
Tuesday, May 4, 2021

WEEK 190---What is drinking craft beer all about?

*a back dated post--written earlier in the year.

i was asked by someone who is not a craft drinker--"what is it about that some of you craft beer geeks are so serious about beer drinking?"
有不熟悉craft beer是什么的朋友问说为什么一些啤迷看起来对喝craft beer这件事好像非常认真,不就是喝啤酒吗,到底有什么需要那么认真的?
一年刚开始不久,就来重新审视下喝craft beer对不同人来说可能会是怎么一回事。
let's try to find out why:-
The Serious Drinkers
Indeed there are some beer geeks who are dead serious when it comes to craft beer drinking--why so is simple--because these geeks view beer drinking as a process of discovering flavours in a beer---seeking out well made/ delicious/ interesting beers is the aim---simply put--beer drinking has gone above and beyond the basic/general idea of simply drinking alcoholic beverages---it has become a sort of "gourmet drinking"---like foodies trying to find the best available delicacies--beer geeks are( sort of ) on a mission to seek out the best possible beers one can get--with the aim of finding out awesome flavours available in a beer.
朋友问的没错,众多不同喝craft beer群体中确实有一批啤迷对喝啤酒这件事抱持着比较认真心态,对这些啤迷而言,探寻啤酒中能找到的不同类型风味层次是乐趣,找到喝到心目中佳酿是目标,没期待情况下喝到好喝的惊喜更是可以成为不断往前探索的原动力。
认真的啤迷除了瓶子分享会,为酒而飞,或通过自己努力从国外找所住地方完全没机会找到的啤酒之外,不少人也会考取比如认证啤酒裁判(BJCP)或侍酒师(CICERONE)的课程认证资格,而且很多时候出发点也不是为了个人职业规划,更多的是因为兴趣或想提升对啤酒的认识又或者是为了可以从比较专业的角度看待啤酒有关的认知,可以更正确的分享craft文化等等因为对craft beer热情所以自动自发的想要更好。
here's a few things about serious drinkers/geeks :-
1) bottle sharing session is vital--and always treated seriously where liked minded people /"equal standards/ and or perceived/accepted bottle standards is crucial to a high quality session. In simple words--one cannot bring a  B or C level bottle to a share when it is clearly an A or A+ level sharing session---as for the question of how do one determine what is A,B,C level bottle---the thing is geeks generally has got a way of agreeing or disagreeing what is which level---so long it is agreeable then it's all good. *(if one is clueless then obviously don't belong).
2) sourcing for own bottles when local market cannot satisfy the kind of demand where likely geeks has out grown the local market supply chain in terms of the need for varieties/beer styles or specific breweries bottles/cans. 
3) travelling overseas for beers--where daily schedule is solely or mainly to craft beer bars/ bottle shops or breweries tasting rooms or particular beer festival related venue/s
4)   taking beer related courses/exams such as BJCP or Cicerone out of personal interests and not necessarily for beer related jobs.

The Casual Drinkers
it is largely acknowledge that casual beer drinkers are the much bigger consumers group than serious drinkers---this is very understandable especially when MACRO BEER has long been seen as very easy thirst quenching cheap alcoholic beverages---things don't really change that much when it comes to craft beer drinking since many only drink casually---for examples drink in large volume is common among some craft beer drinkers---downing 6-7-8 of the same bottle in one go is not uncommon (which serious drinkers will never do)---most of the time casual drinkers are more like drinking according to mood/occasion rather than specifically seeking for varieties of flavours in beers. To some casual drinkers--the manner in which serious drinkers go about a tasting session is too rigid/laughable/pretentious even...
在喝craft beer的群体中,虽然没有正式数据不过可以说相比占少数对喝啤酒保持比较认真心态的啤迷们,随意喝的群体其实是占大多数的。
情况或许有点类似吃东西,大多数人都喜欢吃自己觉得对口味或者说感觉好吃的东西,但绝大多数人是不会想要比较认真“研究”一些相关资讯的,反正东西好吃就可以,吃完了就是,没什么必要知道更多,这其实也没什么可以诟病的,放在喝craft beer角度来看,不少已经知道并在喝着craft beer的喝酒人其实并不会像那些比较认真啤迷那样为了喝啤酒去做一些特定的事情,更多时候随意喝的人们只想按照自己的心情/渴望度/或是当时的环境决定怎么喝,认真啤迷们那些对瓶子分享会的门当户对讲究或花钱花时间国外找酒进来的举动听在耳中是有点侨情可笑的,感觉喝啤酒喝到那样好像没什么意思,因为好像已经失去了朋友相聚吃吃喝喝聊聊的最基本喝酒乐趣,那些所谓认真的瓶子分享会听起来就像是设了一定门槛才能参与的什么学术研究班那样,喝酒喝成那样,能有趣吗?

In the End
there is absolutely no right or wrong for anyone to be very casual or being serious about craft beer drinking---it is of course all about personal preferences---perhaps to brewers/ bars/bottle shop owners---serious drinkers/geeks are the ones who can better appreciate a brew( but could also be a bunch of demanding picky assholes)--while casual drinkers are definitely a much needed market supporters/consumers to be reckoned with--in a way both are important to the craft beer industry.
As for the question of which type of drinker one wanted to be--the serious one or the casual one--in fact one would see/figure out a direction for him/herself after drinking craft for a while.


craft beer到底喝的是什么,应该怎么喝这问题没有绝对标准答案,一切都看个人意向而定,认真的啤迷们觉得应该要讲究酒的质素整体表现等等,喜欢比较随意的喝酒人们也有自己的看法喝法,虽然道不同但也没有什么大问题,或许对酿酒师还有craft beer店家经营者们来说,认真啤迷们可能是比较看重和珍惜佳酿的一群(但反过来也可能是吹毛求疵的讨厌鬼),但比较随意的喝酒人是不能或缺的销售支撑力量,两者缺一不可,该怎么喝到底喝什么,是要走认真啤迷路线还是随意喝喝就可以,喝着喝着一段时间心中会有大概方向的。

1 comment:

  1. Great article!
    I wish we could send you a care package of beers from Hong Kong.
