
Monday, July 20, 2015

WEEK 55---craft-spotting in WINE cities

Wine is a popular thing in Italy, France and Portugal--not only to the locals--but to visitors too.
To a certain extend, cities like Rome-Lisbon-Paris don't seem to have a connection with craft beer....or is that so?
A recent trip to Europe did provided the answer-- at all 3 cities mentioned above---the craft culture has taken roots--be it in terms of home brew-micro brew or craft beer bars, bottle shop.....(due to timing factor--missed out on the bars in Rome--will just talk briefly about Lisbon & Paris)

"basically there's only one dedicated craft beer bar in Lisbon--opened a year plus ago by a drinker turn operator Rui & his wife--Cerveteca Lisboa is the place to be if you need some good Portugal craft beers---plus the like of brewdog, mikkeller, to ol & some Belgium beers..(as of time of visit)"
"it would take a bit of searching if you are not familiar with the area where the bar is located--but i do agree with what Rui the owner said--getting lost occasionally while looking for my bar--is also part of fun..."
里斯本的感觉是自在,舒适,慢活的,城市好些不服都还是旧旧的,蛮RETRO FEEL的。
在这里,喝葡萄酒是日常生活一部分,CRAFTBEER的出现还很新,一年多前,里斯本才有了全城第一家撞意啤酒专卖吧---CERVETECA LISBOA,店主RUI出于对CRAFT的热爱,从饮客转身成为业者,在葡萄酒文化笼罩下的地方开始逆流之举。
把撞意啤酒当外来文化影响的话,里斯本已有不错起步,虽然目前只有一家专卖吧,里斯本城里城外的自酿文化已成形,玩自酿或开始把自家酿品正式出售的葡萄牙品牌就有好几家,重点是,都有一定水准。比如说今年较早时候,其中一家本地酿坊MEAN SARDINES就已和丹麦名牌TO OL玩合酿。

本地品牌之外,专卖吧啤酒选择以苏格兰BREWDOG,丹麦MIKKELLERTO OL,以及一些比利时啤酒为主。
"Was invited by Rui to join in for a new craft brew launched down town--a collaboration brew by Mean Sardine & Passarola --both locally based Portugal craft beer brand--while there i was introduce to the home brew association folks---it's all pointing to a up and coming craft beer movement in and around Lisbon--what's more--a new friend i met who lives in Madeira is also a home brewer himself--and the main reason he was in Lisbon? --craft beer."

"this is a city with very cliche perception--like that of Parisian generally are not nice--can be rude to visitors--or that going up the tower or buying some branded items is a must..."
"located nearby Center Pompidou-- la cave a bulles can be missed if you just walk ahead without looking to the side--but once you found it--the selection available is more than enough to make you go wooo...."
如果里斯本目前只有一家专卖吧,在巴黎,至少有十多家以上专卖吧瓶子店,有的更秉承法国美食文化,有啤酒配搭美食专门餐厅。时间关系,“顽啤主张”只去了巴黎最具代表性的瓶子店LA CAVE A BULLES 以及酒吧和餐厅开在两隔壁的LA FINE MOUSSE

"La fine mousse--it's located very close to the Metro Rue St.Maur--the fact that both the BAR & the RESTAURANT are located next to each other is very interesting--if you are like me who is curious about their food pairing menu--and the fact that they have many lambic bottles..."
"If you have a certain beers in mind---you can actually ask to pair the food with your own choice/s of bottle/s--they are kind enough to oblige...."
LA FINE MOUSSE之前已知道这家藏酒丰富,也有啤酒美食配搭餐厅。特意选了晚餐前一小时去,想了解专卖吧有什么啤酒泵和瓶子选择。如果对巴黎情况不太了解,会对这里啤酒选择感到惊讶,除了不少法国本土小型酿坊啤酒,欧美的选择不少。

"The biggest surprise at the tail end of dinner--one of the co-owners Romain walked to the table and invited for a private tour of their "famous among the known" secret cellar---"no camera--for your eyes only" is the "rule" here..:)---having visited Cantillon not that long ago prior to here---i have to say the number of vintages they have in store--not to mention other damn....impressive!"

There is a lot more craft beer places in and around Paris for sure--i have limited time--hence the limited mentioning....

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