
Sunday, June 9, 2019

WEEK 148---Travelling for beers

This post is supposed to be week 146 & 147 articles which were backlogged---but decided to jump ahead to today's column first--will post about those two on a later date.

craft beer世界里,欧洲和美国好多不同城市/小镇都有啤迷想去亲临探访的酿坊或酒吧,对不少长期在亚洲生活又没有任何公干理由顺便出游的啤迷来说,欧美啤酒之旅就是最理想出行目标。

Travelling for beers(or to some extent--mead)is what makes a beer geek happy---while many travelling for leisure would focus mainly on things like sight-seeing, finding nice food, taking lots of selfies/ tourist spots pics---beer geeks essentially go travelling for one single most important reason---to seek for beers( or mead)---the biggest attraction for travelling geeks will always be breweries. taproom/ bars or bottle shop---never far from those.
For geeks living in Asia---travelling for beers to either Europe or US will always be a "dream trip"---be it travelling for a specific beer fest like MBCC or any others, or a "normal days" trip like some of my HK geeks friends just did visiting Copenhagen and Brussels---the focus will always be on what to drink/ what brew can be found or had---all other things associated with leisure travelling such as sight-seeing  and so on are secondary.
These are some of the focus points of geeks when travelling for beers abroad"-

1) Bringing own bottles when travelling
This might sound weird---why bring bottles to Europe or US when the whole purpose of travelling is to seek/enjoy awesome brews there? Is it not akin to bringing sands to a desert?

While it may sound like that--in truth quite some geeks do bring their own bottles when travelling---either to trade bottles in person with other geeks or to have either prearranged or impromptu bottles sharing session/s while abroad--these are things common to geeks though it kinda sound not normal to most people.

2) Bringing own bubble wrap when travelling
While most people would pack in extra clothing or say extra pair of shoes/sneakers when travelling---there is one thing some geeks would always pack in their luggage/back pack--bubble wrappers for bottles protection.

While travelling to drink at either beer fest/taproom/bars is always the main objective---bringing home some nice bottles are equally important to many geeks---the fact that bubble wrappers would not always be available for free or not available for purchase easily means the best solution is always to prepare your own--it would be nice to have some bubble wrappers + wrapping tapes ready in the back pack.
3) Finding fellow geeks to share bottles
People do make new friends when travelling---same goes for geeks--especially those travelling alone for beers---it is important to have someone to share beers since bottles can be in 750ml sizes only---for examples in Brussels where sour beer geeks travel from different corners of the world just to sit at the taproom of Brasserie Cantillon sipping lambics---the trouble is--if you travel solo--there's only so many of the 750ml bottles one can drink---hence it's very common to see strangers sitting together sharing bottles---it is a cost effective way & a good way to drink less taste more.

Of course--some geeks who travel alone would have prearranged with geeks living around or travelling to the destination on same dates either for bottle sharing session/s or bars hopping---the craft community is far and wide but at the same time it can be very small in that most geeks would either have common friends or at least being social media friends---the common language of craft beer is helpful.
4) Sight-seeing not a must BUT eat well sleep tight is a must
The worse thing that could happen to a geek travelling thousands of miles is to fall sick---any sort of catching a cold/ having fever//sore throat/stomach upset and so on will be bad for tasting.
To geeks---while sight-seeing is at times needed--it's not the most important things on the to do list---rather than tourists spots--the most interesting sights for geeks will undoubtedly be the breweries/taproom/bars and bottle shops. To fully enjoy the brews--one need to ensure his or her body condition is at normal level---no unwanted health issues due to time differences or different food---Asians mostly need rice and hot soup/ noodles---these are the soul food to ensure revitalization---and of course good sleep is essential--boozing til dawn is not really needed---and drinking without food is a big no no anytime anywhere.....

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