
Monday, January 23, 2017

WEEK 96-- Have you EVOLVED?

This has got very little to do with the real "theory of evolution" by Charles Darwin--if anything,  it's only kinda playfully relevant.

We all know or seen or been through this familiar scene--a guy walk in to a craft beer place, had a beer or maybe two, and decided it's something really interesting, something worth exploring further and started to become a craft enthusiast.
We also would see a guy walk in--had 1 or 2 beer--and that's the last time you will ever see him at a craft beer bar--because he decided that's not what he like, and that's it--back to usual usual big factory beers.
达尔文《进化论- THEORY OF EVOLUTION》说的是从简单生物演化成复杂有智慧的人类进程理论。
所有经历过从完全不知道有CRAFT BEER存在,到开始接触喝过一些不同类别啤酒,从此一头栽进浩瀚啤海的啤迷朋友都懂得这是怎么一回事。
在喝啤酒人“进化”过程中,能决定一个人是只好奇喝上几口然后就转身喝回自己熟悉的单调无趣大厂啤酒,又或者是会自动进一步探索的决定性因素有几个,不过,最关键的莫过于是不是碰上“通关”的“进化啤酒”(EVOLUTION BEER)。
There's a few factors influencing the above scenario--whether a guy decidedly go with or go against craft beer---but we shall only focus on 1 deciding factor here--that 1 beer( or more) that will change someone's stereotype/wrong assumption about beer(you may add mead to that list too)
Let's call that ONE beer( or more) as EVOLUTION beer.

Not to sound complicated or technical(there's nothing technical in this blog anyway)---Evolution beer is a beer(or more) that would taste so awesome--so nice--that a person would be feeling so contented--so happy he/she chose that beer.
More importantly-- it will be a beer that changed perception or open up palate/new imaginations/level of appreciation.
In many ways--Evolution beer( or mead) is something that will sent someone from just a passer-by/ curious drinker to the road of no return of becoming a Geek.
如果我们把大厂啤酒想象为城门外遍地垂手可得的野花杂草,那CRAFT BEER就是关在城门内不太为人知的秘密花海,只有踏进城门之内的喝酒人才有机会发现什么是CRAFT BEER的变化多端美好世界。
这样说或许有点武断,不过,事实是,所有新人,在喝上第一杯或最初几杯CRAFT BEER的开始,所有从喝大厂啤酒或看广告得来的所谓啤酒认知基本全部废掉,味蕾不适应或感官被震撼又或是觉得难喝死了等感受都是正常现象。
不过,一旦碰上对的啤酒,特别是让人“通关”的“进化啤酒”,那就基本已经双脚踏在不归路上,是的,如果你还没喝过CRAFT BEER,这是所有啤迷的共同认知,一旦发现这个浩翰啤海的美好,就不可能再回头去喝那种淡出鸟来的无趣啤酒。
I can remember the early days few years back--when i thought i was kinda already "advance" than most of my friends by drinking the big factory beers from German/Belgium--that's until when i finally had my first Rochefort 8.
To use "blown away" sounds cliche--maybe i was not blown apart but it was a real palate opener/eye opener--that was a beer that made me wonder what the hell just happened....
个人经验,从当初懵懵懂懂喝啤酒,到有点开窍,第一支“进化”啤酒是比利时的修道院酿坊作品ROCHEFORT 8号瓶子,当时自以为“比其他人懂”,因为已从最基本淡无味大厂啤酒喝到一些德国比利时“较有味”大厂啤酒,不过,一喝到8号瓶子这样的CRAFT 级别啤酒,根本就是懵掉,想象不到原来啤酒可以是这样丰富多层次,而且应该慢慢品尝感受不同温度变化带来风味演化,那种美味和幸福感完全不是冷飕飕快饮的所谓啤酒可以比拟,这是绝对全新啤酒境界。
As we move on--there's definitely more Evolution beers awaiting to be discovered--i would say in every different "stage of drinking" or "palate improvisation"--we all need different Evolution beer to hit up the palate and wake up the senses in order to go up another level in terms of appreciation ability--it's a beautiful journey and surely an enjoyable one.
在喝CRAFT的路上,“进化”啤酒无处不在,无论是新朋友或资深啤迷朋友,只要是愿意尝试不同类别风格啤酒的,都会在不同阶段碰上开拓味蕾新世界的“进化”啤酒,而这正是CRAFT BEER世界最美好一面,因为世界某个角落总会有某位酿酒师在试着让自己的或疯狂或简单想法变成啤酒(或蜜酒)等着有心人品尝。
What's perhaps 1 or some of your EVOLUTION BEER?

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