
Monday, July 20, 2015

WEEK 55---craft-spotting in WINE cities

Wine is a popular thing in Italy, France and Portugal--not only to the locals--but to visitors too.
To a certain extend, cities like Rome-Lisbon-Paris don't seem to have a connection with craft beer....or is that so?
A recent trip to Europe did provided the answer-- at all 3 cities mentioned above---the craft culture has taken roots--be it in terms of home brew-micro brew or craft beer bars, bottle shop.....(due to timing factor--missed out on the bars in Rome--will just talk briefly about Lisbon & Paris)

"basically there's only one dedicated craft beer bar in Lisbon--opened a year plus ago by a drinker turn operator Rui & his wife--Cerveteca Lisboa is the place to be if you need some good Portugal craft beers---plus the like of brewdog, mikkeller, to ol & some Belgium beers..(as of time of visit)"
"it would take a bit of searching if you are not familiar with the area where the bar is located--but i do agree with what Rui the owner said--getting lost occasionally while looking for my bar--is also part of fun..."
里斯本的感觉是自在,舒适,慢活的,城市好些不服都还是旧旧的,蛮RETRO FEEL的。
在这里,喝葡萄酒是日常生活一部分,CRAFTBEER的出现还很新,一年多前,里斯本才有了全城第一家撞意啤酒专卖吧---CERVETECA LISBOA,店主RUI出于对CRAFT的热爱,从饮客转身成为业者,在葡萄酒文化笼罩下的地方开始逆流之举。
把撞意啤酒当外来文化影响的话,里斯本已有不错起步,虽然目前只有一家专卖吧,里斯本城里城外的自酿文化已成形,玩自酿或开始把自家酿品正式出售的葡萄牙品牌就有好几家,重点是,都有一定水准。比如说今年较早时候,其中一家本地酿坊MEAN SARDINES就已和丹麦名牌TO OL玩合酿。

本地品牌之外,专卖吧啤酒选择以苏格兰BREWDOG,丹麦MIKKELLERTO OL,以及一些比利时啤酒为主。
"Was invited by Rui to join in for a new craft brew launched down town--a collaboration brew by Mean Sardine & Passarola --both locally based Portugal craft beer brand--while there i was introduce to the home brew association folks---it's all pointing to a up and coming craft beer movement in and around Lisbon--what's more--a new friend i met who lives in Madeira is also a home brewer himself--and the main reason he was in Lisbon? --craft beer."

"this is a city with very cliche perception--like that of Parisian generally are not nice--can be rude to visitors--or that going up the tower or buying some branded items is a must..."
"located nearby Center Pompidou-- la cave a bulles can be missed if you just walk ahead without looking to the side--but once you found it--the selection available is more than enough to make you go wooo...."
如果里斯本目前只有一家专卖吧,在巴黎,至少有十多家以上专卖吧瓶子店,有的更秉承法国美食文化,有啤酒配搭美食专门餐厅。时间关系,“顽啤主张”只去了巴黎最具代表性的瓶子店LA CAVE A BULLES 以及酒吧和餐厅开在两隔壁的LA FINE MOUSSE

"La fine mousse--it's located very close to the Metro Rue St.Maur--the fact that both the BAR & the RESTAURANT are located next to each other is very interesting--if you are like me who is curious about their food pairing menu--and the fact that they have many lambic bottles..."
"If you have a certain beers in mind---you can actually ask to pair the food with your own choice/s of bottle/s--they are kind enough to oblige...."
LA FINE MOUSSE之前已知道这家藏酒丰富,也有啤酒美食配搭餐厅。特意选了晚餐前一小时去,想了解专卖吧有什么啤酒泵和瓶子选择。如果对巴黎情况不太了解,会对这里啤酒选择感到惊讶,除了不少法国本土小型酿坊啤酒,欧美的选择不少。

"The biggest surprise at the tail end of dinner--one of the co-owners Romain walked to the table and invited for a private tour of their "famous among the known" secret cellar---"no camera--for your eyes only" is the "rule" here..:)---having visited Cantillon not that long ago prior to here---i have to say the number of vintages they have in store--not to mention other damn....impressive!"

There is a lot more craft beer places in and around Paris for sure--i have limited time--hence the limited mentioning....

Thursday, July 16, 2015

recap---WEEK 49---Like Minded Sharing

This is a backdated weekly column update--on the topic of sharing--which is nothing new to geeks who love to share---for newbies this could be something worth exploring--and a much better way to move forward on the road to finding more better beers..

I do have a small tasting group--informally--started this year-- so far have had few rounds of tasting/sharing--all in smaller quantity ( usually not more than 12-13 bottles per session --for 4-5 or max 6 people)--by doing those few tasting sessions--a lot of good beers were shared---the best part is you are sharing beers with geeks who appreciate the quality, varieties, and high standards of beers sought from whichever avenues possible in this desert called KL...:)
Not going to translate everything in this weekly column--rather just a few quotes...
"how to drink lesser in volume but still manage to taste more varieties of good beers---that's something worth exploring for geeks---the solution is simple--gather a few like minded friends and have tasting session/s....." 
CRAFT BEER圈子中也有品酒会,同好会,分享会这回事。
一般来说,BOTTLE SHARE(瓶子分享会)比较多是资深饮客会做的事,分享瓶子的理由很直接,因为一些瓶子是750ML的大瓶装(一般小瓶装是330ML),一个人独喝有点多,而且,很多啤迷都是喜欢分享的“怪人”,总是喜欢跟志同道合饮客朋友聚在一起品尝,分享观点。
同样动作有时候也称作TASTING SESSION(品尝会),跟葡萄酒或威士忌界盛行的品酒会是一样意义,也很适合刚发现撞意啤酒世界不久的新朋友玩。

"for geeks who are constantly updating ratings/comments on either ratebeer or untappd--what better way to score multiple uploads than a tasting session...?:)

photo courtesy of RAY CHIA--fellow geek from S'pore who visited US last year

"very very new drinkers who walk into a craft beer bar or bottle shop basically share the same expression--a mix of bemused, excited, clueless---same concept as bottle sharing or a tasting session---very new newbies can also form an alliance of their own--and start trying out different beers by way of sharing--not just in volume but also bill...just like going to a restaurant and share plates...:)
另一个不讲求量,而是鼓励多品尝的形式是FOOD PAIRING SESSION(啤酒食物配搭品尝会),虽然很多时候食物配搭好像是葡萄酒或威士忌等酒类的“专利”,不过,在国外啤酒食物配搭已是常见现象,在纽约甚至有一家米其林星级餐厅是完全100巴仙只用啤酒配搭食物的。

"another fun way of drink less taste more is probably a food pairing session--with craft beer of course---there's already a Michelin star restaurant in New York that only paired food with beers--however here in south east asia---one might need to be in Spore or Bkk. for a more regular beer pairing activities..."
Tasting---Sharing--whatever you call it--it sure is a much more fun way of drinking good beers---in smaller quantity--but bigger varieties, and yes---i am a big fan of that....cheers!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

WEEK 54--Finding Windmill, Bottles & Temple.....

This week's column is more of a walk about than Amsterdam craft-spotting---as i did not visit many bars--it was more of going on own pace according to mood and weather....
finding MOLEN
YES...taking photo in front of a windmill is probably categorized as a "must do" for many a tourists who happened to visit Holland...
I did too--but it cannot be just any windmill---but specifically That one located some 50 odd minutes away by train from Amsterdam, to a small town called Bodegraven---the reason is obvious--that's where De Molen is housed.
“顽啤主张”去找的风车是荷兰最为撞意啤迷所认识的酿坊DE MOLEN的标志,这栋把酿坊,餐厅,小酒吧和瓶子店都结合一体的旧酿坊真有一座大风车。
大概十年前吧,这栋风车旧建筑是DE MOLEN的起点,现在的酿品都是从距离旧建筑前端几十米的全新酿坊生产。
"Finding Molen" was not that easy nor hard--it's under 10 minutes walk( lesser if you a runner)--to the Left side of the small train station( with your back against it)--walk along the road---and you shall see THAT windmill at the end of a small road(you will first see the modern de molen building--which is the brewery just steps away from the old windmill building where it all started some 10 years+ ago...)
bumped into Kevin the brewer at the new brew location( pleasure to have finally met)---at the old windmill where a restaurant--bar--bottle shop can be found---there's a bunch of enthusiastic brewers from nearby town ship discussing and going through hops,yeasts... and more( with help given by another Molen's brewer)'s almost like a mini workshop going on....all while visitors like me and others enjoying the sight with some food, what's on taps and the surreal feeling of sitting inside the windmill that's Molen....
走进旧建筑内,入眼的就是餐厅和小酒吧,也有一个小小酿坊。去的时候刚好有一批从邻近小镇过来取经的自酿玩家们,一桌不同类别麦芽,啤酒花,大家和DE MOLEN酿酒师又嗅又讨论的,很有小型工作坊意味,完全符合撞意啤酒乐于分享互助的精神。

DE MOLEN几个小时内,除了巧遇自酿玩家们,另一个让“顽啤主张”深刻体会撞意啤酒文化分享精神的是设在旧建筑内的瓶子店,除了丰富酿品收藏,店内也卖其他酿坊瓶子,重点是,价格非常合理,如果了解其他城市一些瓶子店或酒吧对一些难找到啤酒的高订价,这里的价格真的让啤迷感受到,店主想分享好酒的意图多过任何商业利益考量。
the bottle shop within the building--you don't want to miss it--you will find more than just De Molen's own beers--but the best part is the way the bottles were priced--you will immediately sense it--that this is a sharing place---if you know how some bottle shops in other parts of the world is pricing some beers--you will know what it meant to have found a bottle shop like this one....

De BierKoning
One of the most famous bottle shops across Europe.
Place is not huge-but the selection is more than enough for geeks to search high and low( literally---there's a sort of mezzanine floor and lower ground floor--so to speak).

It's definitely a place where treasure can be found--i did--and by the way--one of the beer i found( Dileverance by The Lost Abbey) was not on the main display shelve but sort of "hidden" on a little corner--as if it was redundant or surplus bottle...:)

Beer Temple
Of course there's many craft beer bars in Amsterdam alone.
Many bars chose to focus on certain styles--there's bars which focus on Dutch beers--or Belgium beers--or both.

阿姆斯特丹的撞意啤酒专卖吧蛮多,有好些是专注荷兰本土和比利时啤酒,不过,如果你喜欢美国啤酒,啤殿堂(BEER TEMPLE)是一定要到的酒吧。
除了30个不同啤酒泵,酒吧重点是一些盛名赫赫的瓶子选择,例如美国THREE FLOYDS的黑魔王DARK LORD,或比利时长期被列为世上最佳啤酒的WESTVLETEREN 12号的不同年份收藏。不过,要喝这些盛名瓶子难免要准备付出一定程度的欧元。

I went searching for some American brews--hence Beer Temple--yes--this is the bar to be if you a sucker for US brew---one of the things about this place is they do sell different vintages of DARK LORD by Three Floyds---yes--obviously you have to pay quite a fat amount in Euro--if you so fancy. ( i did not).
Amsterdam---with so many different craft beer places( breweries, brewpub, bars, bottle shop....) --the question would be ....Do you have enough TIME?