
Friday, February 11, 2022

2021 Most Memorable Beer List---by Liam (HK)


The beer list continues after CNY break--this time another long time beer buddy from Hong Kong--Liam---who wrote his pick in Chinese--while i do a bit of English transcript.....

here's what Liam has written:-

今年再得到馬來西亞 geek, Ct Tai 邀請 (原來有5年了...), 重溫一下2021年喝過最深印象的啤酒/蜂蜜酒雖然上年繼續受疫情影響幸好還有些時間能跟其他geek一起分享而且越來越多規模較小的外國酒廠也開始輸出總算是疫情下的小安慰吧!

it's been 5 years since first started writing my annual most memorable list for this blog--though 2021 very much a year interrupted by pandemic--good thing is there were still accosions of bottle sharing with other geeks--as well seeing some small breweries available for importing to HK--a much needed consolation during this difficult period.

(1)  Carbon Brews "Funky Rich Lupulin V3"

今年香港酒廠 Carbon Brews 最受歡迎的 NE IPA水準雖則不太穩定, Brett IPA "Funky Rich Lupulins" 成為我最深刻印象的 no.1! 只用啤酒花, 酵母和酒桶陳釀帶來的層次竟然跟近期喝過的多年世界第一酒廠 Hill Farmstead Brewery "Self-Reliance: Hallertau Mittelfrüh" 極為相似兩者均有極佳平衡度, 柑橘, 花香 酵母的農場皮革氣息但前者的白提子味道更特出, 老實說我更愛 "Funky Rich" 多一點點本地品牌今次毫不輸蝕給精釀皇者, 家中還有一枝不捨得喝掉呢!!!
though somehow their most popular NEIPAs been somewhat inconsistent-- "Funky Rich Lupulins"--their brett IPA been amazing--it's very close in taste profile with Hill Farmstead's Self Reliance Hallertau Mittelfrüh with distinct citrusy, floral, yeasty, farm and leather notes but the HK variant has got even more obvious white grapes notes coming through---personally would prefer "Funky Rich" even more---there's another one at home which Liam is reluctant to crack( as yet).

(2) Hill Farmstead Brewery "Barrel-aged Dorothy"

又是 Hill Farmstead, "Dorothy" 可說是他們旗艦的"祖先系列" (ancestral series) 的代表, 其著名的saison 以美國和紐西蘭的啤酒花作dry-hopped; 今次2019 "Barrel-aged Dorothy"陳釀版, 跟普通版一樣, 在微酸saison 中有啤酒花氣息, BA版竟有著豐富的果汁感就如跟 NE IPA混和一樣, 友人 們都大感嘩然幸好還有一枝, 還能回味一下......

One where among the light sourness of saison there were traces of hops influence to be found---though this BA varaint pleasantly surpised geeks during share with it's somewhat rich fruitiness--as if blended with an NEIPA---luckily there's still another at home for future revisit.

3) Mills Brewing "Islay Brut"
這酒已嚐過三四次了還是百喝不厭, 有著酸啤酒常見的檸檬, 青蘋果氣息, 還有故意釀得像香檳的強勁氣泡, 印象最深刻, 當然就是從泥煤威士忌酒桶而來, 明顯但不突兀的氣息, 三種特性加起來可看到這新晉酒廠創新的概念和技術, 是我最愛新酒廠之一.
having had the same beer a few times--Liam is never sick of this one---lemony, green apple and touch of champagne-ish bubbly plus the most distinct whisky barrel peaty character but never overpowering---3 distinctive taste profile in a beer made this new brewery a FAV of Liam.

(4) Other Half Brewing X Parish Brewing Co. "TDH Space Ghost"
兩大NE IPA頂級酒廠聯乘雖則我注重 NE IPA的啤酒花強度, 果汁感甜度的平衡當然這些在此罐全都找到了, 但今次不得不讚其像奶油的超幼滑口感而且還做了簡單實驗連續3星期喝一罐似乎入罐後二至三星期是最佳品嚐時間期待他們下次的合作!
Liam did a small test to see what's the best time to enjoy these NEIPA--by drinking 1 every week for 3 consecutive weeks---and thought the best time was probably 2-3 weeks after canning date----this one was very creamy for Liam;s liking.

(5) Carbon Brews "Black to the Future"
早在4, 5 年前, 精釀界吹起一陣 Black IPA 熱潮, 這種有著烘烤麥芽和啤酒花氣息的 IPA, 如何拿捏兩邊平衡正是這款式的重點, "Black to the Future"  平衡度極佳, 辛辣的感覺 (相信是從columbus啤酒花而來)也讓複雜度提升, 或許有人覺得其啤酒花感覺不夠強, 但烘烤麥芽和啤酒花氣息都輕易感覺得到, 哪方面需要較強相信是個人口味了.
the matching of roasted malt with hops is what black IPA is about---balancing both side of the coins is the trick--which this one did well--so balance with hints of spiciness coming likely from Columbus hops added complexity to it--though some might think hops attack is not there--but that's really up to personal preferences.

(6) Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen  "Twist of Fate (Speling van het)" IX.X 

他們由2018年開始的實驗系列, 由此系列或衍生出來, 主打加入超多水果的 fruit lambic (起碼 >400 克每公升), 今次的 IX.X, 加入大量士多啤梨和車厘子浸漬釀製豐富水果味道之餘同時亦保持低甜度和lambic 的氣息, 2年前的 lambic之旅喝過後依然念念不忘, 那味道當然是直接加入水果蓉的水果冰沙(smoothie) 啤酒不能比擬的.
Lots of strawberry +cherry in this one-- more than 400 gram per litre ratio--fruity with distinct lambic character--very obviously something other beer style using fruits concentrate or smoothie cannot compare with.

(7) Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen "Druif: Dornfelder"
同樣是來自 "Twist of Fate" 系列,  "Druif (提子)", 3F 較少加入提子釀製的款式, 就如葡萄酒和lambic混和, 不太酸, 有提子皮的苦澀和單寧, 本以為他們只釀了兩三款提子殊不知近日又出了幾種這收集提子種類的路似乎沒完沒了.......但都是老生常談加入水果的 lambic 在一兩年內品嚐似乎是在水果味道和lambic氣息之間有著不錯的平衡.
almost like a fusion of lambic and wine---not puckering at all--getting grape skin like bitterness & tannin--tasting fruited lambic within 1-2 years of their release seems to be a good way of enjoying the balance of both fruits and lambic.

(8) Heroes Beer Co. "Bench Boss"

pastry stout盛行的世代,  樂見本地的 Heroes Beer Co.依然釀製這類重口味, 但甜度低苦澀度高以大量啤酒花作平衡的傳統imperial stout; 相似的典型例子, 如在港有售, Oskar Blues Brewery "Ten Fidy"...... "Bench Boss" 相比起來雖然味道較輕, 也因此可喝度更高, 一晚要完成2罐沒有難度啊!
a traditional stouts in the time when Pastry Stouts is the in trend style---heavy, bitter, low sweetness--though perhaps lighter than say Ten Fidy--but that 's meaning more sessionable---cracking 2 cans and solo it in a night is not an issue at all.

(9) Berryland "Apricot Melomel"

自從 Superstition 沒有代理進口後有水準的蜂蜜酒買少見少今年卻有新晉烏克蘭酒廠 Berryland Cidery, "Apricot Sparkling Melomel" 絕對讓人刮目相看; 有杏脯的啤酒最多人熟悉相信是 Cantillon "Fou Foune", 但這枝比新鮮 Fou Foune 杏脯氣息更厲害配合蜂蜜酒甜香 , 像口裡咀嚼杏脯乾果無異也因為適中氣泡和甜度平衡度甚高2021年喝過最佳的蜂蜜酒.
the best melomel for Liam---very obvious dried apricots character with some sweetness coming from the mead & nice bubbly--very balance---one to look out for.

(10) (最有印象兼且失望的....) Trillium "Fated Farmer" 系列s

Trillium  NE IPA stout 的質素不用多說首次嚐嚐他們美式酸啤酒來個平行品飲喝得出這幾款加入不同水果的基酒都是一樣的但問題來了為甚麼味道近乎一樣酸度很高層次簡單但要命的是水果氣息都不太感受到最後不少款式也剩下來無人問津........... 
a very memorable but somewhat dissapoiting one---basically all the bottles taste almost the same with high acidity---not much fruits to be found---sadly with left over which no one bother to finish up.


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