focus on smaller volume, not control by non-craft beer big companies--and mos importantly---cannot use inferior material to lower cost of production( hence lowering the quality/taste profile of the beer).

If there's any obvious different between MACRO beer and Micro beer---on non-taste or non-beer quality related area---then it's clear that MACRO beer would throw lots of advertising money just to promote very few variation( sometimes just one type of beer) of their product----of which craft beer community DON'T look up to or practice..

While at times there's simply too many different types/brand of craft beer---the craft community just know for a fact that not all beer that is a micro brew or with a tag saying "Craft Beer" means it's a winner---nope---there's crappy craft beer too....

that's why beer geek DISSECT & FUSS OVER BEER.   

CBC 2015
It's an beer event organised by Mikkeller of Copenhagen.

It's an event where geeks would sometimes just have to dream of getting a ticket---it's sold out very very quickly.

It's an event where many of the best brewers gather and showcase some new brew---and obviously---NO non-craft big factory beer is allowed---EVER.

but this year--we might---i mean--just might for the first time ever--see a MACRO beer making it's way to CBC 2015---yes--of all the "feedback" given to BUD ad---this one from Mikkeller--an invitation to CBC 2015 is the most---amusing one.

To be or not to be...? that's an amusing thought....

小型自酿意思,更通用的是CRAFT BEER
从最根本原因说起,撞意啤酒就是因为有饮客不满意市场只有单调无趣大厂啤酒,开始自酿,然后星火燎原,发展成今天的CRAFT BEER文化。

根据美国酿酒师协会主要定义,1.年产量不超过6百万桶,2.不能有超过25%股权由非CRAFT BEER生产者控制,3.使用传统或创新材料及方式酿制(重点是不能使用比如大米或人工香精之类的廉价替代原料)

小型自酿,就一定是好啤酒保证?当然不是的。就像有人卖很难吃云吞面那样,CRAFT BEER也有不知所谓酿品。


CBC 2015
COPENHAGEN BEER CLEBRATION是丹麦名牌MIKKELLER主催,入场卷网上一开卖就被秒杀,完全供不应求的撞意啤酒年度盛事。
百威广告效应,MIKKELLER已发出正式邀请函,并上载社交媒体如面子书,要百威参与CBC2015,并会开放一天让百威可以在一家酒吧举行多达40 个不同类别啤酒泵占领活动(TAP TAKE OVER)!


Monday, February 16, 2015

WEEK 44--the story of MACRO & Micro( part 1/2)

It maybe a bit "late" now to still talk about the matter--but it's still an interesting one to voice out for the newsppaper readers --who probably don't have a clue as to what happened...(中文全文请往下看)

MACRO BEER---the word sort of  became the "bud" of joke along with some other key words early this month for the craft beer community.( if you have not seen the ad--go see on youtube)

This very much self-inflicted joke came from one of the commercial beer big boys--BUD--an ad aired during the US Super Bowl finals--which obviously cost lots of USD--but laughed about for it's very weak mocking of the craft community.
While saying"people who drink our beer are people who like to drink beer"--typical "feel good" advertising statement amongst others----what irked was the mocking of craft beer....
By saying all that was said in the ad---craft community is being painted as a bunch of fussy nerds.

In marketing terms--there's comparison method--or the lower level of "saying something bad about others in order to make yourself look better".

Bud--while trying to differentiate MACRO beer and craft beer--by way of mocking---has largely been seen as public display of "fear"---fear for it's own market erosion--as well fear for the growing influence of craft beer on the US beer market--figures compiled by the US Brewers association showed that  in 1998--the big boys hold about 89% of the beer market--in 2013 it dropped to 78%...while craft beer grown from 2.6% in 1998 to close to 8% in 2013.
the ad look more and  more like ringing it's own alarm bell than anything else.....

one of the key messages from the ad---which is trying to say--"it's just a bloody beer, just drink up, nothing to be serious about...."

just look around---why would people chose to eat at a particular shop for a bowl of Wanton noodles--sometimes even to far away places--isn't it just a same bloody bowl of noodles?

just like each shop has got different way of preparing the noodles, sauce, or even some secrets formula--consumers would know what's best for them--and rightly so.

beer is certainly not just one dimensional yellow fizzy drink---to say beer is just for drinking and nothing's just sounding shallow---even to the tune of terrified.


很明显,广告意图嘲弄撞意啤酒群体,把喜欢喝CRAFT BEER的描绘成自以为是,走火入魔一群。









NEXT WEEK--of micro & CBC 2015

Sunday, February 8, 2015

WEEK 43-Quick craft-tour---kl-bkk-S'pore9part 2/2)

of the 3 cities--KL-BKK-SG, if you do not earn sing dollar or any other higher exchange rate currency---it's probably not that fun to spend money in S'pore now--even more so if you are spending M'sia ringgit...

the "problem" for beer geek is---when you consider the number of craft-dedicated bars/bottle shops --hence the wider choices of craft beer---the currency issue become a smaller issue...

S'pore is no doubt having many more craft-dedicated places when compared to KL-BKK, add in the small number of microbrew( which unfortunately is not legally permitted in KL-BKK)--craft beer seems to move faster/better in this part of south east asia....
The Feb issue of Time Out magazine( s'pore version) run some stories about the craft beer movement in S'pore--and that kind of shows the momentum it is gathering locally....

If you have not been to S'pore for craft beer---there are many older and newer places to go---amongst others---just mentioning a few here"-

Smith street bar( clay pot chicken rice + craft beer--can be really shiok combination)
Good beer company---just located few steps away from smith--need bottles selection?)
The great beer experiment( many European beers--including Cantilion)
Thisrty ( bottle shop---with focus on US beer--think alesmith-firestone walker, modern times....)
Jibiru(sitting on orchard road---obviously focus on Japanese brew)
The pump room( who says Clarke Quay is only for partying--there's a brewpub or two too around the area)
Nickledime Drafthouse(opened late last year--run by a paying beer geek turned operator)

there's obviously many more---like the very newly opened Druggist( 23taps)---and also soon to open Tap bar.....would do a more in-depth SG craft-spotting in the near future....

二月份TIME OUT杂志(新加坡版)大篇幅介绍了撞意啤酒界中的幕后/幕前推手及现况,某些程度上显示CRAFT 文化在新加坡的关注度。
如果不很熟悉新加坡哪里喝哪里买,这几家各有特色的专卖店错不了,比如设在牛车水唐人街熟食小贩中心的SMITH STREET TAPSTHE GOOD BEER COMPANY,设在靠近马场商场进口商自己经营的THE GREAT BEER EXPERIMENT,河边购物中心内的THRISTY瓶子店,繁忙乌节路边上的JBIRU(专注日本啤酒),河边派对区提供小型自酿的THE PUMP ROOM,去年底新开的15个啤酒泵NICKLEDIME DRAFHOUSE等等。(没提到的还有不少,之后有机会详细聊)

NEXT UP---the story of MACRO & Micro....

Monday, February 2, 2015

WEEK 43---Quick craft-tour of KL-BKK-S'PORE(part 1/2)

this is the 4th year craft beer culture is taking shape in KL, looking back, there has been a rather lack of major development in terms of craft-bar-bottle shops new operator/s joining the local scene. There's only 1 new bar opened late last year, but by the same bar that started 3 years ago....
Yes--the only addition of a 100% craft beer bar is tapsbeerbar1MK.
Is that to say KL is a bloody boring place for craft beer? well, not that bad---not at all. At the very least--some beer listed as the TOP 100 by ratebeer were here before/reappearing, and of course there's many others from Europe, New Zealand, Australia, and lately some US brew....

Generally speaking, operating craft beer bar or bottle shop is not quick money making or very high margin business, add that with the fact that KL is a place with very high alcohol taxes---and the local craft culture is still in it's very early developing stage--this would sort of explain why there's so few operators in the market--guess we drinkers can just hope for few more craft beer loving operators to join in sooner rather than later...
是的,吉隆坡来说,100%纯粹卖CRAFT BEER的点只多了一家,去年尾新开的TAPS BEER BAR 1MK。实际上,现阶段吉隆坡业者的确少。

this is still "the big do" month for Mikkeller bangkok with it's first anniversary "bkk beer week" continuing from late January.
as many would have noticed, there's a 30 tap"kick -ass" list on 29th Jan--followed by tap take-over by TO OL from Denmark and Baird from Japan.

This coming friday & saturday will see a 50 tap a day--100 beer in total keg party taking place, with beer festival like format where ticket is on sale.. 
Pushing craft culture in a market long dominated by the big boys of Thai commercial beer( think Elephant & Lion) is never an easy task, we say keep rocking Mikkeller bar---and credit should also be given to the USbrew importer(Beervana) for keeping the ball rolling earlier along with another importer who focus on Belgium beer.... 
配合生日,129日开始“米吧”就动作连连,除了30个上了啤酒泵,号称“至今最厉害阵容”酒单选择,还分别把丹麦TO OL和日本BAIRD酿酒师配合“占领啤酒泵”活动带到曼谷跟啤迷见面。然后,2月的6日和7日连续两天,效仿丹麦啤酒节庆盛宴,以单一价格门票方式,让啤迷可以每天50个不同啤酒泵选择,两天100种不同啤酒,一次过喝个够。

NEXT UP--Quick tour to S'pore