
Thursday, August 13, 2015

WEEK 56---the city of fairy-tales & MFWM.....

It was around 4 years ago, when the first ever 100% dedicated craft beer bar emerged in KL that serves amongst others, the likes of Brewdog, Nogne, TO OL and a certain Mikkeller.

For most KL drinkers who have not been exposed to such craft beer brand, it was quite an eye opener to say the least,  some beers were had since then, with TO OL and Mikkeller always on the favourite list--there was even a meet the brewer session here in KL with Mikkel in town October 2013.
Fast forward to late April 2015--this is basically the brief notes of a short visit to Copenhagen--with CBC being the main reasons-complimented by the bar hopping---to various bars associated with one of my favs---Mikkeller

四年前当本地出现第一家CRAFT BEER专卖吧时,最常见的是4大品牌,BREWDOG,NOGNE,TOOL 和“米记”--个人最喜欢的是两师徒品牌。所以,这次去哥本哈根参加啤酒庆典(CBC)的其他时间大多都是去“米记”相关酒吧坐坐吃吃喝喝。
比如说,已经连续被RATEBEER票选为世界最佳酿坊的美国HILLFARMSTEAD主创酿酒师SHUAN HILL就曾经在哥本哈根一家酿坊历练过好几年。

some might say this as a "fanboy" note--but that's ok, craft beer is all about personal preferences--this piece on the recently published newspaper column is about :-
Mikkeller bar 
This is what the Japanese language call--a HONTEN(本店)-- the original shop.
This is where it all started--and it's still being kept small, nice and cozy. Though there's plenty of beers from Mikkeler's own label, the most interesting part would still be the amazing guests beers that keep popping up from time to time---that week when i was in town being beer week in conjunction with CBC2015--one could imagine the sort of tap takeover activities/lined up...
and yes--if you have not already known--will just repeat some names here---Three Flyods, Tired Hands, Cellar Maker, Gigantic, Bone Yard...were all having their various kick-ass beers on taps...( and in spite of all these--there's still time to have a mini bottle share at the bar with kind permission from Rob)
But i would think--that many geeks were probably kicking and wishing like i did---when a certain Mr. Shaun Hill from Vermont came to Copenhagen and had a tap takeover earlier this year with all those hard to get farmhouse brew.....!!!
比如,配合一年一度啤酒庆典,“米吧”连同一些友好酿坊,一星期连续几天办不同品牌啤酒泵占领活动,THREE FLYODS TIRED HANDS CELLAR MAKERGIGANTICBONE YARD等美国啤酒都出现了,喜欢果酸啤酒的也有其中一天是“全酸”啤酒活动。至于今年初邀请到来自美国,以低度农场啤酒著称的HILLFARMSTEAD举行啤酒泵活动时,很多不在北欧的啤迷简直想一头撞墙!
Mikkeller & Friends
Many would know Mikkel and the two guys from TO OL--Tobias and Tore go way back when they were "school-brewing"---this is the "collab-bar" that basically run it's own idea pertaining to beer list or activities.

There's a full 40 tap takeover by Brewdog on the evening of my visit with drinking partners--this is certainly a bigger bar with a bottle shop within the premises.
That evening, we managed to find 2 bottles of hard to come by beer( at least in Asia)---Clara by Hill Farmstead, and Daybreak--a collab-brew by Hill Farmstead & Mikkeller--which to a certain extent demonstrate the width length depth of both bars in pushing the craft beer culture....
知道MIKKELLERTO OL渊源的会知道,MIKKELTO OL两位主创酿酒师是学校老师和学生关系,这间酒吧就是两家合作。

“顽啤主张”和同去的美国啤迷朋友找到了想象之外瓶子,其一是只有4%低度,来自美国酿坊 HILLFARMSTEAD出名难找的农场啤酒CLARA,以及和MIKKELLER合酿的柑橘果香黑啤DAYBREAK。能找到这种高评价,少量生产瓶子,除了对的时间去了对的酒吧,更浅显的是展现了MIKKELLER吧在推动撞意啤酒文化中的能量。
If you like brewpub---and Mikkeller and Three Floyds and also BBQ--then yes--this is the bloody place to be....
The concept is simple---come in for some nicely grilled- smoked- roasted--whatever--juicy meat---and there's some beers to go with--for examples during the 1st of 2 visits---Dark Lord Vanilla Bean was bloody on tap---amongst others, while Alesmith speedway stout were being brewed right in front of all the customers...
MIKKELLER和美国酿坊THREE FLOYDS合作的最新酿吧(BREW PUB),特点除了两大高手合酿新啤酒之外,更不时会有其他友好高手酿酒师来友情客串酿啤酒,食物以烤肉类为主,更请到美国烧烤熏肉高手坐镇。

探访的其中一天,两位驻馆酿酒师正和来自美国ALESMITH的酿酒师在酿造SPEEDWAY STOUT,而酒吧黑板上更上着稀有的THREE FLOYDS黑魔王DARK LORD VANILLA BEAN版本!

If cocktail is your thing--and we are not talking about just any average ones here---then you should go check this one out next time you're in Copenhagen.
A regular feature of Copenhagen beer celebration, many beer geeks have had a taste of what concoction the guys behind the shakers and glasses can do....
If beer is your thing, you could still find some on tap here--but you come here for what's best known for...and that's arguments here....:)

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