
Wednesday, December 28, 2022

WEEK 205----MBCC --Newbie Questions & Answers

MBCC 2023 is scheduled to happen again next May in Copenhagen--someone asked if it's worth the time, money & hassles of flying out from Asia to CPH just for a beer fest--while basing on past personal experiences of having been there a few times I would encourage newbies to attend for at least once---these are a few questions(among others) one should take into considerations before deciding:-
有新朋友问说明年五月的哥本哈根啤酒庆典(Mikkeller Beer Celebration Copenhagen简称MBCC)值得山长水远花一笔不菲的旅费去吗?
1) Limited Hours (with too much to pick)
For the uninitiated---MBCC will be held on  Friday & Saturday--each day there will be a Morning session & Afternoon session---each session for 4 hours---you can go to any brewery's booth to get your choice of beer/mead---the only issue here is that there will be too many different breweries, different styles of beer/mead to pick from( easily over 400 assuming 100 breweries serving 4 different brews---chances are there's always more)--
there's no limits as to how many glasses of different beer/mead you get so long your alcohol tolerence level is holding up nicely.
With limited time(4 hours) and too many to choose from(no less than 400)---the one big question here is what to drink first--or rather what to give it a miss?  While everyone has got different alcohol tolerence level---fair to say it's basically mission impossible to properly taste ALL beer/mead on show during each session---one would probably looking at sampling something beween 50-100 a session--if going at more relax pace than likely under 50.
So the one question for newbie is ---are you  comfortable drinking within a limited time session where the choices available as well the whole festive mood can be so exciting it might turn your head to loosen up too much. 



2) To fly in on which day?
MBCC is a 2 days event---but the whole MBCC idea is much more than just those 2 days---in fact it's about 7-8days of beer heaven in town during that particular week---and for newbie flying out from Asia---we are easily looking at 12-13hours flight to get to Copenhagen---so to arrive on which day of the week is something newbie need to consider because starting from Sunday/Monday there will already be various Tap-Takeover/ New Releases/ Tasting events lining up at various bars in town---hence you would not want to just fly in for the 2 days event hours earlier.
If time permits---it's best to give yourself a whole week to really appreciate the vibe and enjoy what's being planned for that week in Copenhagen--or at least plan to arrive around Wednesday if a whole week of beer is too much.


MBCC是周五和周六两天举行,在那之前的礼拜天(或星期一)开始城内不同酒吧,特别是米吧相关酒吧就已安排好一系列活动,意思是这其实是为期七八天的不停顿啤酒庆典,城内不同酒吧每天都会出现不同酿坊首卖会或占领啤酒泵(tap takeover)活动,而且不少时候是亚洲甚至欧洲来说都难得一见的或盛名酿坊或新贵酿坊作品,对大老远飞去参与其盛的新朋友来说,首先要决定的就是要在那个星期的哪一天飞抵哥本哈根才对,因为到达当天或隔天基本就会是好几天不停顿品饮的开始。

3) To go single session or ALL IN?
Another decision to be made is to decide if you are only going for 1 particular session or 2 or going all out for all 4 sessions?
While a few breweries might repeat what they provided for 2 different sessions---majority of the breweries will be showcasing many different beer/mead for different session--meaning if you only choose to attend 1 or 2 single session then obviously be prepared to miss out on some nice ones (though unless one know what's wanted there's no question of missing out ).
For those who choose to go ALL IN for all 4 sessions---be prepared to go "work-like" at times, some kind of self-discipline is needed too, and of course make sure you have enough rest & food before going into the festive alcoholic "battlefield".
3)选择时段还是ALL IN? 

All beer/mead already included in your ticket prices--meaning it's "FREE" beer/mead on pour--though it's only taster glasses size pour--there will be quite a lot of over 10%abv strong ipas/stouts/ barleywine/mead---the main thing is not to go crazy chasing as many glasses per session possible---because the last thing you want is to go flat during or after a session---there's no point drinking when one's palate and/or brain system is so fxxked up by alcohol one can't even figure out what's in a glass anymore.

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