
Wednesday, May 15, 2019

WEEK 145---Seeking own beer--some more from the past( PART 1)

Having written 3 previous column articles remembering some nice ones which either tasted while overseas or brought back to share here in craft desert KL---there's obviously some more worth mentioning:-
在亚洲,特别是住在吉隆坡这样的craft beer沙漠,身为啤迷只能向外寻找自己想喝啤酒蜜酒是有点无奈但也是其他城市啤迷会同样面对的问题,对啤迷来说喝啤酒这件事更多的像是寻找不同美味体会,跟一般人观念中“喝酒”没什么直接关系。
1) Russian River Supplication
An American sour beer from the fame Cali brewery more famous for their ipas--including the once a year---local release only Pliny the Younger---as well the other hops beers such as Pliny the Elder or Blind Pig....
This is a beer aged in pinot noir oak barrel soaked with cherries--with wine background influence---the wild ales from Russian River is never in your face sour but showing delicate balance and obviously very delicious. 
这家美国加州酿坊盛名当然不是虚的,除了包括每年只发布一次只能在酒吧喝到(没有瓶装)的印度淡啤Pliny the Younger和其他款印度淡啤让人折服外,酿酒师的葡萄酒酿造背景经验让这家的美式酸啤层次余韵丰富精彩,是美式酸啤其中佼佼者。这支几年前在本地喝的是白葡萄酒木桶中加入樱桃浸泡熟成,美味不在话下。

2) B.Nektar Dragons are Real
Mentioned the word honey and quite naturally people will only think of  Sweet --same goes for Mead since it's primarily brewed using honey as base---but that's only a flawed perception---this one will definitely change that perception that Mead is only about sweetness---with smoked chipotle pepper, tart cherry juice, cacao nibs added and aged in dragons milk stouts barrel--the taste is much much more than just a honey brew---with taste profile of sour sweet spicy smoky--this is a complex one to savour.

3) The Veil + Cloud Water Chubbles
The rise of NEIPA( which at times taste more like fruit punch than a proper ipa) inevitably made some breweries stand out among the hundreds if not thousands of breweries jumping on the hazy cloudy fruity/juicy ipa bandwagon---This collab brew is from two such brewery who are well known at playing the NEIPA game---tasted really smooth and balance--no over fruity/juicy/sweet issues found with quite many NEIPAs---this is a nice one to sip.
当印度淡啤被一些酿酒师变奏为类果汁或易喝或甜腻版本後,NEIPA变奏版印度淡啤近年变成主流,无论欧美还是亚洲酿酒师都免不了推出自家版本,这股类果汁印度淡啤热潮让几家欧美酿坊乘势而起,包括合作酿造这款的美国酿坊The Veil和英国酿坊Cloud Water。类果汁印度淡啤有过于甜腻倾向,个人并没有很喜欢,这款酿得均衡好喝,没有过腻感,能在本地喝到外国朋友带来新鲜版更是难得。

4) Brasserie De Neve Gueuze 
This old bottle came as a total surprise---a gift bottle from a Belgium beer geek's personal collections---though the act of sharing among geeks are not uncommon--but to have received this bottle was truly special--shared here in KL--with the gone by years showing it's effect with a somewhat rotten cork---there is almost zero carbonation--unlike what usually a younger Gueuze would show---with a still body--this one tasted very elegant--almost a light smooth oaky wine like beer---certainly one of the best lambic tasted so far.

5) Sahtipaja MeadMe
Was really happy to have tasted this and some other brew from this small brewery from Gothenburg ---This is the Ori version with another being Bourbon Vanilla version---  both are highly regarded --really well made--the varieties of berries added did more than  just balance out the sweetness of honey but added depth and dimensions to the mead. 

6) Superstition Meadery Blueberry Spaceship Box
Mention the word Cider and people will say it's light sweet fizzy and not much else---well---some of my friends who are either wine or whisky connoisseurs had this---and some went with words such as " mind blown" " how can i find this"

7) Westbrook Mexican Cake( Apple Brandy BA)
Mexican Cake is a famous flagship stout from this South Carolina brewery with many different variants---be it using different barrels or with different food items added---had this Apple Brandy version while also having a few other variants of the same beer---this BA version while somehow tasted a little thin on body---the barrel effects just rounded up whatever shortcomings the base beer might have had--it was hands down the best BA Westbrook stouts i have had by far.

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