
Thursday, February 17, 2022

WEEK 197---2021 Most Memorable Beer List--by CT (KL)--Part 1

2021 was a year of mixed feelings in terms of craft journey--obviously in many ways due to the on going Covid caused situation---was wishing for a trip out to Tokyo to meet up with guys there & of course for a share or two--that did not happen---while getting "stuck" in KL--with lesser chances to meet up with guys from KLTastingGroup hence not many bottle sharing sessions over the past 12 months---but the pandemic also presented something quite different in terms of beer collections from the guys---with no travelling and better chances to hunt for some never before seen here US breweries bottles( plus a little bit of Belgium bottles too)---the level of beer shared here in KL was a new landmark for the group---especially in terms of Big Stouts---this one is about stouts( plus 1 or 2 Barley Wine) shared here last year:-
*没排名-不分先后  Numbering is just numbering.

1) Angry Chair----BA Cake Pop
if i were to pick a most pleasing one from the stouts i had last year---this is the one---though there are a few others with bigger name/hype or reputation in the list---this one is just very pleasing right from first sip---very balance nothing cloying just smooth & tasty--guys were a bit surprised to see me auto-fill 2-3 times---something i hardly ever do( well except for lambic & saison ...)

2) Side Project--Anabasis, Continuance, Generational
3 different dark brew from SP---Anabasis is the most attention grabbing with it's very immediate presence of leather-tobacco-dark fruits-raisins & smokiness---can't help but sitting more staright while enjoying..
As for the other 2---Continuance is a blend of stouts & barley wine---while Genrational is a more traditional non-adjunct stouts collab with Half Acre--both were good but not hitting my palate' sweet spots so to speak...
密苏里州顶级美国酿坊三款不同风格黑色酿品,除了黑啤也有大麦酒(Barley Wine),以及混合黑啤大麦酒的混酒作品,三款风味表现迥异,大麦酒的Anabasis最让人有印象,另外两款黑啤和混酒作品虽则都不错但没达到个人期待值。

3) Toppling Goliath---KBBS & Assasin (tequila BA & Vanilla Bean)
Thanks to the guys--KL finally got to see these big name/super hyped big stouts after years of seeiing these on craft social media---for me KBBS was very much in a category of it's own---almost like in between the now trendy pasty & the more old school traditional---it's neither here nor there--but in a super good way.
The Assasin series are much more dominating--can be overpowering at times to say the least but not annoying---these are big big stouts no doubt.
KBBS毋庸置疑是芸芸黑啤中天花板级的一款,多年来在二手炒卖市场一直被追捧,多得啤迷朋友分享终能一嚐究竟,纯粹以整体表现来说名不虚传,近年甜点黑啤(PASTRY STOUTS)风行潮流中是款自成一格的顶级美味黑啤,相比“杀手”系列较霸道表现,更显均衡富层次。

4) Weldwerks---Starry Noche & Starriest Night
it was in March when Starriest Night became the first Weldwerks brew cracked here in KL--was quite attention seeking with it's some what raw but very Yam +KAYA +Coconut combination taste profile---then came Starry Nouche later in the year( where KBBS was along side that session)---it was huge yummy Yam+ Hazelnuts +Chocolate & Coconut---very hard hitting on the palate but in a very delicious way--sticky yet crazy drinkable. 

*Worth Mentioning--不能不提 :-
1) Anchorge The Sacrifice
Not the biggest/most hyped brew from this Alaska brewery but the familiar Gula Melaka -ish profile easily captured attention.

2) Bottle Logic Hypermash Hydra
One with the almost sure win combo of Coffee +Coconut---with hints of cinnamon & chocolate--can't go wrong with those.
加州盛名黑啤酿坊,一款Fundemental Observation 让众多啤迷认识,这款以椰子咖啡为主轴的作品喝起来满满椰子咖啡巧克力香味中带点肉桂,是错不了的黑啤风味组合。

3) Other Half--BA Bananaversary
if you like a banana cake with true banana added--then with flavours of chocolate-bourbon-vanilla-caramelized banana all coming into one--this is the one.

NOT in newspaper column---worth mentioning:-
1) Cigar City ---Apple Brandy Hunapuh's 
Hunapuh's  is one with some sort of nostalgic/enlighthening meaning to some of us in the group--cinnamon-toasted coconut--with dark chocolate---barrel influence is there but not too obvious.

2) Boiler Maker Bliss
Carzmelized brown sugar--sweet with undertone of roasted malts--some chocolate & coffee--smooth drinking.

3) Horus---Double Dose, Coconut Crown, Planifolla Purr
Had all 3 during the same seesion as Starry Noche and KBBS---though 2 were before while 1 after---DD was like a burned wafer/biscuit with nuts-vanilla-with hints of some alcohol- good for sharing.
CC was straght up Gula Melaka--like a toasted coconut candy bar with some savoury notes--rather thin for my liking.
PP came with hints oof barrel--bourbon-vanilla-chocolate--sweet think pastry.
第一次在本地出现的美国新贵黑啤酿坊--三款是同一场先后开喝(KBBS-STARRY NOCHE那次)--各有不同风味但不是当天最强最让人赞叹的黑啤。

4) Homes Doozie Noche & Doozie Hawk
Both were collab brew---one with Weldwerks( Noche)--while another with Horus(Hawk)---with same base beer--but different treatment with different choices of barrels---in simple words---Noche was like a think body banana choco---while Hawk was more of a liquid milk choco.

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