
Thursday, February 2, 2023

2022 Most Memorable Beer List----by NEIL (Tokyo)

2022 is already in the past---as a tradition of this blog there will be a list looking back the past year by geek friends & myself on some the memorable ones(and probably some mead too)--a sort of conclusion to a year of beer finding.

#pic as provided by NEIL :)

First off the block is a list from Neil---a beer geek friend & japanese beer scene writer from UK based in Tokyo--those interested to find out more about beer scene in Tokyo and beyond can check out Neil's site here :-

Here's the list by Neil( English obvious by Neil--Chinese by me)--all beer pics from internet search.

2022 has been another year where for the most part I haven’t been able to travel outside of Japan. Borders have opened and travel has become possible again, but as far as I’m concerned, just because something is possible, it doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. I still like to drink local if possible, so once again most of my choices are Japanese beers. I’ve put them in groups that I feel make sense, so hopefully you will too. In 2022 Tokyo Beer Drinker went from being a blog to a proper website and consequently I slightly stepped up the activity a bit and went to some new places. I also made a new year’s resolution to have a Japanese craft beer in every ward of Tokyo which resulted in some interesting finds, one of which has made it onto this list.

Kyoto Brewing - Pilgrim’s Respite series (Sosei, Kodama, Barrel Aged, Beginning, Katsumei)
It’s been a bit of weird year for Kyoto Brewing. I haven’t been blown away by many of their beers and most of the beers in one of their series were pretty average for me. However, they still are making great saisons and I really enjoyed all of the variations in their Pilgrim’s Respite series which were really great. I think as you go through my list you’ll see that there are quite a few saisons. It’s certainly one of the first things I look for on a beer menu.
京都酿造--古道をゆく 甦生-木霊-木樽熟成-始動-活命

Brewccoly - Pastoral Saison, Bottom Plower, Shades Of Brown, Tsumoru, Sunday’s Sigh
The Akita based brewery Brewccoly’s beer started coming to Tokyo a bit more often in 2022 which was great for me. Much like with Kyoto, I’m not so sure about their other beers, but I really like their saisons. I guess I just really like saisons.

Zakkoku - Barrel Of Saison
I realise this is getting a bit tedious. Another brewery, another saison. Zakkoku make some really nice beers and their tap takeover at Gremlin was a great event. The beer they made for that event ‘Gremlin Lager’ was also really good, but the highlight of the day and the highlight of my Zakkoku year was Barrel Of Saison, which unsurprisingly was a barrel aged saison.

Passific - Sooy
I’m usually slightly suspicious of new breweries with lots of hype and apparently lots of money and the first few Passific beers I had were nice but not mind-blowing. When I went to their tap takeover at Craftrock in Tokyo, (mainly to tick off the Chuo ward of Tokyo for my resolution but also to give Passific a real try), I really loved Sooy. It’s a saison, (surprise surprise), with lemongrass and rice, which to be honest didn’t sound like it would be amazing, but was. I was delighted to find it at Derailleur’s beer truck when I was at an away game at Cerezo Osaka. It was also ridiculously cheap for some reason, so I had quite a few, and that was a good thing because the game was awful.

Let’s Beer Works - Into The Mix
The final saison in this list and another place that had been on my list of places to visit for a while but which I only got round to going to for my new year’s resolution, (Kita-ku). Into The Mix was the first beer I tried there and was an amazing start. Sadly it was all downhill from there, which sounds like the other beers weren’t good, but they were. Their fruited sour IPAs were also very nice. It’s not exactly an easy place to get to and their opening hours are very limited so it’s not somewhere I’d suggest everyone should visit, but I’d definitely recommend looking out for their beers.

Hop Kotan - Oudou Shinkou, Wagamama Bouzu, Kuro Ni Someru
Hop Kotan has always been a brewery that I slightly overlooked. In 2021 we couldn’t go to the away game in Sapporo due to them not allowing away fans, so 2022 was the first visit we’ve made there since the Hop Kotan Sapporo taproom opened. It was a real highlight and was so good that we went both the day before the game and went back after the game too. Great beer, great food and great prices. Oudou Shinkou was a great Dortmunder, Wagamama Bouzo a great double IPA and Kuro Ni Someru a great Belgian Zwart, which I am not sure is a style, and maybe just means black in Flemish, but was basically something like the old that Drie Fonteinen used to make. All lovely stuff!
忽布古丹酿造是北海道的酿坊, 2021年因为不能客场观赛所以一直等到去年去北海道观看球赛时才终于到访札幌市区新开的酿坊品饮室, 无论是啤酒还是食物或是价格都很令人满意. 所以比
赛前去了, 看完球赛之后还去.
印象深刻的三款啤酒中, "王道進行"是德国多特蒙德浅啤, "我儘坊主"是双倍印度淡啤, “黒に染ろ”则是依据比利时旧式草本啤酒酿造作品,让人想起三泉酿坊(Drie Fonteinen)旧时作品。

Folkways - #64
This is another small Tokyo brewery in an out of the way location with limited opening hours. I didn’t visit it as part of my new year’s resolution but I did go there for only the second time this year. It’s quite close to the modern art museum so I always pair the two. All of their beers are numbered rather than named, so it’s a bit difficult to remember which ones are the best, but I guess that’s what Untappd is for. And I guess they probably don’t make the same beer twice either, but every time I’ve been there, all of them have been good. In case you were wondering, #64 was a blueberry sour. It was very nice.
東京都江东区平野的小酿坊/品饮室(清澄白河附近), 营业时间有限, 所以只是去了第二次, 啤酒都是以号码为代表, 没有酒名, 而且感觉啤酒都只是一次过酿造不重复, 喝过的作品都很不错, 好奇的话, #64是蓝莓酸啤, 非常好喝.

Minoh - Baton No. 002
Minoh have started a series of special beers under the Baton name. I think they are all foeder beers. No. 002 was a foeder pils and was delicious. It was also extremely lively, and both times I had it from a big bottle a lot of it fizzed out everywhere. I probably should have remembered and anticipated that the second time. Looking forward to trying some more of this series.

Godspeed - Sklepník V Oceli, Bůh Originální Ležák
The first non-Japanese beers on this list but there is a Japan connection as the brewer was brewing in Japan before starting Godspeed. Both of these beers were delicious and both were Czech Pils. It’s a shame that he’s not still in Japan making these beers and then I’d be able to drink litres of them. Even at import prices in little cans, they’re still well worth it though. Lovely stuff!

Siren - Oringin Story, Wandering Lines
As I write this, I’m sitting at my parents’ place in the UK drinking Siren beers from my Siren advent calendar, visiting a different country for the first time in almost three years. The beer advent calendar thing is a lot of fun and there have been some real highlights in there. These two were the best so far. Oringin Story was a special version of their imperial stout Origin Story but with added orange zest. It was lovely! And then Wandering Lines was a Kellerbier which it seems I really like, as I think I included Baeren’s Keller last year, which was again delicious this year but I didn’t want to repeat myself.
喝着酒的时候NEIL人在英国父母家,这是三年来第一次回家,跟着酿坊的圣诞倒数日历喝不同酒是蛮有趣的,这两款是最出色的作品,Oringin Story是在原版黑啤中加入橙皮的变奏版,Wandering Lines是德式原味拉格。

Kernel - Vatted Porter 1864, Pils Lorien, IPL Galaxy
I arrived back in the UK and my Kernel delivery arrived the next day. I’ve only finished about a quarter of them so far but it seems that they’re still making great beers. The Vatted Porter is another one of those dark roasty beers with some sourness that I like so much. The Pils Lorien was the first lager I’d had from them and was great. The IPL Galaxy was the second lager I had from them and was also great. I really hope I can get to their taproom some time soon.
回到英国隔天就收到来自KERNEL的酒,虽然只是喝了大概酒箱的四分之一,感觉还是当之无愧的英国顶尖酿坊,The Vatted Porter是带有酸味的烤麦香黑色作品,The Pils Lorien是个人喝到的第一款浅啤,非常好,然后 IPL Galaxy 也是好喝的浅啤作品,希望可以尽快到访他们的酿坊品饮室。

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