
Monday, December 26, 2016

WEEK 94--2016 Most Memorable Beer List--a list from cttai(KL) PART 2/2

Here's the second/final part of my list :-
Hillfarmstead Society & Solitude 4
call it whatever you might--but this is 1 event most geeks were looking forward to--a dedicated "tap takeover"day at Warpigs CPH during CBC week.
29 HF beers on tap plus 14 different bottles, that's 43 choices in one single session.
To pick 1 out of however much/many different HF beers one could drink on that day is not easy--maybe it's even unfair--that a seemingly more hops forward/flavourful DIPA is chosen among that many different styles of brew from HF--but this really is a real delicious beer--such balance and elegance.
It's easy to tell why this "fusion blend" lambic maker is getting much more attention during and after CBC week--making already delicious lambic even more tasty with fruits/food items added + barrel aging--with such small production--it's only natural the bottles are hard to come by --of all those glasses i have had so far--there's nothing you don't want (as yet) from this blender.
Sahtipaja Meadme Bourbon Vanilla
Mead is slowly getting more attention here in Asia though supply is still relatively small/rare--Had this bottle not long ago, it's definitely a stronger in aroma/flavour version than the Original version--the influence of barrel makes it tasting like a fermented fruit juice full of goodness of bourbon & vanilla.
Other Half & Monkish JFK 2 LAX
Tasted this one --along with quite a few other NE style Ipa--which could also means tasting similar most of the time--but when this one hits the palate--the difference is very obvious--while some others tasted mostly "fruit-juice like" --this one is almost like a concentrated version of cordial--in a nice way--it's thick and stronger in taste, and it's delicious.
BIIR Sweet & Sour Red Series 2014
This one is a total surprise--that a beer with such distinct sensation of sweet and sour at the same time--yet the layer is clear--is quite amazing.
Alchemist Focal Banger
Having had Heady Topper for the first time and subsequently few more times last year--obviously was looking forward to tasting this--this is a more elegant version of a hops bomb ipa--there's nothing in your face--just nice balance of hops and malt--if only these can were not that hard to find in ASIA.
鼎鼎大名的美国酿坊作品,去年喝了几次这家另一名作Heady Topper让对只是强调啤酒花功能IPA感到厌烦的我再次发现这类型啤酒美好一面,这版本是更均衡优雅的Ipa,绝对高水平酿品。
B.Nektar Episode 13 + Sahtipaja Out of The Blue
Both are BA mead--while the Episode 13 is tasting "heavier", with some decanting it helps--Out of the Blue is tasting smooth with lower abv--brought these 2 to a private tasting in Hong Kong--it's nice to share something not available or yet to hit town with geeks there.
New Glarus Wisconsin Belgian Red
Personally--this one is a much more mellow/friendly bottle than "Strawberry Rhubard" which totally blew our mind last year--it's still an interesting brew--tasting like fermented cherries juice--no wonder a friend from Scandinavia who came to attend 1 of our tasting group guy's wedding went like " this totally changes my perception about beer".
要是和同样来自这家酿坊的绝版酿品,去年一喝“惊为天人”Strawberry Rhubarb相比,这支肯定没有那么让人觉得惊艳。这是用大量樱桃酿造比利时风格啤酒,与其说是啤酒,不如说是发酵过樱桃果汁。喝的时候适逢朋友结婚有北欧朋友飞来道贺,没什么喝过CRAFT BEER的北欧朋友喝後表示,“完全改变了对啤酒认知”。
Cantillon Blabaer Lambic
Some says this is a must have--some thought it's just nothing but over hyped beer--found a 3 years vertical selection at a bar in CPH--while it's not the best Cantillon i ever had--this is still a nice blueberry lambic to be had--if you see one--just drink.
BFM Abbaye de Saint Bon-Chien 2013
So far--whichever BFM brew i have had did not disappoint,  in fact it's delicious--this one though with 11%abv --taste like a nice fruity light sweet/sour juice --makes you wanna go slow.

Some memorable Asian brew
Young Master RyeO
this rye whiskey BA beer from HK was a gift bottle shared here in KL when 2 HK geeks friends visited--indeed a rare one since it's a one-off brew from Young Master --the nice work of barrel makes the aroma and flavours of malt-rye-oak blended smoothly,  you would not think it's 11.5% sipping it.
Moonzen Giesha 
If you like coffee in a beer or rather a coffee in a beer form--not those very strong/pungent type of coffee --but rather like a hint of coffee aroma with light fruity bittersweet--i could relate this to a very mild flat white(though there's no milk in play here). Thanks to another Hk geek for sharing this.
Kyoto Brewing
Visited them on a Saturday afternoon sometime back in April this year--quite a search since it's located inside a small neighborhood away from any obvious big building or landmark--the reward of finding the brewery after some walking? nice selection of some seasonal brew--and you can't beat drinking fresh from the brewery.

Sharing awesome gift bottles:-
18th Street BA Bitches Bank imperial stout
this is second year in a row KL tasting group got to taste this delicious bottle received from Drew in CBC--this is truly one awesome stout--the only problem? where to find another or some more?
Superstition Framboesa Atando
A limited bottle--gifted by Jeff --shared this in KL with the tasting group guys as well as 4 visiting Singapore Geeks--what's better than sharing this beauty with people who knows how to appreciate it?
Xmas Blend 
yesterday afternoon--a small tasting session was held with the guys--with what now has became a customary Dark Lord + other beers session--but yesterday the game went up a notch or two--with toasted coconut "coffee press" adding some flavours to the beer--and not stopping there--a coconut & bourbon/maple Hunapuhs was made too...
第二年连续在圣诞节聚餐,当然分享瓶子还是重点--今年不例外的开了2014年份DARK LORD--然后也玩了点提味游戏,用挤压方式把一部分黑啤惨入烤椰丝,效果很好,啤酒中明显有椰香味。之后再加码,把同样加椰香的HUNAPUHS再加美国波本酒和枫糖酱, 玩出不同风味.

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