
Thursday, July 16, 2015

recap---WEEK 49---Like Minded Sharing

This is a backdated weekly column update--on the topic of sharing--which is nothing new to geeks who love to share---for newbies this could be something worth exploring--and a much better way to move forward on the road to finding more better beers..

I do have a small tasting group--informally--started this year-- so far have had few rounds of tasting/sharing--all in smaller quantity ( usually not more than 12-13 bottles per session --for 4-5 or max 6 people)--by doing those few tasting sessions--a lot of good beers were shared---the best part is you are sharing beers with geeks who appreciate the quality, varieties, and high standards of beers sought from whichever avenues possible in this desert called KL...:)
Not going to translate everything in this weekly column--rather just a few quotes...
"how to drink lesser in volume but still manage to taste more varieties of good beers---that's something worth exploring for geeks---the solution is simple--gather a few like minded friends and have tasting session/s....." 
CRAFT BEER圈子中也有品酒会,同好会,分享会这回事。
一般来说,BOTTLE SHARE(瓶子分享会)比较多是资深饮客会做的事,分享瓶子的理由很直接,因为一些瓶子是750ML的大瓶装(一般小瓶装是330ML),一个人独喝有点多,而且,很多啤迷都是喜欢分享的“怪人”,总是喜欢跟志同道合饮客朋友聚在一起品尝,分享观点。
同样动作有时候也称作TASTING SESSION(品尝会),跟葡萄酒或威士忌界盛行的品酒会是一样意义,也很适合刚发现撞意啤酒世界不久的新朋友玩。

"for geeks who are constantly updating ratings/comments on either ratebeer or untappd--what better way to score multiple uploads than a tasting session...?:)

photo courtesy of RAY CHIA--fellow geek from S'pore who visited US last year

"very very new drinkers who walk into a craft beer bar or bottle shop basically share the same expression--a mix of bemused, excited, clueless---same concept as bottle sharing or a tasting session---very new newbies can also form an alliance of their own--and start trying out different beers by way of sharing--not just in volume but also bill...just like going to a restaurant and share plates...:)
另一个不讲求量,而是鼓励多品尝的形式是FOOD PAIRING SESSION(啤酒食物配搭品尝会),虽然很多时候食物配搭好像是葡萄酒或威士忌等酒类的“专利”,不过,在国外啤酒食物配搭已是常见现象,在纽约甚至有一家米其林星级餐厅是完全100巴仙只用啤酒配搭食物的。

"another fun way of drink less taste more is probably a food pairing session--with craft beer of course---there's already a Michelin star restaurant in New York that only paired food with beers--however here in south east asia---one might need to be in Spore or Bkk. for a more regular beer pairing activities..."
Tasting---Sharing--whatever you call it--it sure is a much more fun way of drinking good beers---in smaller quantity--but bigger varieties, and yes---i am a big fan of that....cheers!

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