
Monday, May 31, 2021

WEEK 191---Some recently had bottles.....

It's almost half a year---covid scenario is not looking good here in Asia with many places facing up surge in cases---Malaysia is one of those---while international travelling is still very much out of the question---thankfully overseas beer mails been coming in small batches (personal pack as well group guys various packs)---these are some which were either shared(when situation permitted) or cracked at home not long ago....

最近和本地瓶子分享会固定啤迷成员聊天谈到大约八九年前大家都在喝些什么,随着对craft beer的认知转变以及味蕾鉴赏力的提升,对酒质素要求也更高,自多年前自己从欧美市场找想喝的酒进来後就没改变过,去年至今大家更积极的向外找酒,疫情反复不定情况下,瓶子分享会没能开几次,但好酒还是会喝一些的,以下是几款值得一提瓶子,有分享会喝到也有在家小酌的。

Belgium Lambic
For the uninitiated---the term Lambic already in itself represent Belgium---just like champagne meaning those originated/produced from the region of Champagne in France---Lambic is that unique spontaneously fermented sour beer originated/produced in Belgium which sour beer geeks goes head over heels with.
Here's 2 which were had recently
3Fonteinen Aardbei Kriek Bio(1819)
A Lambic with strawberries & cherries--very obvious nose of unripe fruits with funk--sour berries notes on initial sips which gets more jammy as the beer warms up with profound strawberry notes--sourish with dry finishing.

Giradin Black Label Gueuze
Had this as well the White Label years ago--personally do think Lambic from Giradin is grossly under-rated though they are really good, as well one of few base lambic wort providers for the very sought after Bokke's blend.
Revisited this one after few years---still very much a lovely solid one--nice notes of wood-earthy-green apple-ish--pleasant sips after sips.

Not Your Usual English Cider
Cider can be very straight forward of crushed apple juices with sugar---obviously not these 2 :-
Mills + Oliver's Foxbic Three
Mills is about natural fermentation beers--while Oliver's is about cider making---this one is a collab-blend of both styles---notes of tangerine with oak influence---dry though fruity--bit of clove but mostly fruits with funk.
Mills是英国酿坊新贵,玩的是天然发酵(spontaneous fermentation)酸啤或农场风格啤酒,这款是跟苹果酒作坊Oliver's合酿的混酒作品,结合两个不同类型酒风味,喝起来既不是酸啤也不是苹果酒,相当有特色。

Starvecrow Natural Cider Bourbon BA
sort of cross borders brew--with cider from different types of English apples thrown into used American Bourbon barrel to soaked on those bourbon goodness---light tartness with obvious barrel influence--easy sipping with undertone of bourbon--never one dimensional--a pleasant one with depth.

Fruited/Adjuncts Sour--UK variants
throwing fruits/adjuncts into beer is not something new--it's been done years ago---but not until quite recently with trend of escalating the "throwing game" to a new level where the sheer volume of fruits/adjuncts being thrown into beer has gotten very very heavy handed.... such as this one:-
投放大量水果让原本风味比较纯粹的啤酒(比如德式酸啤Gose或柏林小麦啤Berliner Weisse)变得复杂,改头换面,甚至面目全非是近期趋势,以下是两款同样玩水果加料但手法成品不一的酸啤:-
Fallen Acorn Have You Got Any Samples
loads of black berries+raspberries+passion fruits as well marshmallow added--from color/body to how thick/murky the lacing looks--one can tell just by looking at the pic above that this is very obviously NOT your typical sour beer---in fact with the very smoothie like mouth feel---this one surely don't look or taste like beer at all....

Neon Raptor Hydra Fight
in total contrast to the one above---this "imperial lassi gose" does look and feel like a beer---even though it was added with lots of mango-passion fruits & pineapples---nothing murky or hazy about the looks but taste wise fruits influences is very obvious while still maintaining how a gose would taste with adequate sour/saltiness--a nice slow sipper.

American Farmhouse ale + Stouts
Hillfarmstead Florence
A saison/farmstead ale from Hillfarmstead--that in itself already sounded like a no-brainer--though "only" a regular variant--it's already a real pleasant easy sipper---aroma of lime/orange peels/citrusy yet with hints of malts--light tart light salty--nice.


Prairie Holiday Weekend
though now is the age of pastry stouts--and the fact that perhaps the "branch out"America Solera stouts is more in trend than Prairie's ---still nice to have this early days 'wow" factor stouts( think Bomb) maker's dark brew---notes of cinnamon/dark chocolate/dark fruits--a little 'old-school" but nothing wrong with that.
较早期喝到美国黑啤中很出色的一家,多年後再喝酿坊作品,虽然已被新一代甜点黑啤(Pastry Stout风潮淹没,但扎实基本功还是会说话,喝起来以肉桂黑巧克力黑色果实风味为主轴的“旧派”黑啤喝起来还是很不错。

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