
Monday, February 6, 2017


This is the year of Rooster according to Chinese Lunar Calendar, and here's a few rooster related Chinese sayings applicable to beer:-
Craft Beer最吸引之处是不同类别啤酒种类繁多,这是有时候让很多新朋友困惑的事情。
比如强调啤酒花功能的IPA, 先不说不同品牌,就是同一家酿坊,分分钟就有数十种以上同一品牌但不同风味IPA
原因很简单,啤酒花有很多不同风味特质,目前已知的不同风味啤酒花就超过百种,而酿造IPA除了可以不同啤酒花混合用(A+B, B+C+D, C+E+F+G, 反正是无限可能组合),还有玩单一啤酒花系列的,所以,一家酿坊单一品牌但无数多不同IPA是常见事。
There's always Flamingo among chickens
The best thing about the world of craft beer is Choices--that's almost the single biggest reason why so many of us willingly dive into the black hole of craft.
take the most popular IPA for examples--the choices of different variants from 1 single brewery/brand can be so many a newbie will have his/her mind mess up..:)
But we all also know Choices basically means comparison--that a particular beer/mead is somehow better tasting than some others or rest of the pack.
那么多不同类别风格,最后成品当然会有高低之分,CRAFT BEER 文化起源最根本的重点就是不想喝水准不佳啤酒,基本来说,CRAFT BEER 是比一般大厂啤酒好喝,不过,一旦是不同酿坊品牌之间的同类型啤酒有比较,就会有鹤立鸡群的情况出现,意思是,总会有几家的啤酒水准高过其他酿坊。
So how do one pick out a flamingo among chickens?
some people would say just refer to whichever highly rated ones in Ratebeer/Untappd --that's a sign of where Flamingo could be found.
some would say trust your own taste--and pick out your own flamingo...
The choice is yours to make.
Chicken & Duck Talk
It's quite obvious both are talking different lingo.
In Asia--almost anyone who has worked in a craft beer place would have encountered this scenario:-
someone/a few walk into the bar--look at the menu--and pop the question" you don't sell XX brand beer?"
obviously that XX brand beer would not be a craft beer.
CRAFT BEER 在亚洲很多城市都是小圈子玩意,虽然每个城市都会有一班人(可能是业者,更多时候是给钱喝酒的啤迷)尝试推广CRAFT文化,在大厂啤酒行销无处不在和速食文化包围市场情况下,只靠口碑,据点零零落落的CRAFT文化推动起来总是事倍功半。
这是完全不了解什么是CRAFT的一般啤酒饮客反应,很正常。照说,只要是有喝过啤酒的任何人就有可能成为CRAFT DRINKER,不过,很可惜,很多时候这些饮客因为不了解,不敞开胸怀眼界,也不听人介绍,结果是懵懵懂懂的,喝了几口或几杯後,从此不再喝CRAFT,错开了真正认识浩瀚啤海的机会。
It is the hope of any geeks to spread the love of craft--"converting" a commercial lager drinker to craft is seen as a natural act - BUT ( yes-there's always a but in life somehow)--it's also true that some are just too closed minded to open up to the idea of a whole new world of beer--there are those who would just act chicken and duck talking...
To those people--just leave them be--if they are happy just drinking loads of big factory beers--so be it.

There's many ways of making a Chicken delicious
Same for beer.--if you are into craft beer that is.
in the world of big factory beer--it's always only 1 chicken 1 taste( or no taste?)
CRAFT BEER玩的是各种想法创意,“一鸡几吃”很正常。
Enter the world of craft beer/craft mead--you will discover the various way of making a chicken taste differently delicious--OK--i meant to say how a beer can taste so differently delicious--just think how many different possibilities there is for a Stout to taste vastly different by adding food items and the small matter of barrel aging....
Actually you just have to IMAGINE for a few seconds--you should know which beer world to enter--1 chicken 1 taste? or 1 chicken multiple taste?

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