
Saturday, December 24, 2016

WEEK 93--2016 Most Memorable Beer List--a list from cttai(KL) PART 1/2

The list continues--this time the First Part of my list written for newspaper column--as usual it's not really a word by word translation--but you get the meaning :)

here we go:-
Mexican Cake BA Apple Brandy 
This is a kind of accidental find--landed in Copenhagen on the Monday of CBC week--yes we all knew there's Blaeber Lambic and some other delicious bottles awaiting at this newly opened Bar called Himmeriget--by that "#diacetyl" beer maker of Evil Twin :)
There's a few of us sharing some really delicious beers during the 2 trips at the bar--we were fortunate to have found 3 different BA version of Mexican Cake--and this one--though thin in body according to how my palate like a stout to be--but that seeming"weakness" did not affect the overall deliciousness of this botlle--the apple brandy barrel did magical work to the beer--i have never felt this before--but i would say this is BEYOND what a stout would taste....
Superstition Berry White
The first time i tasted "this thing" was early FEB this year at Mikkeller Bangkok--it was actually a very kind gesture from Jakob who shared a pour with me from his private bottle--it was a Strawberry White--i was at the bar with a KL geek friend who is more into the ipas and stouts--he had a sip--and just looked amazed. i also shared with a few friends i know at the bar--the feeling after first and subsequent sips--i still remember so vividly it's like it just happened minutes ago--im not going to describe how it taste or how awesome it taste--just 2 words--all of us who  had a sip or more were just totally FXXKING DUMBFOUNDED! (how can this thing taste so awesome?)
*I was lucky to get a bottle of brewers reserve Berry White from Jeff himself during CBC this year--which i shared with the tasting group guys here in KL--that's second time tasting a White Series bottle--and the effect on everyone's face? same DUMB expression!
蜜酒(Mead)在亚洲供应少很难找,要说像White Series这种在美国本土也只是限量发行级别酿品就更是近乎不可能找到。有幸喝到的是4大版本中的白巧克力搭Berry版本,是曼谷<米吧>老板Jakob的私人收藏,第一次喝到这样融汇梅果巧克力蜜糖香浓的美味,同行有幸一起分享的朋友们简直都懵掉了,完全想像不到是这样极致的色香味
Tree House Haze
A 6 days FRESH can -shared by the good beertender at Himmeriget--for us who lives in ASIA who will never really get to drink fresh as fxxk IPAS/hoppy beers--need i say more?
"类果汁" IPA 是近期美国新兴的风格,简单说就是色泽味道更富有果汁特征,不是一味强调啤酒花苦味的"新分支",在哥本哈根酒吧一位酒保请喝的,是装罐只有6天,从美国手提运送的超新鲜版本,鲜香好喝,是个人喝过至今最有印象的“印度淡啤”之一。
Gueuze Deneve 
Totally did not see this coming--this is a gift bottle from Kristof during CBC week--shared this vintage with a Belgian beer friend here in KL--yes--the champagne-ness of the Gueuze has gone--it has mellowed down and turned into one of the most elegant Lambic i ever had--this one is really a gift from the beer god( if there's such a god somewhere up there)
Alesmith Hawaiian Speedway 
Speedway is one of my personal Favs--as far as how a base stout should taste like is concern--But this version of Speedway is really another beast--the flavours and aroma is just right for a velvety stout--it's a stout that just nice as it is --never mind about barrel aging or not---i would like to get hold of another few if i could.
Speedway stout 是这家美国酿坊的代表作,不同变奏版本很多。这是用了夏威夷特产咖啡豆融合椰子香草,没有经过桶陈处理原版,无论是风味醇香度都让人很享受,一些人以为经过桶陈熟成的黑啤层次风味一定更丰富好喝,这支啤酒很清楚的展现了什么叫原版就已很好喝,也胜过不少其他桶陈黑啤,期待再次喝到。
Anchorage Lovebuzz Saison
This is one saison i been seeking to drink for quite a while--but being in Asia obviously the chances of getting hold of a bottle is low--found this on tap in Copenhagen--and yes--totally did not dissapoint--it's a lovely beer.
Mikkeler X + Koppi imperial stout 
Coffee / Cold Brew is a regular fixture during CBC--i still remember Mostra Coffee from last year's edition very well--their cold brew was amazing---and of course i like what Koppi from the homeland of Denmark is doing with their beans--this collab brew is really tasty--if you like coffee and stouts
Shatipaja Passionista 
Sahtipaja certainly is one of the brightest during CBC--they are so versatile with different style of brew--had this on tap in Singapore during small event--and most of us agreed that this is the most outstanding beer on that day.
Berliner Weiss 是酸中带点咸风味低度易喝啤酒,这款来自瑞典酿坊的版本用了百香果提味,口感非常清爽,酸咸香适中,任何时候喝都会喜欢。
The Bruery Smoking Wood Bourbon BA 
To not select any of the weekday series Bottles probably sounds a little strange--considering how difficult it is for us here in Asia to get any of those Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday...But this brew is quite amazing--the smoke influence/the bourbon effects--it's really tasty.
SARA Fumare BA 
Speaking of smoke--the smoky mushroom like influence from this sour is very interesting--it's definitely not the most complex sour  out there--but interesting--and that's good enough--thanks to our geek friends from Singapore who brought this up to KL for a share.

Playing with Blend/ 玩点混酒
there's 2 amazing blend done during 2 different spur of the moment:-
Alesmith Hawaiian Speedway + The Breury Mocha Wednesday
this is really a very small blend--in almost 1 to 1 ratio--and it taste really awesome--better than drinking each alone--the coconut/coffee influence blended very well with the slightly boozy/vanilla-ish Mocha beer--it kinda felt like a perfect match of  ALL STAR point guard and center forward--they each can play brilliantly on their own--but even better when combined.
This is more like a playful mix earlier this year at Mikkeller Bangkok with a friend--but it really turned out to be the best blend of 2016--a lambic-a sour brown & a desert stout--you could imagine :)

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